Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Elizabeth Hinkle


Research Publications Publication Date
Samuel, W.T., Yancy, L.E., Hinkle, E.G., and J.A. Falke. 2024. Validating morphometrics as a non-lethal tool to determine Arctic Grayling sex. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 44:70-78.

January 2024
Presentations Presentation Date
Klobucar, S., Falke, J., Rupp, S., Bieniek, P., Genet, H., Lindgren, M., Hinkle, E., and D. Klobucar. Aquatic ecosystem vulnerability to fire and climate change in Alaskan boreal forests. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program Annual Symposium. 3-5 December, 2019. Washington, D.C. December 2019
Hinkle, E.G., and J.A. Falke. 2019. Aquatic food web and community response to wildfire in interior Alaska boreal streams. American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society Joint Annual Conference, Reno, Nevada, 29 September to 3 October, 2019. September 2019
Hinkle, E.G., Strohm-Klobucar, D.D., and J.A. Falke. 2020. Aquatic food web and community response to wildfire in interior Alaska boreal streams. Alaska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Fairbanks, Alaska. March, 2020. March 2021
Hinkle, E.G., Strohm-Klobucar, D.D., and J.A. Falke. 2020. Aquatic food web and community response to wildfire in interior Alaska boreal streams. Alaska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Fairbanks, Alaska. March, 2020. March 2020
Hinkle, E.G., Strohm-Klobucar, D.D., and Falke, J.A. 2022. Stream habitat and assemblage response to wildfire in interior Alaska boreal streams. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Virtual Meeting. 2-4 March 2022. March 2022
Hinkle, E.G., Strohm-Klobucar, D.D., and Falke, J.A. 2022. Stream habitat and assemblage response to wildfire in interior Alaska boreal streams. Alaska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Virtual Meeting. March 2022. February 2022
Hinkle, E.G., Falke, J.A. 2022. The immediate and lasting effects of wildfire in subarctic streams. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, 21-27 August 2022, Spokane, WA. August 2022
Hinkle, E., Wooller, M., Westley, P., Falke, J.A. 2023. Arctic Grayling (<i>Thymallus arcticus</i>) physiology and movement behavior across a fire-impacted boreal riverscape Alaska Chapter American Fisheries Society Conference. March 2023. March 2023
Hinkle E., and J. Falke. 2019. The effects of fire disturbance on stream fish community structure, site fidelity, life history, and genetic relatedness in boreal stream ecosystems. Alaska Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Sitka, Alaska, 19-21 March, 2019. March 2019
Falke, J., Schoen, E., Paul, J., Strohm, D., and E. Hinkle. 2025. Implications of wildfire on stream thermal regimes and juvenile salmon growth in interior Alaska boreal streams. Western Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Westminster, Colorado, 11 – 15, May 2025. May 2025
Falke, J., Schoen, E., Paul, J., Strohm, D., and E. Hinkle. 2025. Implications of wildfire on stream thermal regimes and juvenile salmon growth in interior Alaska boreal streams. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico 19 – 24, May 2025. May 2025
Falke, J., S. Rupp, H. Genet, P. Bieniek, A. Bennett, S. Klobucar, D. Strohm-Klobucar, and E. Hinkle. 2021. Wildfire in changing boreal stream ecosystems: a friend or foe for fishes? Oregon Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting [virtual], 2-4 March 2022. March 2022
Falke, J., S. Rupp, H. Genet, P. Bieniek, A. Bennett, S. Klobucar, D. Strohm-Klobucar, and E. Hinkle. 2021. Wildfire in changing boreal stream ecosystems: a friend or foe for fishes? Alaska Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting [virtual], 22-25 March 2021. March 2021
Falke, J., Klobucar, S., Rupp, S., Bieniek, P., Genet, H., Bennett, A., Strohm-Klobucar, D., and E. Hinkle. Aquatic ecosystem vulnerability to fire and climate change in Alaskan boreal forests. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program Annual Symposium. 30 November – 3 December, 2021. Washington, D.C. and Virtual. November 2021
<sub>Klobucar, S., Falke, J., Rupp, S., Bieniek, P., Genet, H., Bennett, M., Hinkle, E., and D. Klobucar. Aquatic ecosystem vulnerability to fire and climate change in Alaskan boreal forests. Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program Annual Symposium. 30 November - 4 December, 2020. Washington, D.C.</sub> November 2020