Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Rebecca Kolstrom

Rebecca Kolstrom - M.S. student with Dr. Larry Gigliotti and Dr. Tammy Wilson



Rebecca grew up in Pennsylvania and graduated from Penn State University in 2015 with a B.S. in Ecology. Before beginning her degree at SDSU, she worked throughout the Midwest and Northeast as an avian field technician for an environmental consulting company. Rebecca is currently working with Dr. Tammy Wilson and Dr. Larry Gigliotti on her M.S. degree to help standardize and optimize the bald eagle monitoring program in Southwest Alaska National Parks.

Research Publications Publication Date
Kolstrum, R., T. L. Wilson, and L. M. Gigliotti. 2020. Using the Delphi process to gather information from a bald eagle expert panel. National Resource Report NPS/SEAN/NRR-2020/2128. June 2020
Kolstrom, R., T. L. Wilson, and L.M. Gigliotti. 2020. Using a Structured Decision Analysis to Evaluate Bald Eagle Vital Signs Monitoring in Southwest Alaska National Parks. Ecology and Evolution, Open Access: Manuscript ID: ECE-2019-10-01387.R1 | Abstract | Publisher Website June 2020
Presentations Presentation Date
Kolstrom, R., Wilson, T. L., and Gigliotti, L.M. 2018. Developing a standardized bald eagle monitoring program for Southwest Alaska National Parks. Alaska Chapter of the Wildlife Society Meeting. March 28. Anchorage, AK. March 2018
Kolstrom, R., Gigliotti, L. M., and Wilson, T. 2018. Developing a standardized bald eagle monitoring program for Southwest Alaska National Parks. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. January 31. Milwaukee, WI. January 2018
Kolstrom, R. L., L. M. Gigliotti, and T. L. Wilson. 2018. Developing an optimal bald eagle monitoring program for Southwest Alaska National Parks. 25th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Cleveland, OH. October 11. October 2018