Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Mr. Shashank Poudel


Presentations Presentation Date
Poudel, S., Twining J.P. Ghimere S., Stedman R.C. , and Fuller, A.K. On the leopard’s trail: Estimating leopard (<i>Panthera pardus fusca</i><i> </i>) site use in the mid-hills of Nepal. Global Leopard Conference. Cape Leopard Trust, South Africa. March 13-17, 2023. March 2023
Poudel, S., R.C. Stedman, and A.K. Fuller. 2021. Pardus in the press: Modeling occurrence of leopard attacks on humans in Nepal. The Wildlife Society's 28th Annual Conference. November 2021