Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Brian Hoven

Post Doc

Presentations Presentation Date
Hoven, B., M. C. Mceachran, M. J. R. Feehan, & G. V. DiRenzo. Knowledge, behavior, and risk perception with regards to Chronic wasting disease (CWD) among hunters in Massachusetts, a state where CWD has not been detected. Brandeis University. January 2023
Hoven, B. M., M. J. R. Feehan, G. V. DiRenzo. Development of proactive CWD communication and education strategies through measuring knowledge, behavior, and risk perception of cervid stakeholders in Massachusetts. April 2023
Hoven, B. M., M. C. Mceachran, M. J. R. Feehan, G. V. DiRenzo. Knowledge and risk perception of Chronic wasting disease (CWD) among hunters in Massachusetts, a state where CWD has not been detected. NEAFWA. April 2022