Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Megan Heller

Megan Heller



I was raised in Boise, Idaho and fell in love with all aspects of the outdoors as a kid. After high school I moved to Steamboat Springs, Colorado and played in the snow for several years, as well as attended a community college to begin my education in biology. I moved back to Idaho and finished my B.S. in biology at Boise State, graduating in 2016. Before and after finishing my degree, I worked several seasonal positions with Idaho Fish and Game monitoring anadromous fish in Idaho's central mountains. I am currently working toward an M.S. in the lab of Dr. Mike Quist. My thesis research is investigating the production of wild Bonneville Cutthroat Trout in Bear Lake in southern Idaho and providing insight to help with future management decisions regarding this important fishery. My free time is mostly spent fishing, hunting, snowboarding, and keeping my dog entertained.

Presentations Presentation Date
Linder. K., M.R. Heller, C.J. Conway, K.T. Vierling, and A.Yen. 2021. Assessing Fish Assemblage Structure in St. Charles Creek, Idaho. Ecological Society of America Annual Conference. Virtual. 4 Aug 2021. August 2021
Keo, A.G., M.R. Heller, C.J. Conway, K.T. Vierling, and A. Yen. 2021. The influence of depth and location on abundance of fishes in gill net surveys in Bear Lake, Idaho-Utah. Ecological Society of America Annual Conference. Virtual. 4 Aug 2021. August 2021