Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Alicia Krause

Alicia Krause

Phone: (715) 346 - 2178


  • BS University of Wisconsin-Green Bay 2021


I earned my B.S. in Biology from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay in 2021. After graduation I worked with the Illinois River Biological Station and Illinois Natural History Survey mainly studying Asian Carp behavior and movement. My research topic at UWSP will focus on modifying Lake Whitefish statistical catch-at-age models to incorporate mixed stock analyses.

Presentations Presentation Date
Krause, A., Shi, Y., Larson, W.A., and J.J Homola. 2023. Assessment of spatial and temporal variation in stock-specific harvest rates for Lake Michigan’s lake whitefish fishery. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society February 2023
Krause, A., Shi, Y., Brenden, T., Wesley, L., and J. Homola. August 2023. Spatiotemporal stock mixing variation informs the development of ‘mixture-aware’ catch-at-age models for lake whitefish in Lake Michigan. University of Wisconsin Stevens Point, Wisconsin Cooperative Fishery Research Unit. Stevens Point, Wisconsin. IAGLR Conference on Great Lakes Research. Toronto, Canada. August 2023