Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Sarah Sorensen


Presentations Presentation Date
Sorensen, S.F., J.T. Fox and D.D. Magoulick. 2023. Importance of hydrology and spatial relationships for modeling Smallmouth Bass populations. Symposium on <i>Current challenges and opportunities for flow ecology in adaptive flow management</i><b>,</b> Joint meeting of the Society for Freshwater Sciences, Australian Freshwater Sciences Society and New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society, Brisbane, Australia. June 2023
Sorensen, S.F. and D.D. Magoulick. 2022. Effect of disturbance on food chain length in Ozark streams. Symposium on <i>Importance of food webs for trophic transfer across aquatic ecosystems</i><b>,</b> Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan. May 2022
Magoulick, D.D., J.T. Fox and S.F. Sorensen. 2023. Landscape-Scale Hydrologic and Environmental Thresholds on Patterns of Fish and Macroinvertebrate Assemblage Structure Across Stream Flow Regimes. Symposium on <i>Current challenges and opportunities for flow ecology in adaptive flow management</i><b>,</b> Joint meeting of the Society for Freshwater Sciences, Australian Freshwater Sciences Society and New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society, Brisbane, Australia. June 2023
Magoulick, D.D., J.T. Fox and S.F. Sorensen. 2023. Landscape-Scale Hydrologic and Environmental Thresholds on Patterns of Fish and Macroinvertebrate Assemblage Structure Across Stream Flow Regimes. Ecological Society of America conference, Portland, Oregon. August 2023