Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Rochelle Streker

Rochelle with Pelican chick


Research Publications Publication Date
Streker, R.A., J.S. Lamb, J. Dindo, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2021. Fine-scale weather patterns drive reproductive success in the Brown Pelican. Waterbirds 44:153-166. | Download January 2022
Lamb, J.S., Y.G. Satgé, R.A. Streker, and P.G.R. Jodice. Ecological drivers of Brown Pelican movement patterns, health, and reproductive success in the Gulf of Mexico. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA. OCS Study BOEM-2020-036. 232 pp. | Download July 2020
Presentations Presentation Date
Streker, R., J.S. Lamb, J. Dindo, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2019. Diet of maturing Brown Pelican chicks in Coastal Alabama. 43rd Annual Conference of the Waterbird Society, Salisbury, Maryland, USA. November 2019