Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Kristie Ouellette


Research Publications Publication Date
Irwin, ER, MC Freeman, J Peterson, MC Lloyd, KDM Kennedy, K Ouellette and E Kosnicki. 2019. Adaptive Management of Flows from R.L. Harris Dam, (Tallapoosa River, Alabama): Stakeholder Process and Use of Biological Monitoring Data for Decision Making. Open File Report 2019-1026, 93pages,
March 2019
Irwin ER, Coffman KMO, Godsey ES, Enwright NM, Lloyd MC, Joyner K, and Lai, Q. 2020. Consequences of Restoration Actions to Faunal Conservation and Other Stakeholder Values: Dauphin Island, Alabama. Available online at June 2020
Presentations Presentation Date
Ouellette, K, E. Kosnicki, T. Hess, M.C. Lloyd and E. Irwin. Macroinvertebrate Community Response to Long-Term Flow Modification on the Tallapoosa River, Alabama. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, Florida. August 2017
Ouellette, K, C Lloyd, and E Irwin. 2018. Macroinvertebrate response to flow and temperature in regulated and unregulated reaches of a hydropeaking river. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Spring Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico (Invited) March 2018
Ouellette, K and E Irwin. Long-Term Community Data from a River Subject to Hydropeaking: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go From Here? American Fisheries Society 148th Annual Meeting , Atlantic City, NJ. August 2018
Ouellette K, E Kosnicki, Clint Lloyd, and E Irwin. 2017. Analysis of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in regulated and unregulated reaches of the Tallapoosa River, Alabama. Alabama Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. February 2017
Irwin ER, MC Freeman, JT Peterson, MC Lloyd, K Ouellette, KDM Kennedy. 2018. Long-Term Adaptive Management of Flows Below a Hydropeaking Dam. Southern Division American Fisheries Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico (Invited) March 2018
Irwin ER, MC Freeman, JT Peterson, MC Lloyd, K Ouellette, KDM Kennedy. Ecological Responses Associated with Long-Term Adaptive Management of Flows Below a Hydropeaking Dam August 2018
Coffman KMO, R Ramesh, S Blomquist, M Walsh, S Miller, H Bulger and E Irwin. Engaging Governmental and Private Stakeholders to Implement and Maintain Adaptive Management Projects – Challenges and Accomplishments. 2019 Joint Meeting of the American Fisheries Society and the Wildlife Society. Reno, Nevada. September 2019