Staff Member
Charles Gallman

Will is from North Carolina and received his B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Biology from Clemson University in 2017. During his undergraduate career he interned with Clemson's James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetland Conservation Center and with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. Will is working on his M.S. degree evaluating the use of cover crops for grassland nesting waterfowl in Eastern South Dakota with Dr. Josh Stafford.
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Gallman, C.W., T.W. Arnold, E.S. Michel, and J.D. Stafford. 2023. Evaluation of fall-seeded cover crops for grassland nesting waterfowl in eastern South Dakota. Wildlife Society Bulletin. e1484. | September 2023 |
Project | Completion Date |
Ecology of breeding canvasbacks in southwestern Manitoba | August 2021 |
Evaluation of cover crops for grassland nesting waterfowl in Eastern South Dakota | June 2020 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Gallman, C.W., and J.D. Stafford. Evaluating fall-seeded cover crops for nesting waterfowl in Eastern South Dakota. Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Chamberlain, South Dakota, February 26, 2020. | February 2020 |
Gallman, C.W., J.D. Stafford. 2019. The evaluation of cover crops for grassland nesting waterfowl in eastern South Dakota. 2019 South Dakota Soil Health Coalition Annual Meeting, Brookings, SD. | April 2019 |
Gallman, C.W., J.D. Stafford. 2019. The evaluation of cover crops for grassland nesting waterfowl in eastern South Dakota. 2019 South Dakota Ducks Unlimited State Convention, Pierre, SD. | March 2019 |
Gallman, C.W., J.D. Stafford, and E.S. Michel. Evaluating fall-seeded cover crops for nesting waterfowl in eastern South Dakota. North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 27 August 2019. | August 2019 |
Gallman, C.W., J.D. Stafford, K.M. Carrlson. The evaluation of cover crops for grassland nesting waterfowl in eastern South Dakota. South Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Chamberlain, South Dakota. 26 February 2018. | February 2018 |
Gallman, C.W. and J.D. Stafford. Breeding waterfowl use and nest survival of fall-seeded cover crops in eastern South Dakota. 2018 South Dakota Ducks Unlimited State Convention, Chamberlain, South Dakota. 27 January 2018. | January 2018 |