Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Robert Sheffer

Robert Sheffer

Phone: (715) 346 - 2178


  • BS California State University, Long Beach 2014


Originally from California, I earned a BS in Biology from California State University, Long Beach in 2014. As an undergraduate, I volunteered for the CSULB Shark Lab as well as the Downeast Salmon Federation. After graduating, I worked as a fisheries technician in Alaska, Idaho, and Oklahoma. In fulfillment of my MS in Natural Resources (emphasis in Fisheries), I will complete a project on the spawning movements and habitat selection of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan.. I am primarily interested in fish movement behavior, biotelemetry, invasive species ecology, and population dynamics.

Research Publications Publication Date
Sheffer, R.J., S.R. Hogler, and D.A. Isermann. Submitted. Mark-recapture models accurately predict growth trajectories of known-age muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. February 2022
Presentations Presentation Date
Sheffer, R., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, and S. Hogler. Movements and habitat use of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 2018 Annual Summer Meeting, Esocid Technical Committee of the North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society, Spirit Lake, Iowa. August 2018
Sheffer, R., D. Dembkowski, S. Hogler, and D. Isermann. January 2018. Movements and habitat use of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. January 2018
Krebs, J., R. Sheffer, D. Dembkowski, S. Hogler, J. Raabe and D. Isermann. January 2020. Movements and habitat use of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 80th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois. January 2020