Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Maddy Siller



Maddy is from Kansas where she attended Kansas State University and received her Bachelor’s degree in Wildlife, Fisheries, Conservation, and Environmental Biology. After graduating, she spent the summer working for the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks where she participated in mussel surveys targeting the endangered Cylindrical Papershell. Currently, Maddy is working on her master’s degree studying the impacts of climate change on sportfish assemblages in the Dakotas with Dr. Steven Chipps, Dr. David Coulter, and Dr. Alison Coulter.

Presentations Presentation Date
Maldonado, M.L., D.P. Coulter, A.A. Coulter, S.R. Chipps, M. Siller, T.H. Mahmood, M. Neal, and M.A. Kaemingk. 2023. Predicting how climate change could alter angler effort. 153rd Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Grand Rapids, MI. August 2023