Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Mr. Tomas Nocera



  • BA University of New Hampshire 2016


Before joining the Fish and Wildlife Department at Virginia Tech and the Cooperative Research Unit I was involved in various wildlife and forestry projects. I have worked closely with the New England Stewardship Network and University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension working with various conservation organizations including land trusts and wildlife refuges. As a Land steward I assisted in developing baseline reports, establishing CFI plots, assessing conservation easements, as well as engaging in invasive species removal. I have also had experience in wildlife rehabilitation working with Macropods and wombats, as well as assisting in a damsel fish research project looking at changes in phenotypes among different generations using alarm cues in Australia. My broad interests lie in working with different people and cultures in developing and tailoring management and conservation plans and solutions towards their needs and traditions. . The focus of my Masters research project is centered around analyzing the changes in bat population, activity, and habitat use pre and post White Nose Syndrome (2003-2016) in Fort Drum, NY. Specifically, looking at the changes in the Northern long-eared bat and Indiana bat. My research involves auto-acoustic monitoring as well as using habitat metrics to create a set of time series maps of bat activity throughout 2003 to 2016, along with establishing a method to effectively and efficiently sample for bats.

Research Publications Publication Date
Nocera, T., W.M. Ford, A. Silvis and C.A. Dobony. 2020. Temporal and spatial changes in Myotis lucifugus acoustic activity before and after white-nose syndrome on Fort Drum Army Installation, New York, USA. Acta Chiropterlogica 22:135-146 July 2020
Nocera, T., W.M. Ford, A. Silvis and C.A. Dobony. 2019. Patterns of acoustical activity of bats prior to and 10 years after WNS. Global Ecology and Conservation. 18: May 2019
Nocera, T., W.M. Ford, A. Silvis and C.A. Dobony. 2019. Let’s Agree To Disagree: Comparing Auto-Acoustic Identification Programs for Northeastern Bats. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10:346-361. December 2019
Ford, W.M., C.A. Dobony, D.S. Jachowski, L.S. Coleman, T. Nocera and E.R. Britzke. 2020. Case Study One: Acoustic Surveys at Fort Drum Military Installation – the Value of Long-term Monitoring. Pages 78-81in: E.E. Fraser, A. Silvis, R.M. Brigham and Z. Czenze (eds). Bat Echolocation Research: a Handbool for Planning Acoustics Studies. Bat Conservation International, Austin TX. 116 p. May 2020
Project Completion Date
Post WNS bat ecology in the eastern United States December 2028
Presentations Presentation Date
Nocera, T.A., C.A. Dobony, A. Silvis and W.M. Ford. 2018. WNS-INDUCED TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL CHANGES IN LITTLE BROWN BAT ACTIVTY. 28th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern U.S. Roanoke, VA, March 27-29. March 2018
Nocera, T., C.A. Dobony, A. Silvis and W.M. Ford. 2018. WNS-induced temporal and spatial changes in little brown bat activity. 2018 The Wildlife Society Meeting. Cleveland, OH. October 7-11. October 2018
Nocera, T., C.A. Dobony, A. Silvis and W.M. Ford. 2018. LET’S JUST AGREE TO DISAGREE: COMPARING AUTO-ACOUSTIC IDENTIFICATION PROGRAMS. 28th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern U.S. Roanoke, VA, March 27-29. March 2018
Jesse L. Delacruz, J.L. R. L. Ward, E.S. Schroder, W. M. Ford, E. Barr and T. Nocera. 2018. Post-WNS Northern Long-eared Bat Day-roosts in a Residual Population.28th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern U.S. Roanoke, VA, March 27-29. March 2018
De La Cruz, J., R.L. Ward, E.S. Schroder, S. Deeley, E. Barr, S.R. Freeze, N. Kalen, M. Muthersbaugh, T. Nocera, W.M. Ford and J. Sheets. 2018. Post-WNS Northern Long-eared Bat Day-roost Use in the Upper Ohio River and Mid-Atlantic. 2018 Wildlife Society Meeting, Cleveland OH. Oct 7-11. October 2018
<b>Gorman, K., T. Nocera, E. Barr and W.M. Ford. 2020. ROOST NETWORK DYNAMICS OF A NORTHERN LONG-EARED BAT </b><br><b>(<i>MYOTIS SEPTENTRIONALIS</i>) MATERNITY COLONY </b><br><b>AT THE WILLIAM FLOYD ESTATE, NEW YORK. 2020 Northeastern Bat Working Group, Saratoga Springs, NY. January 15-18. </b> January 2020