Staff Member
Hannah C. Coe

- BA St. Mary's College 2013
Hannah received her B.S. degree in Biological Sciences with a minor in Environmental Studies from St. Mary's College of Maryland. Following graduation she worked her way west with stops at Flathead Lake Biological Station in Montana, spent a term with the Americorps Watershed Stewards Program, and a few seasons with both the California and Washington State Departments of Fish and Wildlife conducting salmonid spawning ground surveys and rotary screw trap work. Although she enjoyed working with salmonids, she was drawn back to her coastal roots and wanted to study estuarine environments. Hannah was admitted to the Fisheries Program in January 2017 and is currently pursuing a master's degree with Dr. Mark Henderson. Hannah hopes that by earning an advanced degree will facilitate her future endeavors to explore the impacts of human actions on the aquatic environment with the goal of influencing management decisions to aid in the conservation of ecosystems for generations to come.. Current project focuses on the impacts of long-line oyster culture on the aquatic community of Humboldt Bay, California.
Project | Completion Date |
Humboldt Bay Invertebrate | August 2019 |