Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Asia Murphy


I'm a PhD student at Pennsylvania State using camera traps to study carnivore distribution.. Camera traps, species distributions and interactions, population estimation.

Research Publications Publication Date
Murphy, A. M., D. R. Diefenbach, M. Ternent, M. Lovallo, D. Miller. 2021. Threading the needle: How humans influence predator-prey spatiotemporal interactions in a multiple-predator system. Journal of Animal Ecology. | Download January 2021
Presentations Presentation Date
Murphy, A., D. Miller, and D. R. Diefenbach. Examining habitat partitioning between pennsylvania’s apex carnivores and a common prey species (white-tailed deer fawns). The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, 7-11 October 2018, Cleveland, OH, USA. October 2018
Murphy, A. U., D. Miller, and D. R. Diefenbach. Examining Habitat Partitioning between Pennsylvania’s Apex Carnivores and a Common Prey Species (White-tailed Deer Fawns; Odocoileus virginianus). North American Congress for Conservation Biology, 21-26 July 2018, Toronto, Canada. July 2018