Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Staff Member

Dr. Steve Grodsky

Dr. Steve Grodsky

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (607) 255 - 4219
Faculty Email:
Faculty Website


  • Ph D North Carolina State University 2016
  • MS University of Wisconsin-Madison 2010
  • BS Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 2008


Dr. Steve Grodsky earned his BS in Conservation and Applied Ecology from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, his MS in Wildlife Ecology for the University of Wisconsin - Madison, and his PhD in Wildlife and Conservation Biology from North Carolina State University. He conducted his postdoctoral research at the University of California, Davis, where he co-founded the Wild Energy Initiative and served as its co-director from 2017 to 2022. Currently, Steve is the Assistant Unit Leader of the New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment at Cornell University. Dr. Grodsky is a broadly trained, applied ecologist. He specializes in the emerging field of renewable energy ecology - the study of interactions among energy development, ecosystems, and people. His research includes diverse taxa and disciplines and spans various ecosystems from deserts to aquatic systems. Dr. Grodsky teaches seminars on renewable energy ecology and scientific writing at Cornell University and has taught courses in ecology and entomology at other institutions.

Areas of Expertise

Anthropogenic Impacts, Biodiversity, Desert Ecology, Ecological Services, Energy: Development/Alternative, Entomology, Habitat Management, Landscape Ecology, Movement Ecology, Species Management, Wildlife Management, eDNA

Taxon Groups Studied

Bats, Carnivores, Crayfish, Furbearers, Invertebrates/Insects, Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Pollinators, Small Mammals, Songbirds, Species of Greatest Conservation Need, Ungulates, Water/Marsh Birds

Research Publications Publication Date
Yang, Y., S. E. Hobbie, R. R. Hernandez, D. Tilman, S. M. Grodsky, Y-G. Zhu, Y. Luo, T. M. Smith, J. Fargione, J. M. Jungers, M. Yang, W-Q Chen. 2020. Restoring abandoned farmland to mitigate climate change on a full Earth. One Earth. 3:176–186. doi:10.1016/j.oneear.2020.07.019. August 2020
Y. Yang, J. Zhenong, N. D. Mueller, R. R. Hernandez, S. M. Grodsky, L. Sloat, M. Chester, Y. G. Zhu, and D. Lobell. 2022. Climate feedbacks from irrigation inform sustainable adaptation. Nature Food. September 2023
Wu, D., Grodsky, S.M., Xu, W., Liu, N., Almeida, R.M., Zhou, L., Miller, L.M., Roy, S.B., Xia, G., Agrawal, A.A., Houlton, B.Z., Flecker, A.S. and Xu, X. (2023). Observed impacts of large wind farms on grassland carbon cycling. Science Bulletin, 68(23), pp.2889–2892. doi: July 2023
Wade, M., K. Moore-O'Leary, S. M. Grodsky, and M. Meek. 2022. Of Mojave milkweed and mirrors: The population genomics of a species impacted by solar energy planning. Conservation Science and Practice. June 2023
Virzi, T., J. L. Lockwood, R. G. Lathrop, S. M. Grodsky, and D. Drake. 2017. Predicting American oystercatcher breeding distribution in an urbanized coastal ecosystem using Maximum Entropy Modeling. Waterbirds. 40 (SP1):104–122. doi:10.1675/063.040.sp112. February 2017
Virzi, T., J. L. Lockwood, D. Drake, S. M. Grodsky, and T. Pover. 2016. Conservation implications of reproductive success of American oystercatchers in an urbanized barrier island complex. Wader Study. 123::202–212. doi:10.18194/ws.00049. December 2016
Murphy-Mariscal, M., S. M. Grodsky, and R. R. Hernandez. 2018. Solar energy development and the biosphere. Pp. 387-401 in A Comprehensive Guide to Solar Energy Systems. T. Letcher and V. Fthenakis (eds.). Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-811479-7.00020-8. September 2018
Moorman, C. E., S. M. Grodsky, and S. P. Rupp. 2019. Introduction: Renewable energy and wildlife conservation. Pp. 1-13 in Renewable Energy and Wildlife Conservation. C. Moorman, S. Grodsky, and S. Rupp (eds.). Johns Hopkins University Press. September 2019
Moorman, C. E., S. M. Grodsky, and S. P. Rupp (eds.). 2019. Renewable Energy and Wildlife Conservation. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 10 September 2019. September 2019
L. S. Saul-Gershenz, S. M. Grodsky, and R. R. Hernandez. 2020. Ecology of the Western Queen Butterfly Danaus gilippus thersippus (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts. Insects. 11:315. doi:10.3390/insects11050315. May 2020
Karban, C. C., J. E. Lovich, J. R. Ennen, S. M. Grodsky, and S. M. Munson. 2023. Predicting the Effects of Solar Energy Development on Wildlife and Plants in the Desert Southwest, USA. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. August 2024
Hernandez, R. R., A. E. Cagle, S. M. Grodsky, G. Exley, and S. M. Jordaan. 2021. Comments on: Land use for United States power generation: A critical review of existing metrics with suggestions for going forward. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. September 2022
Hernandez R. R., A. Armstrong, J. Burney, G. Ryan, K. Moore-O'Leary, I. Diédhiou, S. M. Grodsky, L. Saul-Gershenz, R. Davis, J. Macknick, D. Mulvaney, G. A. Heath, S. B. Easter, M. K. Hoffacker, M. F. Allen, and D. M. Kammen. 2019. Techno-ecological synergies of solar energy produce beneficial outcomes that mitigate global environmental change. Nature Sustainability. 2:560–568. doi:10.1038s41893-019-0309-z. July 2019
Grodsky, S.M., Campbell, J.W., Roeder, K.A., Waite, E.S., Wright, E.R. and Johnston, M.A. (2024). Mixed responses of tenebrionid beetles to solar energy development in the Mojave Desert. Journal of Arid Environments, 225, pp.105243–105243. doi:
September 2024
Grodsky, S.M. 2021. Matching clean energy and conservation goals for a sustainable future. One Earth. 4, 924-926. July 2021
Grodsky, S. M., S. R. Fritts, and R. R. Hernandez. 2019. Renewable energy ecology: The next frontier in wildlife science. Pp. 247-260 in Renewable Energy and Wildlife Conservation. C. Moorman, S. Grodsky, and S. Rupp (eds.). Johns Hopkins University Press. September 2019
Grodsky, S. M., R. R. Hernandez, J. W. Campbell, K. R. Hinson, O. Keller, S. R. Fritts, J.A. Homyack, and C. E. Moorman. 2019. Ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) response to harvest residue retention: Implications for sustainable forest bioenergy production. Forests. 11:48. doi:10.3390/f11010048. December 2019
Grodsky, S. M., R. B. Iglay, C. E. Sorenson, and C. E. Moorman. 2015. Should invertebrates receive greater inclusion in wildlife research journals? Journal of Wildlife Management. 79:529–536. doi:10.1002/jwmg.875. April 2015
Grodsky, S. M., M. J. Behr, A. Gendler, N. L. Walrath, and D. Drake. 2010. Bat mortality at a wind farm in southeastern Wisconsin (with a special emphasis on causes of death for bats killed by wind turbines). Proceedings of the National Wind Coordinating Collaborative Wind Wildlife Research Meeting VIII (S. Schwartz, ed.). Washington, DC. October 2010
Grodsky, S. M., M. J. Behr, A. Gendler, D. Drake, B. D. Dieterle, R. J. Rudd, and N. L. Walrath. 2011. Investigating the causes of death for wind turbine-associated bat fatalities. Journal of Mammalogy. 92:917–925. doi:10.1644/10-MAMM-A-404.1. October 2011
Grodsky, S. M., L. S. Saul-Gershenz, K. A. Moore-O’Leary, and R. R. Hernandez. 2020. Her Majesty’s desert throne: The ecology of queen butterfly oviposition on Mojave milkweed host plants. (Special Issue: Butterfly Conservation and Management). Insects. 11:257. doi:10.3390/insects11040257. April 2020
Grodsky, S. M., L. S. Saul-Gershenz, K. A. Moore-O’Leary, J. P. Whitney, and R. R. Hernandez. 2019. Hare don’t care! Consumption of a rare, desert milkweed containing phytochemicals by the black-tailed jackrabbit. Journal of Arid Environments. 174:103991. doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2019.103991. June 2019
Grodsky, S. M., K. Tanner, J. Whitney, and R. R. Hernandez. 2020. Desert plant response to solar energy development: Trophic interactions, rare and invasive species, and management implications.CEC-500-2020-076. California Energy Commission. December 2020
Grodsky, S. M., K. A. Roeder, J. W. Campbell. 2023. Effects of solar energy development on ants in the Mojave Desert. Ecosphere. October 2023
Grodsky, S. M., K. A. Moore-O’Leary, and R. R. Hernandez. 2017. From butterflies to bighorns: Multi-dimensional species-species and species-process interactions may inform sustainable solar energy development in desert ecosystems. Proceedings of the 31 Annual Desert Symposium (R. L. Reynolds, ed.). April 2017
Grodsky, S. M., J. W. Campbell, and R. R. Hernandez. 2021. Effects of solar energy development on flower-visiting beetles, flies, moths, and wasps in the Mojave Desert. Special Issue: Renewable Energy and Biological Conservation in a Changing World. Biological Conservation. 263, 109336. September 2021
Grodsky, S. M., J. W. Campbell, S. R. Fritts, T. B. Wigley, and C. E. Moorman. 2018. Variable responses of non-native and native ants to coarse woody debris removal following forest bioenergy harvests. Forest Ecology and Management. 427:414–422. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2018.02.010. February 2018
Grodsky, S. M., C. S. Jennelle, and D. Drake. 2013. Bird mortality at a wind-energy facility near a Wetland of International Importance. The Condor: Ornithological Applications. 115:700–711. doi:10.1525/cond.2013.120167. September 2013
Grodsky, S. M., C. S. Jennelle, D. Drake, and T. Virzi. 2012. Bat mortality at a wind-energy facility in southeastern Wisconsin. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 36:773–783. doi: 10.1002/wsb.191. September 2012
Grodsky, S. M., C. E. Moorman, and K. R. Russell. 2023. Forest Wildlife Management in Ecological Forest Management Handbook. 2nd edition. G. LaRocque (ed.). Taylor Francis Group/CRC Press. August 2024
Grodsky, S. M., C. E. Moorman, and K. R. Russell. 2016. Forest wildlife management. Pp. 47-85 in Ecological Forest Management Handbook. G. LaRocque (ed.). Taylor Francis Group/CRC Press. November 2016
Grodsky, S. M., C. E. Moorman, S. R. Fritts, S. B. Castleberry, and T. B. Wigley. 2016. Breeding, early-successional bird response to forest harvests for bioenergy. PLOS One. 11(10): e0165070. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0165070. October 2016
Grodsky, S. M., C. E. Moorman, S. R. Fritts, J. W. Campbell, M. A. Bertone, C. E. Sorenson, S. B. Castleberry, and T. B. Wigley. 2018. Invertebrate community response to coarse woody debris removal for bioenergy production from intensively managed forests. Ecological Applications. 28:135–148. doi:10.1002/eap.1634. January 2018
Grodsky, S. M., C. E. Moorman, S. R. Fritts, D. W. Hazel, J. A. Homyack, S. B. Castleberry, and T. B. Wigley. 2016. Winter bird use of harvest residues in clearcuts and the implications of forest bioenergy harvest in the southeastern United States. Forest Ecology and Management. 379:91–101. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2016.07.045. November 2016
Grodsky, S. M. and D. Drake. 2011. Bird and bat mortality at the Forward Energy Center in southeastern Wisconsin. Final report prepared for the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin and Invenergy. PSC REF #:152052. August 2011
Grodsky, S. M. 2023. Join the revolution: For wildlifers, renewable energy offers unprecedented challenges--and opportunities. The Wildlife Professional. May 2024
Grodsky, S. M. & R. R. Hernandez. 2020. Reduced ecosystem services of desert plants from ground-mounted solar energy development. Nature Sustainability. doi:10.1038/s41893-020-0574-x. December 2020
Garvin, J. C., C. S. Jennelle, D. Drake, and S. M. Grodsky. 2011. Response of raptors to a windfarm. Journal of Applied Ecology. 48:199–209. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2010.01912.x. February 2011
Fritts, S. R., S. M. Grodsky, and C. E. Moorman. 2014. Managing woody debris to sustain wildlife populations following woody biomass harvests. Southeastern Partnership for Integrated Biomass Supply Chains. Available at October 2013
Fritts, S. R., S. M. Grodsky, D. W. Hazel, J. A. Homyack, S. B. Castleberry, and C. E. Moorman. 2015. Quantifying multi-scale habitat use of woody biomass by southern toads. Forest Ecology and Management. 346:81–88. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2015.03.004 June 2015
Fritts, S. R., C. E. Moorman, S. M. Grodsky, D. W. Hazel, J. A. Homyack, S. B. Castleberry, K. H. Pollock, and C. B. Farrell. 2016. Can biomass harvesting guidelines sustain herpetofauna following harvest of logging residues for renewable energy? Ecological Applications. 26:926–939. doi:10.1890/14-2078. April 2016
Fritts, S. R., C. E. Moorman, S. M. Grodsky, D. W. Hazel, J. A. Homyack, C. B. Farrell, and S. B. Castleberry. 2017. Rodent response to harvesting woody biomass for bioenergy production in the southeastern United States. Journal of Wildlife Management. 81:1170–1178. doi:10.1002/jwmg.21301. September 2017
Fritts, S. R., C. E. Moorman, S. M. Grodsky, D. W. Hazel, J. A. Homyack, C. B. Farrell, and S. B. Castleberry. 2015. Shrew response to variable woody debris retention: Implications for sustainable forest bioenergy. Forest Ecology and Management. 336:35–43. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2014.10.009. January 2015
Drake, D., J. C. Garvin, C. S. Jennelle, and S. M. Grodsky. 2010. Response of raptors to a Wisconsin wind energy facility. Proceedings of the National Wind Coordinating Collaborative Wind Wildlife Research Meeting VIII (S. Schwartz, ed.). Washington, DC. October 2010
Drake, D., C. S. Jennelle, J. N. Lui, S. M. Grodsky, S. Schumaker, and M. Sponsler. 2015. Regional analysis of wind turbine-caused bat mortality. Acta Chiropterologica. 17:179–188. doi:10.3161/15081109ACC2015.17.1.015. June 2015
Drake, D, J. N. Lui, C. S. Jennelle, S. M. Grodsky, S. Schumaker, and S. Sponsler. 2012. Regional analysis of wind turbine-caused bat fatality. Proceedings of the National Wind Coordinating Collaborative Wind Wildlife Research Meeting IX (S. Schwartz, ed.). Washington, DC. November 2012
Cope, G. C., J. W. Campbell, S. M. Grodsky, and J. D. Ellis. 2019. Evaluation of nest-site selection of ground-nesting bees and wasps (Hymenoptera) using emergence traps. Canadian Entomologist. 151:260–271. doi:10.4039/tce.2019.3. March 2019
Campbell, J.W., Grodsky, S.M., Milne, M.A., Vigueira, P., Vigueira, C.C., Stern, E. and Greenberg, C.H. (2022). Prescribed fire and other fuel-reduction treatments alter ground spider assemblages in a Southern Appalachian hardwood forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 510, p.120127. doi:
April 2022
Campbell, J. W., S. M. Grodsky, O. Keller, C. Vigueira, E. Waite, P. Vigueira, and C. Greenberg. 2018. Response of beetles (Coleoptera) to repeated applications of prescribed fire and other fuel reduction techniques in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Forest Ecology and Management. 429:294–299. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2018.07.022. September 2018
Campbell, J. W., S. M. Grodsky, D. Halbritter, P. Vigueira, C. Vigueira, O. Keller, and C. H. Greenberg. 2019. Asian needle ant (Brachyponera chinensis) and woodland ant responses to repeated applications of fuel reduction methods. Ecosphere. doi:10.1002/ecs2.2547. January 2019
Campbell, J. W., S. M. Grodsky, A. P. Monroe, and J. A. Martin. 2021. Bee (Apoidea) community response to perennial grass treatments managed for livestock production and conservation. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 313, 107391. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2021.107391. March 2021
Campbell, J. W., C. B. Kimmel, S. M. Grodsky, C. Smithers, J. C. Daniels, and J. D. Ellis. 2019. Wildflower plantings harbor increased arthropod richness and abundance within intensively managed agricultural areas. Ecosphere. doi:10.1002/ecs2.2890. October 2019
Cagle, A., A. Armstrong, G. Exley, S. M. Grodsky, J. Macknick, J. Sherwin, and R. R. Hernandez. 2020. The land sparing, water surface use efficiency, and water surface transformation of floating photovoltaic solar energy installations. Sustainability. 12:8154. doi:10.3390/su12198154. October 2020
Cagle, A. E., M. Shepard, S. M. Grodsky, A. Armstrong, S. M. Jordaan, and R. R. Hernandez. 2023. Standardized metrics to quantify solar energy-land relationships: A global systematic review. Frontiers in Sustainability. April 2023
Almeida, R. M., R. Schmitt, S. M. Grodsky, A. S. Flecker, C. P. Gomes, L. Zhao, H. Lu, N. Barros, R. Kelman, and P. B. McIntyre. 2022. Floating solar. Evaluate trade-offs. Nature. June 2022
Abbate, A. P, J. W. Campbell, S. M. Grodsky, and G. R. Williams. 2023. Assessing the attractiveness of native wildflower species to bees (Hymenoptera) in the southeastern United States. Ecological Solutions and Evidence. July 2024
Boycott, Timothy

Canino, Ash

Cardoso, Simone
Post Doc

Cheeley, Lucy

Davis, Caitlin

Davis, Kaila

Gallaher, Adam
Post Doc

Hardouin, Marie

Kelty, Rachel

Simamora, Trifosa

Sturchio, Matthew
Post Doc

Turchick, Kyle

Zoller, Leana
Post Doc

Presentations Presentation Date
Virzi, T., J. L. Lockwood, D. Drake, S. M. Grodsky, and T. Plover. 2011. Conservation of American oystercatchers (Haematopus palliates) within an urbanized barrier island complex. The Waterbird Society’s 35th Annual Meeting. Annapolis, Maryland. November 2011
Turchick, K., and S. M. Grodsky. The geodiversity-biodiversity relationship: across ecosystems and disturbance agents. Department of Natural Resources and the Environment Symposium. Cornell University, January 2024. January 2024
Turchick, K. & S. M. Grodsky. 2023. The geodiversity-biodiversity relationship. Biogeochemistry, Environmental Science, and Sustainability Graduate Student Symposium. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. February 2023
Turchick, K. & S. M. Grodsky. 2023. The geodiversity-biodiversity hypotheses: Preliminary investigations. Department of Natural Resources and the Environment Graduate Student Association Symposium. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. January 2023
T.I. Simamora, Boycott, T.J., and S.M. Grodsky. Quantifying Grassland Bird Community on Protected and Working Lands in New York: An Initial Investigation Preceding the Influence of Solar Panel Infrastructure Development. DNRE Symposium, Cornell University, NY, January 19, 2024. January 2024
Shepard, M., A. E. Cagle, S. M. Grodsky, A. Armstrong, and R. R. Hernandez. 2020. Delineating solar energy and land-use interactions: An exigency for standardized metrics. American Geophysical Union's Fall Virtual Meeting. December 2020
Rodriquez, J., A. E. Cagle, S. M. Grodsky, T. Conkling, T. Katzner, S. Kelly, and R. R. Hernandez. 2021. Waterbird interactions with floating photovoltaic solar facilities: Considerations for conservation. American Wind Wildlife Institute Solar Power and Wildlife/Natural Resources Symposium. Virtual. December 2021
Robles, E. R., G. Ryan, S. M. Grodsky, and R. R. Hernandez. 2017. Solar energy potential of the largest commercial buildings in the United States. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. December 2017
Ray, N., T. Canino, M. Holgerson, and S. M. Grodsky. 2023. Effect of floating solar installation on greenhouse gas emissions from ponds. AGU 23. December 2023
Moorman, C. E., S. M. Grodsky, and S. R. Fritts. 2015. Guiding development of biomass harvesting guidelines to ensure ecological sustainability of gleaning logging residues for renewable energy. NC State Forestry and Environmental Resources Departmental Seminar. Raleigh, North Carolina. October 2015
Moorman, C. E., S. M. Grodsky, and D. W. Hazel. 2012. Potential effects of woody biomass harvests on avian habitat quality. Southeastern Partners in Flight Annual Meeting. Raleigh, North Carolina. March 2012
Moorman, C. E., S. M. Grodsky, S. R. Fritts, and D. W. Hazel. 2016. Does gleaning logging residues for renewable bioenergy threaten wildlife in the southeastern US? Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation Seminar. Clemson University. Clemson, South Carolina. March 2016
Moorman, C. E., S. M. Grodsky, S. R. Fritts, J. W. Campbell, C. E. Sorenson, M. A. Bertone, S. B. Castleberry, and T. B. Wigley. 2016. Multi-scale invertebrate response to harvest residue removal. The Wildlife Society’s 23rd Annual Conference. Raleigh, North Carolina. October 2016
Maynard, L., S. M. Grodsky, G. R. Hess, and C. E. Moorman. 2015. Downed wood in the neighborhood: Availability of downed wood in an urban matrix. NC State Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium. Raleigh, North Carolina. April 2015
Maynard, L., S. M. Grodsky, C. E. Moorman, and G. E. Hess. 2015. Downed wood in the neighborhood: Availability of woody debris in an urban-exurban matrix. International Urban Wildlife Conference. Chicago, Illinois. May 2015
Kelty, R., and S. M. Grodsky. Habitat selection of native bees in the national wildlife refuges across the northeastern United States. 79<sup>th</sup> Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference. Cape Cod, MA April 2024
Hardouin, M. & S. M. Grodsky. 2023. Solar energy-carnivore interactions in the Sonoran Desert, California. Department of Natural Resources and the Environment Graduate Student Association Symposium. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. January 2023
Grodsky, S. M<b>.</b> 2022. Energy and Environment - A Big Idea for Climate 2030. 2030 Cornell Climate Impact Roundtable. Ithaca, New York. September 2022
Grodsky, S. M.<b> </b>2022. Insect conservation and habitat management in desert solar facilities. Member Symposium: Inspiring Insect Biodiversity Conservation through Incorporation of Vital Habitat in Infrastructure Entomological Society of America 2022 Joint Annual Meeting. Vancouver, B.C., Canada (virtual). November 2022
Grodsky, S. M.<b> </b>2019. The ecology of concentrating solar power at Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System. Bureau of Land Management. Arden-Arcade, California. March 2019
Grodsky, S. M.<b> </b>2017. Exploring the renewable energy-wildlife nexus: Animal conservation in parallel with next-generation energy development. Institute of Transportation Studies. Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways Seminar Series. Davis, California. January 2017
Grodsky, S. M., S. R. Fritts, T. B. Wigley, and C. E. Moorman. 2014. A multi-pronged approach to measuring effects of private lands management on biodiversity: conservation and forest bioenergy. Symposium: “Applications of Biodiversity Metrics on Private Lands for Conservation Outcomes”. Society for Conservation Biology’s North American Congress for Conservation Biology. Missoula, Montana. July 2014
Grodsky, S. M., S. R. Fritts, C. E. Moorman, S. B. Castleberry, J. A. Homyack, and T. B. Wigley. 2013. Evaluation of wildlife response to woody biomass harvesting. Project Directors Meeting - AFRI Foundational Programs: Soil Processes, Managed Ecosystems, and Ecosystem Services/Renewable Energy, Natural Resources, and Environment. Annapolis, Maryland. April 2013
Grodsky, S. M., S. P. Rupp, and C. E. Moorman. 2017. Renewable energy and wildlife conservation: The next frontier in wildlife science. Symposium: “Advancing wildlife conservation and renewable energy: A synthesis of energy system technologies and identifying effects on wildlife”. The Wildlife Society’s 24<sup>th</sup> Annual Conference. Albuquerque, New Mexico. September 2017
Grodsky, S. M., R. B. Iglay, C. E. Sorenson, and C. E. Moorman. 2014. Invertebrates are wildlife too: Representation of “The Little Things That Run the World” in wildlife journals. The Statistics and Zoology Graduate Research Symposium. Raleigh, North Carolina. April 2014
Grodsky, S. M., R. B. Iglay, C. E. Sorenson, and C. E. Moorman. 2014. Do wildlife journals shrug at bugs? Symposium: “Integrating invertebrates into wildlife science and management: The importance of our most abundant and diverse wildlife group”. The Wildlife Society’s 21st Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. October 2014
Grodsky, S. M., R. B. Iglay, C. E. Sorenson, and C. E. Moorman. 2014. Considerations for integration of invertebrates into wildlife research. Symposium: “Integrating invertebrates into wildlife science and management: The importance of our most abundant and diverse wildlife group”. The Wildlife Society’s 21st Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. October 2014
Grodsky, S. M., M. J. Behr, A. Gendler, N. L. Walrath, and D. Drake. 2010. Bat mortality at a wind farm in southeastern Wisconsin (with a special emphasis on causes of death for bats killed by wind turbines). National Wind Coordinating Collaborative Wind Wildlife Research Meeting VIII. Lakewood, Colorado. October 2010
Grodsky, S. M., M. J. Behr, A. Gendler, D. Drake, B. D. Dieterle, R. J. Rudd, and N. L. Walrath. 2011. Causes of death for wind turbine-associated bat fatalities. Wisconsin Chapter of The Wildlife Society’s Winter Meeting. Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. December 2011
Grodsky, S. M., K. Tanner, L. Saul-Gershenz, K. Moore-O'Leary, J. P. Whitney, and R. R. Hernandez. 2019. Solar energy ecology. Environmental Protection Agency. San Francisco, California. November 2019
Grodsky, S. M., K. A. Moore-O’Leary, and R. R. Hernandez. 2017. Next-generation solar energy ecology research in deserts. 31st Annual Desert Symposium. California State University Desert Studies Center. Zzyzx, California. October 2017
Grodsky, S. M., J. W. Campbell, A. Fesnock, L. E. Franklin, M. Hardouin, and R. R. Hernandez. 2021. Effects of solar energy development on desert ecosystems and their services. American Wind Wildlife Institute. 2021 Solar Symposium. December 2021
Grodsky, S. M., C. E. Sorenson, and B. Overman. 2015. Building science communication skills in college freshman: a case study with entomophagy. Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences and Forestry and Environmental Resources Joint Departmental Research Symposium. Raleigh, North Carolina. October 2015
Grodsky, S. M., C. E. Moorman, and D. W. Hazel. 2012. Potential effects of woody biomass harvesting on avian habitat use. Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences and Forestry and Environmental Resources Joint Graduate Student Symposium. Raleigh, North Carolina. October 2012
Grodsky, S. M., C. E. Moorman, S. R. Fritts, S. B. Castleberry, and T. B. Wigley. 2015. How good is downed wood? Breeding bird response to gleaning harvest residues for renewable bioenergy. The Wildlife Society’s 22nd Annual Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba. October 2015
Grodsky, S. M., C. E. Moorman, S. R. Fritts, S. B. Castleberry, and T. B. Wigley. 2014. Effects of biomass harvesting guidelines on avian habitat use. United States Department of Interior Southeast Climate Science Center Grand Opening. Raleigh, North Carolina. January 2014
Grodsky, S. M., C. E. Moorman, S. R. Fritts, S. B. Castleberry, and T. B. Wigley. 2014. Effects of biomass harvesting guidelines on avian habitat use. North Carolina Chapter of The Wildlife Society’s Annual Meeting. Summit, North Carolina. March 2014
Grodsky, S. M., C. E. Moorman, S. R. Fritts, S. B. Castleberry, and T. B. Wigley. 2013. Effects of woody biomass harvests on avian habitat use. The Wildlife Society’s 20th Annual Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. October 2013
Grodsky, S. M., C. E. Moorman, S. R. Fritts, S. B. Castleberry, and T. B. Wigley. 2013. Effects of biomass harvesting guidelines on avian habitat use. Symposium: “Wildlife Response to Intensive Management of Eastern Forests”. The Wildlife Society’s 20th Annual Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. October 2013
Grodsky, S. M., C. E. Moorman, S. B. Castleberry, T. B. Wigley, and S. R. Fritts. 2013. Effects of biomass harvesting guidelines on avian habitat use. Weyerhaeuser Sustainability Research Meeting - Catchlight Symposium. New Bern, North Carolina. April 2013
Grodsky, S. M., C. E. Moorman, J. A. Homyack, and T. B. Wigley. 2016. Forest bioenergy and wildlife conservation in North Carolina. North Carolina Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Brown’s Summit, North Carolina. March 2016
Grodsky, S. M. and R. R. Hernandez. 2017. Who’s hot, who’s not? Effects of concentrating solar power heliostats on soil temperature at Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, Mojave Desert, USA. American Geophysical Union’s Fall Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana. December 2017
Grodsky, S. M. and D. Drake. 2012. Effects of wind farms on birds in Wisconsin: Lessons learned for the Southeast. Southeastern Partners in Flight Annual Meeting. Raleigh, North Carolina. March 2012
Grodsky, S. M. and D. Drake. 2010. Preliminary results from a veterinary analysis of bats killed by wind turbines. Wisconsin Chapter of The Wildlife Society’s Winter Meeting. Wausau, Wisconsin. December 2010
Grodsky, S. M. 2024. National Pollinator-Solar Energy Interactions Assessment. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office 2024 Peer Review. Washington, D.C. 3.27.24. March 2024
Grodsky, S. M. 2021. Solar energy in desert ecosystems and the bright future of solar energy ecology. American Clean Power Siting and Environmental Compliance Virtual Summit 2021. August 2021
Grodsky, S. M. 2021. Pollinators and solar: A starting point. Agriculture and Solar Summit for Cornell Cooperative Extension Educators. August 2021
Grodsky, S. M. 2021. Energy ecology: Solutions for climate adaptation in a changing world. Northeast Climate Change working Group. August 2021
Grodsky, S. M. 2018. Renewable energy ecology: The next frontier in wildlife science. Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology Departmental Seminar. University of California, Davis. Davis, California. March 2018
Grodsky, S. M. 2018. Renewable energy ecology: The next frontier in conservation science. Spring 2018 Colloquium Series. Sacramento State Departments of Geology, Biological Sciences and Environmental Studies and the U.S. Geological Survey. Sacramento, California. February 2018
Grodsky, S. M. 2017. Energy and biodiversity. Energy and the Environment Seminar. Department of Land, Air & Water Resources. University of California, Davis, Davis, California. February 2017
Grodsky, S. M. 2015. Arthropods as wildlife, for wildlife: Bridging the gap between applied, entomological and wildlife sciences. Symposium: “Use of arthropods in wildlife and applied ecology: recognition of our common goals”. Entomology 2015. Entomological Society of America’s 2015 Meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota. November 2015
Grodsky, S. M. & R. R. Hernandez. 2019. Solar energy development in deserts reduces ecosystem services and socioecological resources of indigenous people. American Geophysical Union’s Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. December 2019
Grodsky, S. M. & K. Douglass. 2015. Committing to a committee. North Carolina Chapter of The Wildlife Society’s Annual Meeting. Lake Logan, North Carolina. March 2015
Grodsky, S. M. & D. Drake. 2014. Moving towards a sustainable energy future: a case study of wind energy development and wildlife. 2nd International Symposium on Energy Challenges and Mechanics. Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom. August 2014
Grodsky, S. M. & D. Drake. 2009. Investigating the impact of wind farms on birds and bats in southeastern Wisconsin. Wisconsin Chapter of The Wildlife Society’s Winter Meeting. Madison, Wisconsin. December 2009
Grodsky, S. M. & D. Drake. 2009. Bat mortality at a wind farm in southeast Wisconsin, with a special emphasis on causes of death. 70th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, Illinois. October 2009
Grodsky, S. M. & C. E. Moorman. 2013. Renewable energy and wildlife: Sustaining natural resources in the face of global climate change. Southeast Climate Science Center Seminar Series. Raleigh, North Carolina. November 2013
Grodsky, S. M. & C. E. Moorman. 2013. Potential effects of woody biomass harvesting on avian habitat use. North Carolina Chapter of The Wildlife Society’s Annual Meeting. Columbia, North Carolina. April 2013
Garcia, D., R. Choudberry, S. M. Grodsky, and R. Almeida. 2024. Overlap between solar power potential and bee diversity hotspots in the contiguous United Sates. 78<sup>th</sup> Annual Meeting of the Subtropical Agriculture and Environments Society. South Padre Island, Texas. 2.8.24. February 2024
Garcia, D., R. Choudberry, S. M. Grodsky, and R. Almeida. 2024. Analyzing Synergies and Conflicts: Solar Power Potential and Bee Diversity Patterns in the Contiguous United States. University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley College of Science Annual Research Conference. Edinburg, TX. 4.26.24. April 2024
Fritts, S. R., C. E. Moorman, S. M. Grodsky, D. W. Hazel, J. A. Homyack, C. B. Farrell, and S. B. Castleberry. 2016. Herpetofauna response to woody biomass harvesting. Symposium: “Response of amphibians and reptiles to anthropogenic disturbance”. The Wildlife Society’s 23rd Annual Conference. Raleigh, North Carolina. October 2016
Fritts, S. R., C. E. Moorman, D. W. Hazel, S. B. Castleberry, C. F. Farrell, J. A. Homyack, and S. M. Grodsky. 2013. Effects of biomass harvesting guidelines on herpetofauna use of clearcuts. Symposium: “Wildlife Response to Intensive Management of Eastern Forests”. The Wildlife Society’s 20th Annual Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. October 2013
Fritts, S. R., C. E. Moorman, D. W. Hazel, J. A. Homyack, S. B. Castleberry, C. B. Farrell, and S. M. Grodsky. 2013. Amphibian response to woody biomass harvesting. North Carolina Association of Environmental Professionals. Raleigh, North Carolina. February 2013
Fritts, S. R., C. E. Moorman, D. W. Hazel, J. A. Homyack, C. B. Farrell, S. M. Grodsky, S. B Castleberry, D. Greene, and E. E. Evans. 2017. Rodent response to harvesting woody biomass for energy. The Wildlife Society’s 24th Annual Conference. Albuquerque, New Mexico. September 2017
Fritts, S. R., C. E. Moorman, D. W. Hazel, J. A. Homyack, C. B. Farrell, S. M. Grodsky, K. H. Pollock, and S. B. Castleberry. 2014. Amphibian response to woody biomass harvesting. Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference. Austin, Texas. February 2014
Drake, D., S. M. Grodsky, M. J. Behr, A. Gendler, D. Drake, B. D. Dieterle, R. J. Rudd, and N. L. Walrath. 2012. Investigating the causes of death for wind turbine-associated bat fatalities. The Wildlife Society’s 19th Annual Conference. Portland, Oregon. October 2012
Drake, D., J. N. Lui, C. S. Jennelle, S. M. Grodsky, S. Schumaker, and M. Sponsler. 2012. Regional analysis of wind turbine-caused bat fatality. National Wind Coordinating Collaborative Wind Wildlife Research Meeting IX. Broomfield, Colorado. November 2012
Drake, D., J. C. Garvin, C. S. Jennelle, and S. M. Grodsky. 2010. Response of raptors to a Wisconsin wind energy facility. National Wind Coordinating Collaborative Wind Wildlife Research Meeting VIII. Lakewood, Colorado. October 2010
Davis, C. M., T. Katzner, M. Palumbo, V. Slabe, and S.M. Grodsky. 2024. Developing a framework for non-lead ammunition incentive programs for Bald and Golden Eagle conservation in the northeastern U.S. Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation. October 2024
Davis, C. M., S. M. Grodsky, M. D. Palumbo, T. Katzner. 2024. Testing the efficacy of a non-lead ammunition rebate program for eagle conservation in New York. Winter Meeting of the Atlantic Flyway Council Technical Sections. 2/26/24. February 2024
Davis, C. M., S. M. Grodsky, M. D. Palumbo, T. Katzner. 2024. Testing a non-lead ammunition rebate program for eagle conservation in New York State. Cornell Cooperative Extension Allegany County 31st Annual Rural Landowner Workshop. 3/2/2024. March 2024
Castleberry, S. B., C. E. Moorman, S. R. Fritts, S. M. Grodsky, D. W. Hazel and J. A. Homyack. 2019. Wildlife occurrence data for risk-based assessment. International Workshop on Adequacy of Spatial Databases for Conducting Risk Assessments of Sustainable Wood Sourcing Practices of the U.S. Industrial Wood Pellet Industry Supplying European Energy Demand, Athens, GA. March 2019
Campbell, J. W., S. M. Grodsky, C. Stanley-Stahr, J. D. Ellis, C. Smithers, and J. C. Daniels. 2016. Pollinators and other arthropod attraction to native wildflower plantings in Florida. XXV International Congress of Entomology/Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Orlando, Florida. September 2016
Campbell, J. W. & S. M. Grodsky. 2014. Pollinating insect communities in semi-natural grasslands managed for conservation benefits and biomass production. Entomological Society of America’s Annual Meeting. Portland, Oregon. November 2014
Cagle, A., M. Shepard, S. M. Grodsky, and R. R. Hernandez. 2019. Solar energy development in an era of looming land scarcity: Land-use metrics standardization and novel concepts. American Geophysical Union’s Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. December 2019
Cagle, A. E., S. M. Grodsky, A. Armstrong, G. Exley, J. Macknick, J. Sherwin, and R. R. Hernandez. 2021. Floating photovoltaic solar energy: Metrics for potential land sparing and wildlife interactions. American Wind Wildlife Institute. 2021 Solar Symposium. December 2021
Cagle, A. E., A. Armstrong, G. Exley, S. M. Grodsky, J. Macknick, J. Sherwin, and R. R. Hernandez. Techo-hydrological attributes and land sparing opportunities of floating solar photovoltaics. American Geophysical Union's Fall Virtual Meeting. December 2020
Boycott, T.J., T.I. Simamora, and S.M. Grodsky. Occurrence dynamics of grassland birds on protected and working lands in New York: Implications for solar energy development. DNRE Symposium, Cornell University, NY, January 19, 2024. January 2024
Boycott, T.J., T.I. Simamora, and S. M. Grodsky. Grassland birds and solar energy in New York: Interactions and management implications across spatiotemporal scales. NYSDEC Bird and Mammal Diversity Team Annual Planning Meeting, Brockport, NY, October 11, 2023. October 2023
Boycott, T.J., T. Simamora, and S. M. Grodsky. Grassland birds and solar energy in New York: Interactions and management implications across spatiotemporal scales. New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Annual Coordinating Committee Meeting, Albany, NY, May 24, 2023. May 2023
Bennett, A., I. Caldwell, L. Walston, A. Dolezal, C. Rochon, A. Feggestad, and S. M. Grodsky. 2021. A Research Roundtable Discussion: The future of research on pollinator habitat at solar sites. American Wind Wildlife Institute Solar Power and Wildlife/Natural Resources Symposium. Virtual. December 2021
Almeida, R. M., R. Schmitt, S. M. Grodsky, A. S. Flecker, C. P. Gomes, L. Zhao, N. Barros, R. Kelman, and P. B. McIntyre. 2022. Opportunities and risks of floating solar power deployment on reservoirs. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2022. Grand Rapids, MI. May 2022
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
The Wildlife Society - Member; contributor to Renewable Energy Working Group Grodsky December 2010 Present
The Wildlife Society - Faculty Co-Advisor, Cornell University Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society Grodsky September 2022 Present
Entomological Society of America - Member Grodsky September 2018 Present
American Geophysical Union - Member Grodsky 2019 Present