Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Stefanie Bergh



Avian ecology and conservation

Research Publications Publication Date
Bergh, S.M. and D.E. Andersen. 2019. Detection probability and occupancy of American woodcock during Singing-ground Surveys. Pages 200-208 in Krementz, D.G., D. E. Andersen, and T.R. Cooper (eds.). Proceedings of the 11th American Woodcock Symposium, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. DOI:10.24926/AWS.0126. | Download December 2019
Bergh, S. M. and D. E. Andersen. 2019. Estimating density and effective area surveyed for American woodcock. 11th American Woodcock Symposium. Pages 193-199 in Krementz, D.G., D. E. Andersen, and T.R. Cooper (eds.). Proceedings of the 11th American Woodcock Symposium, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. DOI:10.24926/AWS.0125. | Download December 2019
Presentations Presentation Date
Bergh, S.M. and D.E. Andersen. 2017. Occupancy and detection probability of American woodcock during Singing-ground Surveys. 11th American Woodcock Symposium, Rosscommon, Michigan, USA. October 2017
Bergh, S.M. and D.E. Andersen. 2017. Estimating density and effective area surveyed for American woodcock. 11th American Woodcock Symposium, Rosscommon, Michigan, USA. October 2017