Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Tyler Fox

Post Doc


Research Publications Publication Date
Fox, J.T. and D.D. Magoulick. 2024. Fish beta diversity associated with hydrologic and anthropogenic disturbance gradients in contrasting stream flow regimes. Science of the Total Environment 945:1-13. June 2024
Fox, J.T. and D.D. Magoulick. 2022. Hydrologic and environmental thresholds in stream fish assemblage structure across flow regimes. Ecological Indicators September 2022
Fox, J.T. and D.D. Magoulick. 2019. Predicting hydrologic disturbance of streams using species occurrence data. Science of the Total Environment 686:254-263. May 2019
Presentations Presentation Date
Sorensen, S.F., J.T. Fox and D.D. Magoulick. 2023. Importance of hydrology and spatial relationships for modeling Smallmouth Bass populations. Symposium on <i>Current challenges and opportunities for flow ecology in adaptive flow management</i><b>,</b> Joint meeting of the Society for Freshwater Sciences, Australian Freshwater Sciences Society and New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society, Brisbane, Australia. June 2023
Magoulick, D.D., J.T. Fox, A. Yarra, R. Fournier, L. Bayer. 2024. Environmental thresholds and other approaches for aquatic conservation. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Geological Survey Coop Unit Liaisons meeting. June 2024
Magoulick, D.D., J.T. Fox and S.F. Sorensen. 2023. Landscape-Scale Hydrologic and Environmental Thresholds on Patterns of Fish and Macroinvertebrate Assemblage Structure Across Stream Flow Regimes. Symposium on <i>Current challenges and opportunities for flow ecology in adaptive flow management</i><b>,</b> Joint meeting of the Society for Freshwater Sciences, Australian Freshwater Sciences Society and New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society, Brisbane, Australia. June 2023
Magoulick, D.D., J.T. Fox and S.F. Sorensen. 2023. Landscape-Scale Hydrologic and Environmental Thresholds on Patterns of Fish and Macroinvertebrate Assemblage Structure Across Stream Flow Regimes. Ecological Society of America conference, Portland, Oregon. August 2023
Magoulick, D.D. and J.T. Fox. 2020. A Gradient Forest Approach for Exploring Landscape-Scale Hydrologic and Environmental Thresholds on Patterns of Fish Assemblage Structure in Streams. Symposium on <i>Landscape-scale Dataset and Assessments to Advance Freshwater and Marine Conservation Planning and Delivery</i><b>,</b> Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas. February 2020
Magoulick, D.D. and J.T. Fox. 2019. Predicting hydrologic disturbance of streams using species occurrence data. Symposium on Habitat and Distribution Modeling Across Terrains and Disciplines: Addressing Common Challenges in Fisheries and Wildlife, American Fisheries Society/The Wildlife Society, Reno, Nevada. September 2019
Magoulick, D.D. and J.T. Fox. 2019. Predicting hydrologic disturbance of streams using species occurrence data. Society for Freshwater Science, Salt Lake City, Utah. May 2019
Fox, J.T. and D.D. Magoulick. 2020. Exploring the Importance of Hydrologic and Environmental Gradients and Thresholds on Patterns of Fish Biodiversity Composition. Symposium on <i>Linking Physical and Biological Processes in Habitat Management Among Aquatic Systems</i><b>,</b> Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas. February 2020
Fox, J.T. and D.D. Magoulick. 2020. Exploring the Importance of Hydrologic and Environmental Gradients and Thresholds on Patterns of Fish Biodiversity Composition. Arkansas Wildlife Action Plan Symposium, Virtual Conference. September 2020