Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Mrs. Kimberly Bonvechio

Kimberly Bonvechio, Ph.D. student, University of Florida and Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit.

Phone: (912) 282 - 2363
Faculty Email:


  • MS University of Florida 2001
  • BS University of South Carolina 1998


I am a doctoral student at the University of Florida under Dr. Andrew Carlson and a full-time assistant research scientist with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. . My research interests include: addressing broad-scale fisheries issues using large, diverse datasets; evaluating long-term fisheries monitoring programs; defining and communicating relevancy of monitoring programs for natural resource decision makers; and developing effective methods for communicating complex issues to natural resource user groups.. Teaching and mentoring young women in science.

Research Publications Publication Date
Tugend, K.I., and M.S. Allen. 2004. Changes in the plant and fish communities in enhanced littoral areas of Lake Kissimmee, Florida, following a habitat enhancement. Lake and Reservoir Management 20:54-64. December 2004
Tugend, K.I., and M.S. Allen. 2000. Temporal dynamics of zooplankton community composition and mean size at Lake Wauberg, Florida. Florida Scientist 63(3):142‑154. December 2000
Tugend, K.I., M.S. Allen, and M. Webb. 2002. Use of fisheries habitat structures in U.S. lakes and reservoirs: a survey from the Southern Division AFS Reservoir Committee. Fisheries 27(5):22-27.<0022:UOAHSI>2.0.CO;2
December 2002
Tugend, K.I., M.S. Allen, and M. Binford. 2004. Potential use of remote sensing to assess effects of wave action on plant re-establishment. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 42:54-59. December 2004
Thompson, B.C., W.F. Porak, K.I. Bonvechio, B.L. Barthel, M.S. Allen, and C.M. Adams. 2016. Economic and conservation impacts of stocking wild Florida Bass into large Florida lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:452-464. December 2016
Sengco, M.R., A.S. Li, K. Tugend, D. Kulis, and D.M. Anderson. 2001. Removal of red- and brown-tide cells using clay flocculation. I. Laboratory culture experiments with Gymnodinium breve and Aureococcus anophagefferens. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 210:41-53. December 2001
Quist, M., K.I. Bonvechio, and M.S. Allen. 2009. Statistical analyses and data management. P. 171-194. In S. Bonar, D. Willis and W. Hubert (eds). Standard Sampling Methods for North American Freshwater Fishes. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. December 2009
Nagid, E.J., T.F. Bonvechio, K.I. Bonvechio, and W.F. Porak. 2015. Suwannee Bass Micropterus notius Bailey & Hubbs, 1949. P. 67–73. In M.D. Tringali, J.M. Long, T.W. Birdsong, and M.S. Allen (eds). Black Bass Diversity. American Fisheries Society Symposium 82, Bethesda, Maryland. December 2015
Gwinn, D.C., M.S. Allen, K.I. Bonvechio, M. Hoyer, and L.S. Beesley. 2016. Evaluating estimators of species richness: the importance of considering statistical error rates. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7:294-302. December 2016
Dotson, J.R., K.I. Bonvechio, B.C. Thompson, W.E. Johnson, N.A. Trippel, J.B. Furse, S. Gornak, C.K. McDaniel, W. F. Pouder, and E. H. Leone. 2015. Effects of large-scale habitat enhancement
strategies on Florida bass fisheries. P. 387-404. In M.D. Tringali, J.M. Long, T.W. Birdsong, and M.S. Allen (eds). Black Bass Diversity. American Fisheries Society Symposium 82, Bethesda, Maryland.
December 2015
Bonvechio, T.F., and K.I. Bonvechio. 2021. Proposed standard weight (Ws) equation and standard length categories for Lake Chubsucker Erimyzon sucetta. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. December 2021
Bonvechio, T.F., K.I. Bonvechio, and S.M. Sammons. 2019. Proposed standard weight (Ws) equation and standard length categories for Shoal Bass Micropterus cataractae. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39:933-938. December 2019
Bonvechio, T.F., K.I. Bonvechio, and R.L. Cailteux. 2010. Proposed standard weight (Ws) equation and standard length categories for Suwannee Bass. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:983-988.

December 2010
Bonvechio, K.I., and T.F. Bonvechio. 2006. Relationship between habitat and sportfish populations over a twenty-year period at Lake Tohopekaliga, Florida. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:124-133. December 2006
Bonvechio, K.I., S. Hooley, S. Crawford, and R.E. Sawyers. 2012. Comparison of sinking and floating gill nets for collecting shads Dorosoma spp. in shallow Florida lakes. Lake and Reservoir Management 28:1-9. December 2012
Bonvechio, K.I., R.E. Sawyers, and E. Leone. 2013. Increasing the efficiency of Florida’s Freshwater Fisheries Long-term Monitoring Program. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 1:7–13. December 2013
Bonvechio, K.I., R.E. Sawyers, R. Bitz, and S. Crawford. 2014. Use of mini–fyke nets for sampling shallow-water fish communities in Florida lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34:693-701. December 2014
Bonvechio, K.I., M.S. Allen, T.F. Bonvechio and T. Coughlin. 2008. Comparison of largemouth bass assessment metrics between standardized and historical sampling designs at six Florida lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1132-1137. December 2008
Bonvechio, K.I., M.J. Catalano, R.E. Sawyers, and S. Crawford. 2009. Determining sample size for monitoring fish communities using electric fishing in three Florida lakes. Fisheries Management and Ecology 16:409-412. December 2009
Bonvechio, K.I., B. Barthel, and J. Carroll. 2018. Health and genetic structure of the American Eel in Florida. Southeastern Naturalist 17:438-455. December 2018
Bonvechio, K.I. 2016. Comparison of glass eel stages of American Eel and Speckled Worm Eel in a northeast Florida estuary. Fisheries Management and Ecology 23:350–355. December 2016
Allen, M.S., and K.I. Tugend. 2002. Effects of habitat enhancement on habitat quality and largemouth bass recruitment at Lake Kissimmee, Florida. P. 265-276. In D. Philipp and M. Ridgway (eds). Black Bass: Ecology, Conservation and Management. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. December 2002
Allen, M.S., K.I. Tugend, and M. Mann. 2003. Largemouth bass abundance and angler catch rates following a habitat enhancement project at Lake Kissimmee, Florida. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:845-855. December 2003
Presentations Presentation Date
Tugend, K.I., and M.S. Allen. 2001. Effects of a habitat enhancement on littoral plant and fish communities. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. August 2001. Phoenix, AZ. August 2001
Tugend, K.I., and M.S. Allen. 2001. Plant and fish communities in enhanced littoral areas of Lake Kissimmee, Florida following a major habitat enhancement. Southern Division Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. February 2001. Jacksonville, FL. February 2001
Tugend, K.I., M.S. Allen, and M.A. Webb. 2000. Abiotic habitat enhancements in U.S. lakes and reservoirs: a survey of the Southern Division Reservoir Committee. Southern Division Midyear Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. February 2000. Savannah, GA. February 2000
Tugend, K.I., M.S. Allen, and M. Binford. 2002. Use of remote sensing and GIS technologies for studying plant community dynamics: a case study. Native Aquatic Plant Symposium, Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. August 2002. Baltimore, MD. August 2002
Tugend, K.I., M.S. Allen, and M. Binford. 2002. The use of remote sensing and GIS to identify factors related to plant colonization. Southern Division Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. February 2002. Little Rock, AR. February 2002
Tugend, K.I. 2004. Relationship between habitat and sportfish populations over a twenty-year period at Lake Tohopekaliga, Florida. Southern Division Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. February 2004. Oklahoma City, OK. February 2004
Coleman, Tyler Steven, Andrew K. Carlson, Robert W. Eckelbecker, Kimberly I. Bonvechio. 2022. Using long-term monitoring data to evaluate Largemouth Bass and Black Crappie growth in a changing climate. Annual Meeting, Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Charleston, South Carolina, 20-23 January 2022. January 2022
Bonvechio, T.F., and K.I. Bonvechio. 2006. Preliminary population responses of sport fish species to a habitat enhancement at West Lake Tohopekaliga. Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries <br> Society Annual Meeting, February 2006. Ocala, FL. February 2006
Bonvechio, T.F., K.I. Bonvechio, and R.L. Cailteux. 2011. Proposed standard weight (<i>W<sub>s</sub></i>) equation and standard length categories for Suwannee bass. Annual Meeting of the Georgia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. February 2011: Perry, GA. February 2011
Bonvechio, T.F., K.I. Bonvechio, and R.L. Cailteux. 2010. Proposed standard weight (W<sub>s</sub>) equation and standard length categories for Suwannee bass. Annual Meeting of the Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. February 2010: Ocala, FL. February 2010
Bonvechio, T. and K. Bonvechio. 2021. Proposed standard weight (Ws) equation and standard length categories for Lake Chubsucker <i>Erimyzon sucetta</i>. Virtual Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Session, April 2021. April 2021
Bonvechio, K.I., S. Hooley, S. Crawford, and R.E. Sawyers. 2011. Comparison of sinking and floating gill nets for collecting shads <i>Dorosoma</i> sp. and black crappie <i>Pomoxis nigromaculatus</i> in shallow Florida lakes. Southern Division Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. January 2011. Tampa, FL. January 2011
Bonvechio, K.I., R.E. Sawyers, and E. Leone. 2013. Increasing the cost-effectiveness of Florida’s Freshwater Fisheries Long-term Monitoring Program. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Meeting. October 2013. Oklahoma City, OK. October 2013
Bonvechio, K.I., R.E. Sawyers, R. Bitz, and S. Crawford. 2014. Use of mini–fyke nets for sampling shallow-water fish communities in Florida lakes. Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. February 2014. Ocala, FL. February 2014
Bonvechio, K.I., R. Hamm, and S. Whichel. 2019. <i>Anguillicoloides crassus: </i>Gulf of Mexico's unwanted visitor. Southern Division Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. January 2019. Galveston, TX. January 2019
Bonvechio, K.I., J. Crumpton, W.E. Johnson. 2005. American eel, <i>Anguilla rostrata</i>, monitoring in Florida. Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting February 2005. <br> Ocala, FL. February 2005
Bonvechio, K.I., C. Steward, A. Strickland, and J. Hill. 2015. Thinking inside the box to learn about Florida’s American Eels. FWC-FWRI Seminar. December 2015. St Petersburg, FL. December 2015
Bonvechio, K.I., A. Strickland, C. Steward, J. Hill, J. Carroll, B. Barthel. 2016. Thinking “Inside the box” to direct American Eel research efforts in Florida. Southern Division Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. February 2016. Wheeling, WV. February 2016
Bonvechio, K.I., A. Strickland, C. Steward, J. Hill, B. Barthel, and J. Carroll. 2017. Using non-target surveys to assess health and population genetic structure of Florida’s American Eels. Southern<br>Division Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. February 2017. Oklahoma City, OK. February 2017
Bonvechio, K.I. 2018. Florida’s American Eels: On the Atlantic-Gulf Line. Southern Division Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. March 2018. San Juan, PR. March 2018
Bonvechio, K.I. 2015. What can we learn about Florida's American eel populations with ongoing monitoring efforts? Southern Division Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. January-February 2015. Savannah, GA. February 2015
Bonvechio, K.I. 2005. Standardized sampling in lentic systems: a Florida perspective. Southern Division Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. February 2005. Virginia Beach, VA. February 2005
Bonvechio, K.I. 2005. Fish habitat management at a national level. Pennsylvania Black Bass Workshop V. April 2005. Ernest, PA. April 2005
Bonvechio, K., M. Catalano, R.E. Sawyers, and S. Crawford. 2009. Determining electrofishing sample size for monitoring fish communities in three Florida lakes. Annual Meeting of the Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. February 2009. Ocala, FL. February 2009
Bonvechio, K., J. Estes, and S. Crawford. 2008. Kick off 2006: FWC's Freshwater Fisheries Long-Term Monitoring Program. Annual Meeting of the Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. February 2008. Ocala, FL. February 2008
Bonvechio, K., J. Estes, and S. Crawford. 2008. FWC's Freshwater Fisheries Long-Term Monitoring Program: How did we get where we are and where are we heading? Seminar for the University of Florida's Program for Environmental Statistics. March 2008. Gainesville, FL. March 2008
Bonvechio, K., E. Sawyers, J. Estes, J. Dotson, M. Hoyer, and S. Crawford. 2020. Cultivating a freshwater fisheries long-term monitoring program: A step-by-step approach. Virtual Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Session, April 2020. April 2020
Bonvechio, K., B. Barthel, and J. Carroll. 2018. Health and genetic structure of the American Eel in Florida. FWC Joint Research-Management Meeting, January 2018. Haines City, FL. January 2018
Bonvechio, K., A. Strickland, C. Steward, J. Hill, J. Carroll, B. Barthel. 2016. Thinking “inside the box” to<br>learn about Florida’s American Eels. FWC Joint Research-Management Meeting, January 2016. Crystal River, FL. January 2016
Bonvechio, K. I., and A. K. Carlson. Using surveys as part of a multifaceted monitoring program evaluation. Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Coordinating Committee Meeting, Gainesville, Florida, 24 April 2022. April 2023
Bonvechio, K. I., R. Paudyal, C. Crandall, and A. K. Carlson. 2023. Survey evaluation of Florida’s Freshwater Fisheries Long-Term Monitoring Program. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Meeting, Norfolk, Virginia, 1–5 February 2023.​​​​ February 2023
Bonvechio, K. I., C. Shea, and A. K. Carlson. 2023. Multifaceted evaluation of a long-term freshwater fisheries monitoring program. 153rd Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Grand Rapids MI, 20–24 August 2023. August 2023
Bonvechio, K. I., C. P. Shea, and A. K. Carlson. 2024. Work smarter, not harder: using data simulations to inform sampling decisions. Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Coordinating Committee Meeting, Gainesville, Florida, April 2024. April 2024
Bonvechio, K. I., C. P. Shea and A. K. Carlson. 2024. Work smarter, not harder: using data simulations to inform sampling decisions. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Graduate Student Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 1 March 2024. March 2024
Bonvechio, K. I. and A. K. Carlson. 2023. Using surveys as part of a multifaceted monitoring program evaluation. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Graduate Student Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, February 2023. February 2023
Bonvechio, K. I. and A. K. Carlson. 2022. Lessons from a long-term fisheries monitoring program: Florida’s freshwater experience. Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Coordinating Committee Meeting, Gainesville, Florida, 9 May 2022. May 2022
Bonvechio, K. I. and A. K. Carlson. 2022. Lessons from a long-term fisheries monitoring program: Florida’s freshwater experience. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Graduate Student Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 15 March 2022. March 2022
Bonvechio, K. 2017. American Eel research in Florida. FWC-Fish and Wildlife Research Institute Leadership Team Meeting, December 2017. Eustis, FL. December 2017
Allen, M.S., and K.I. Tugend. 2000. Effects of habitat enhancement on habitat quality and largemouth bass recruitment at Lake Kissimmee, Florida. Black Bass Symposium, Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. August 2000. St. Louis, MO. August 2000
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
Other - Selection Committee Member for the Noreen Clough Memorial Scholarship for Females in Fisheries Bonvechio 2017 Present
Other - Secretary-Treasurer and Monthly Blog Contributor for the Women of Fisheries Nonprofit Bonvechio January 2020 Present
American Fisheries Society - Uses of the Internet for Fisheries Research and Management at the Southern Division Meeting Bonvechio 1999 1999
American Fisheries Society - Southern Division Secretary-Treasurer (two terms) Bonvechio 2015 2019
American Fisheries Society - Southern Division Representative to the AFS Nominating Committee Bonvechio 2013 2017
American Fisheries Society - Registration Chair for the 2018 Southern Division Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico Bonvechio 2017 2018
American Fisheries Society - Publicity and Public Relations Chair for the 2017 Tampa AFS Meeting Bonvechio 2016 2017
American Fisheries Society - Newsletter Editor for the Florida Chapter Bonvechio 2002 2005
American Fisheries Society - Membership at various levels, including the Chapter, Division, and Parent Society Bonvechio 1998 Present
American Fisheries Society - AFS Emerging Leaders Mentorship Award Committee Member Bonvechio 2019 Present