Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Sam Martinez

Sam Martinez



Sam grew up in Albuquerque, New Mexico and attended New Mexico State University where he received his B.S. in Wildlife Ecology. After graduating, he worked as a technician on various research projects throughout the country including projects on desert bighorn sheep, mountain lion abundance monitoring, raptor monitoring and wildland firefighting. Sam then began work on a NMSU elk research project examining the effects of Mexican gray wolf reintroduction on elk survival. For his M.S research, Sam is investigating prey composition and kill rates of Mexican gray wolves and mountain lions in the Southwest.

Presentations Presentation Date
Martinez, S.I., N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C. deVos and J.W Cain III. 2024. Kill rates and prey composition of Mexican gray wolves and cougars in New Mexico and Arizona. Joint Annual Meeting of Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. February 2024
Martinez, S.I., N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C. deVos and J.W Cain III. 2023. Kill rates and prey composition of Mexican gray wolves and cougars in New Mexico and Arizona. Chihuahuan Desert Conference, El Paso, Texas, USA. November 2023
Martinez, S.I., N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C. deVos and J.W Cain III. 2023. Estimating kill rates and prey composition of Mexican gray wolves and cougars in New Mexico and Arizona. 30th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. November 2023
Martinez, S.I., J.W Cain III, N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, and J.C. deVos. 2023. Kill rates and prey composition of Mexican gray wolves and cougars in New Mexico and Arizona. Joint Annual Meeting of Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Farmington, New Mexico, USA. February 2022
Martinez, S.I., J.W Cain III, N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, and J.C. deVos. 2023. Estimating kill rates and prey composition of Mexican gray wolves and cougars in New Mexico and Arizona. 15th Biennial Deer and Elk Workshop, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. May 2023