Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Jason Bruggeman

Post Doc

Research Publications Publication Date
Bruggeman, J.E., T. Swem, D.E. Andersen, P.L. Kennedy, and D. Nigro. 2018. Incorporating productivity as a measure of fitness into models of breeding area quality of Arctic peregrine falcons. Wildlife Biology. DOI:10.2981/wlb.00475. December 2018
Bruggeman, J.E., T. Swem, D.E. Andersen, P.L. Kennedy, and D. Nigro. 2016. Multi-season occupancy models identify abiotic and biotic factors influencing a recovering Arctic Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus tundrius population in a variable climate. Ibis 158:61-74. DOI:10.1111/ibi.12313. | Download January 2016
Bruggeman, J.E., T. Swem, D.E. Andersen, P.L. Kennedy, and D. Nigro. 2015. Dynamics of a recovering arctic bird population: the importance of climate, density dependence, and site quality. Ecological Applications 25:1932-1943. DOI:10.1890/ | Download December 2015
Bruggeman, J.E., D.E. Andersen, and J.E. Woodford. 2014. Factors related to northern goshawk landscape use in the western Great Lakes region. Journal of Raptor Research 48:228-239. | Download September 2014
Bruggeman, J.E., D.E. Andersen, and J.E. Woodford. 2011. Northern goshawk monitoring in the western Great Lakes bioregion. Journal of Raptor Research 45:290-303. January 2012
Presentations Presentation Date
Kennedy, P.L., J.E. Bruggeman, T. Swem, D.E. Andersen, and D. Nigro. 2015. Dynamics of a recovering Arctic bird population: the importance of climate, density dependence, and site quality. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Australia, Adelaide, Australia. December 2015
Kennedy, P.L., J.E. Bruggeman, T. Swem, D.E. Andersen, and D. Nigro. 2015. (invited) Dynamics of a recovering Arctic bird population: the importance of climate, density dependence, and site quality. University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia. July 2015
Kennedy, P.L., J.E. Bruggeman, T. Swem, D.E. Andersen, and D. Nigro. 2015. (invited) Dynamics of a recovering Arctic bird population: the importance of climate, density dependence, and site quality. Murdoch University, Perth, Australia. July 2015
Bruggeman, J.E., T. Swem, D.E. Andersen, P.L. Kennedy, and D. Nigro. 2015. Dynamics of a recovering arctic bird population: the importance of climate, density dependence, and site quality. The Wildlife Society 2015 Annual Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. October 2015
Bruggeman, J.E., T. Swem, D.E. Andersen, P.L. Kennedy, and D. Nigro. 2013. Multi-scale resource use of arctic peregrine falcons along the Colville River, Alaska. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI. October 2013