Wakeling, B. F., and L. C. Bender. 2003. Influence of nutrition on mule deer biology and ecology. Pages 93-116 in J. C. deVos, Jr., M. R. Conover, and N. E. Headrick, editors. Mule deer conservation: Issues and management strategies. Jack H. Berryman Institute, Logan, Utah, USA.
June 2003
Rosas-Rosas, O. C., R. Valdez, and L. C. Bender. 2007. Conservacion del jaguar y puma en el norestre de Sonora. Pages 11-18 in G. Ceballos, C. Chavez, R. Listy, and H. Zarza, editors. Conservacion manajo del jaguar en Mexico: estudios de caso perspectives. Conabio-Alianza WWF/Telcel-Universidad National Automona de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico.
December 2007
Rosas-Rosas, O. C., R. Valdez, L. C. Bender, and D. Daniel. 2003. Food habits of pumas in northwestern Sonora, Mexico. Wildlife Society Bulletin 31:528-535.
June 2003
Rosas-Rosas, O. C., L. C. Bender, and R. Valdez. 2008. Jaguar and puma predation on cattle calves in northeastern Sonora, Mexico. Rangeland Ecology and Management 61: 554-560.
September 2008
Lutz, D. W., B. F. Wakeling, L. H. Carpenter, D. Stroud, M. Cox, D. McWhirter, S. Rosenstock, L. C. Bender, and A. F. Reeve. 2003. Impacts and changes to mule deer habitat. Pages 13-62 in J. C. deVos, Jr., M. R. Conover, and N. E. Headrick, editors. Mule deer conservation: Issues and management strategies. Jack H. Berryman Institute, Logan, Utah, USA.
June 2003
Lomas, L. A., and L. C. Bender. 2007. Survival and cause-specific mortality of mule deer fawns in northcentral New Mexico. Journal of Wildlife Management 71: 884-894.
July 2007
Li, H., K. Galbreath, L. C. Bender, K. West, J. Keller, and T. B. Crawford. 2003. Evidence of three new members of the malignant catarrhal fever virus group in muskox (Ovibos moschatus), Nubian ibex (Capra nubiana), and gemsbok (Oryx gazella). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 39(4): 875-880.
November 2003
Lehmkuhl, J. F., J. Kie, L. C. Bender, G. Servheen, and H. Nyberg. 2001. Evaluating the effects of ecosystem management alternatives on elk, mule deer and white-tailed deer in the interior Columbia River Basin, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 153:89-104.
July 2002
Krueger, B., L. C. Bender, W. R. Gould, and P. Morrow. 2007. A fixed-wing sightability model for oryx in desert habitats. In review: South African Journal of Wildlife Research 37:133-142.
October 2007
Keller, B. K., and L. C. Bender. 2007. Behavioral responses of bighorn sheep to road-related disturbance. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:2329-2337.
September 2007
Heffelfinger, J. R., L. H. Carpenter, L. C. Bender, G. Erickson, M. D. Kirchoff, E. R. Loft, and W. M. Glasgow. 2003. Ecoregional differences in population dynamics. Pages 63-90 in J. C. deVos, Jr., M. R. Conover, and N. E. Headrick, editors. Mule deer conservation: Issues and management strategies. Jack H. Berryman Institute, Logan, Utah, USA.
June 2003
Hall, P. B., L. C. Bender, and M. Garner. 2005. Mycobacteriosis in a black-tailed deer caused by Mycobacterium kansasii. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36:115-116
September 2005
Foreyt, W. F., P. B. Hall and L. C. Bender. 2004. Evaluation of ivermectin for the treatment of hair-loss syndrome in Columbian black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40: 434-443.
August 2004
Burnham, E., L. C. Bender, G. A. Eiceman, K. M. Pierce, and S. Prasad. 2008. Identification of five canid species from volatile chemical chromatography of scats. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:792-797.
April 2008
Bender, L. C., and P. B. Hall. 2004. Winter survival in black-tailed deer populations affected by hair-loss syndrome. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40:444-451.
August 2004
Bender, L. C., and M. Weisenberger. 2005. Relations among precipitation, density, and population dynamics of desert bighorn sheep on San Andres National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33: 956-964
September 2005
Bender, L. C., and J. G. Cook. 2005. Nutritional condition of elk in Rocky Mountain National Park. Western North American Naturalist 65:329-334
September 2005
Bender, L. C., W. L. Myers, and W. R. Gould. 2003. A comparison of ground and helicopter counts for determining North American elk Cervus elaphus and mule deer Odocoileus hemionus population composition. Wildlife Biology 9:199-205.
September 2003
Bender, L. C., S. M. Schmitt, E. Carlson, J. B. Haufler, and D. E. Beyer, Jr. 2005. Meningeal worm mortality in Rocky Mountain elk in Michigan. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 41:134-140.
July 2004
Bender, L. C., P. E. Fowler, J. A. Bernatowicz, J. L. Musser, and L. E. Stream. 2002. Effects of open-entry spike bull, limited-entry branched bull harvesting on elk composition in Washington. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30:1078-1084.
December 2002
Bender, L. C., M. Davison, J. G. Cook, P. B. Hall, and R. C. Cook. 2006. Assessing elk population status and potential performance in the Nooksack herd area, Washington. Northwestern Naturalist 87: 98-106.
June 2006
Bender, L. C., L. A. Lomas, and T. Kamienski. 2007. Habitat effects on condition of doe mule deer in northcentral New Mexico. Rangeland Ecology and Management 60:277-284.
April 2007
Bender, L. C., L. A. Lomas, and J. Browning. 2007. Condition, survival, and cause-specific mortality of mule deer in northcentral New Mexico. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1118-1124.
June 2007
Bender, L. C., J. G. Cook, R. C. Cook, and P. B. Hall. 2008. Relations between nutritional condition and survival of elk in the Pacific Northwest. Wildlife Biology 14:70-80
April 2008
Bender, L. C., H. Li, B. Thompson, and R. Valdez. 2003. Infectious disease survey of gemsbok in New Mexico. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 39(4): 772-778.
November 2003
Bender, L. C., G. A. Schirato, R. D. Spencer, K. R. McAllister, and B. L. Murphie. 2004. Survival, cause-specific mortality, and harvesting of male black-tailed deer in Washington. Journal of Wildlife Management 68:870-878.
October 2004
Bender, L. C., E. Carlson, S. M. Schmitt, and J. B. Haufler. 2003. Body mass and antler development patterns of Rocky Mountain elk in Michigan. American Midland Naturalist 150:169-180.
June 2003
Bender, L. C., E. Carlson, S. M. Schmitt, and J. B. Haufler. 2002. Production and survival of elk (Cervus elaphus) calves in Michigan. American Midland Naturalist 148:163-171.
July 2002
Bender, L. C., D. P. Anderson, and J. C. Lewis. 2004. Population ecology of Columbian black-tailed deer in urban Vancouver, Washington. Northwestern Naturalist 85:53-59.
August 2004
Bender, L. C., D. P. Anderson, and J. C. Lewis. 2004. Annual and seasonal habitat use of black-tailed deer in urban Vancouver, Washington. Urban Ecosystems 7:41-53.
February 2004
Bender, L. C. 2008. Age structure and population dynamics. Pages 65-72 in S. E. Jorgensen and B. D. Fath, editors. Encyclopedia of Ecology, 1st Edition, Volume 1. Elsevier B. V., Oxford, England, United Kingdom.
September 2008
Bender, L. C. 2006. Uses of herd composition ratios in ungulate management. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34:1225-1230.
June 2007
Bender, L. C. 2002. Effects of bull demographics on age classes of harem bulls. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30:193-199.
July 2002
Bender, L. C. 2000. The relationship between habitat and social group size in black-tailed deer. Northwest Naturalist 81:49-53.
January 2000
Baldwin, R. A., and L. C. Bender. 2008. Distribution, occupancy, and habitat correlates of American martens in Rocky Mountain National Park. Journal of Mammalogy 89:419-427.
April 2008