Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Kaitlyn Vega


Research Publications Publication Date
Strickfaden, K.M., M.L. Behan, A.M. Marshall, L.K. Svancara, D.E. Ausband, and T. Link. 2023. Virtual snow stakes: a new method for snow depth measurement at remote camera stations. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 47: e1481. | Abstract August 2023
Strickfaden, K.M., A. Marshall, L. Svancara, D.E. Ausband, and T. Link. 2023. Identifying snow refugia in complex forested terrain using camera data. Environmental Research Letters. 18:044014. | Abstract March 2023
Ausband, D.E., P. Lukacs, M. Hurley, S. Roberts, K. Strickfaden, and A. Moeller. 2022. Estimating wolf abundance from cameras. Ecosphere. 13:e3933. | Abstract February 2022
Presentations Presentation Date
Strickfaden, K.M, A.M. Marshall, L.K. Svancara, D.E. Ausband, and T.E. Link. Assessing the accuracy of temperature measurements from Reconyx cameras. Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Butte, MT. 8 February 2024. February 2024
Strickfaden, K., A.M. Marshall, D.E. Ausband, and T.E. Link. 2021. The virtual measuring stake: an R package allowing for snow depth measurements at remote camera stations. Idaho Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Virtual Meeting. December 2020
Strickfaden, K. M., D. Ausband, T. Link. 2020. Novel methods for deriving snow data from remote cameras and applications to ungulate ecology and wildlife habitat management. University of Idaho Project Stakeholder Meeting. 15 June 2020. June 2020