New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Staff Member
Suresh Andrew Sethi

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (607) 255 - 7273
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- Ph D University of Washington 2011
- MS University of Washington 2007
- BS University of Wisconsin 2001
Dr. Suresh Andrew Sethi is the Assistant Leader of the New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. He received graduate degrees at the University of Washington in Fisheries Science. The core of Dr. Sethi's research program centers around quantitative fisheries science in both freshwater and marine environments, with a goal of informing fisheries and aquatic natural resource management efforts. Research topics include population abundance and demographic assessments, habitat use studies, phenology, aquatic invasive species management and incorporation of genetic tools into fish and wildlife management. Natural resource systems are linked social-ecological systems; effective management requires consideration of ecological, economic, and sociocultural components of natural resource systems. As such, Dr. Sethi also maintains cross-disciplinary collaborations in the social and managerial sciences which seek to understand the dynamics of resource users and identify mechanisms to cope with high variability inherent in natural resource systems. Research topics of interest for these collaborations include risk assessment and risk management in natural resource systems.
Areas of Expertise
Aquatic Ecology, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Conservation Genetics/Genomics, Decision Support/Analysis, Ecological Services, Fisheries Management, Invasive Species, Marine/Coastal Ecology, Policy, Population Dynamics, Population and Community Ecology, Predator-Prey Dynamics, Resilience, Species Distribution Modeling, Species Management, Species Status Assessments, Statistics and Modelling, Stream Ecology, UAVs, Wetland Ecology, eDNA
Taxon Groups Studied
Anadromous Fishes, Coastal/Marine Birds, Freshwater Fishes, Gamefish, Marine Fishes, Marine Mammals, Mussels
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Dick, C., Larson, W.A., Karpan, K., Baetscher, D.S., Shi, Y., Sethi, S., Fangue, N.A., Henderson, M.J. Prey ration, temperature, and predator species influence digestion rates of prey DNA inferred from qPCR and metabarcoding. Submitted to Molecular Ecology Resources. | Abstract | August 2023 |
Shi, Y., Dick, C.M., Karpan, K., Baetscher, D., Henderson, M.J., Sethi, S.A., McPhee, M.V., Larson, W.A. Towards absolute abundance for conservation applications: estimating the number of contributors via microhaplotype genotyping of mixed-DNA samples. submitted to Molecular Ecology Resources. | Abstract | May 2023 |
Beatty W, Lemons P, Everett JP, Lewis CJ, Taylor RL, Lynn RJ, Sethi SA, Quakenbush L, Citta J, Kissling M, Kryukova N, Wenburg JK (2022) Estimating Pacific walrus abundance and survival with multievent mark-recapture models. Marine Ecology Progress Series 697:167-182. | September 2022 |
Fitzpatrick KB, Weidel BC, Connerton MJ, Lantry J, Holden JP, Yuille M, Lantry B, LaPan S, Rudstam LG, Sullivan P, Brenden TO, Sethi SA. (2022) Balancing prey availability and predator consumption: a multispecies stock assessment for Lake Ontario. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 79:1529-1545. | Abstract | September 2022 |
Heilpern S, Sethi SA, Barthem RB, Doria CRC, Garcia-Vasquez A, Goulding M, Isaac V, Batista V, Duponchelle F, Naeem S, Flecker AS (2022) Biodiversity underpins fisheries resilience to exploitation in the Amazon river basin. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 389:20220726 | Abstract | July 2022 |
Sethi SA, Carey MP, Gerken J, Harris B, Cunningham C, Wolf N, Restrepo F, Ashline J (2022) Juvenile salmon habitat use drives variation in growth and highlights vulnerability to river fragmentation. Ecosphere 13:e4192. | Abstract | July 2022 |
Brown T, Sethi SA, Rudstam L, Holden J, Connerton M, Gorsky D, Karboski CT, Chalupnicki M, Sard NM, Roseman EF, Prindle SE, Sanderson JM, Evans TM, Cooper A, Reinhart DJ, Davis C, Weidel B. (2022) Contemporary spatial extent and environmental drivers of larval coregonine distributions across Lake Ontario. Journal of Great Lakes Research 48:359–370. | Abstract | April 2022 |
Paufve MR, Sethi SA, Weidel BC, Lantry BF, Yule DL, Rudstam LG, Jonas JJ, Berglund E, Connerton MJ, Gorsky D, Herbert M, Smith J. (2022) Diversity in spawning habitat use among Great Lakes Cisco populations. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 31: 379-388. | Abstract | April 2022 |
Buchanan B, Sethi SA, Cuppett S, Lung M, Jackman G, Zarri L, Duvall E, Dietrich J, Sullivan P, Dominitz A, Archibald J, Flecker A, Rahm B. (2022) A machine learning approach to identify barriers in stream networks demonstrates high prevalence of unmapped riverine dams. Journal of Environmental Management, 302:113952. | Abstract | January 2022 |
Lynch A. J., L. M. Thompson, J. M. Morton, E. A. Beever, M. Clifford, D. Limpinsel, R. T. Magill, D. R. Magness, T. A. Melvin, R. A. Newman, M. T. Porath, F. J. Rahel, J. H. Reynolds, G. W. Schuurman, S. A. Sethi, J. L. Wilkening. RAD adaptive management for transforming ecosystems. Bioscience, 72:45-56. | Abstract | January 2022 |
Almeida R, Fleischmann A, Brêda JPF, Cardoso DS, Angarita H, Collischonn W, Forsberg B, García-Villacorta R, Hamilton SK, Hannam PM, Paiva R, Poff NL, Sethi SA, Shi Q, Gomes C, Flecker AS. (2021) Climate change may impair electricity generation and economic viability of future Amazon hydropower. Global Environmental Change, 71:102383. | Abstract | November 2021 |
Lynch A. J., L. M. Thompson, E. A. Beever, A. C. Engman, S. T. Jackson, T. J. Krabbenhoft, D. J. Lawrence, D. Limpinsel, R. T. Magill, T. A. Melvin, J. M. Morton, R. A. Newman, J. Peterson, M. T. Porath, F. J. Rahel, S. A. Sethi, J. L. Wilkening. (2021) Managing for a R-A-Dical Future: Resisting, Accepting, or Directing Ecosystem Transformation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 19:461-469. | Abstract | October 2021 |
Cusack C, Sethi SA, Rice A, Warren J, Fujita R, Ingles J, Flores J, Garchitorena E, Mesa SV. (2021) Marine ecotourism for small pelagics provides alternative income generating activities to fisheries in a tropical community. Biological Conservation, 261:109242. | Abstract | September 2021 |
Sethi SA, Ashline J, Harris B, Gerken J, Restrepo F. (2021) Connectivity between lentic and lotic freshwater habitats identified as a conservation priority for coho salmon. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 31:1791-1801. | Abstract | July 2021 |
Heilpern S, DeFries R, Fiorella K, Flecker A, Sethi SA, Uriarte M, Naeem S. (2021) Declining diversity of wild-caught species puts dietary nutrient supplies at risk. Science Advances, 7:eabf9967. | Abstract | May 2021 |
Heilpern S, Fiorella K, Canas C, Flecker A, Moya L, Naeem S, Sethi SA, Uriarte M, DeFries R. (2021) Substitution of inland fisheries with aquaculture and chicken undermines human nutrition in the Peruvian Amazon. Nature Food, 2:192-197. | Abstract | March 2021 |
Andres KA, Sethi SA, Lodge D, Andres J. (2021) Nuclear eDNA estimates population allele frequencies and abundance in experimental mesocosms and field samples. Molecular Ecology, 30:658-697. | Abstract | February 2021 |
Murphy RD, Hagan JA, Harris BP, Sethi SA, Smeltz TS, Restrepo F. (2021) Can Landsat thermal imagery and environmental data accurately estimate water temperatures in small streams? Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. 12:12-26. | Abstract | February 2021 |
Thompson, L. M., A. J. Lynch, E. A. Beever, A. C. Engman, J. A. Falke, S. T. Jackson, T. J. Krabbenhoft, D. J. Lawrence, D. Limpinsel, R. T. Magill, T. A. Melvin, J. M. Morton, R. A. Newman, J. Peterson, M. T. Porath, F. J. Rahel, S. A. Sethi, J. L. Wilkening. 2021. When is resistance futile? Resisting, accepting, or directing ecosystem transformation. Fisheries. 46:8-21. DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10506 | January 2021 |
Cook GM, Prince DJ, O’Rourke SM, King TL, Miller MR, Lewis CJ, Eackles MS, Lemons PR, Sethi SA, Olsen JB, Wenburg JK. (2020) A little SNP of this, a little SNP of that: the discovery of 116 single nucleotide polymorphism markers to enable the rapid identification of individual Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens). Conservation Genetics Resources, 12:555-565. | Abstract | October 2020 |
Marcy-Quay B, Sethi SA, Therkildsen NO, Kraft CE. (2020) Expanding the feasibility of fish and wildlife assessments with close-kin mark-recapture. Ecosphere, 11:e03259. | Abstract | October 2020 |
Andres K, Sethi SA, Duskey E, Lepak JM, Rice AN, Estabrook B, Fitzpatrick K, George E, Marcy-Quay B, Paufve M, Perkins K, Scofield AE. (2020) Seasonal habitat use indicates depth may mediate the potential for invasive round goby impacts in inland lakes. Freshwater Biology 65:1337-1347. | Abstract | August 2020 |
Beever E, Sethi SA, Prange IS, DellaSalla DA. Chapter I: Introduction, in Disturbance Ecology and Biological Diversity: Scale, Context, and Nature. E. Beever (Ed.), Taylor and Francis, New York. | Abstract | August 2020 |
Beatty WS, Lemons PR, Sethi SA, Everett J, Lewis CJ, Lynn RJ, Cook GM, Garlich-Miller JL, Wenburg JK. (2020) Panmixia in a sea ice-associated marine mammal: evaluating genetic structure of the Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) at multiple spatial scales. Journal of Mammalogy 101:755-765. | Abstract | July 2020 |
Paufve MP, Sethi SA, Rudstam L, Weidel BC, Lantry BF, Chalupnicki M. (2020) Differentiation between Lake Whitefish and Cisco eggs based on diameter. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 46:1058-1062. | Abstract | July 2020 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
“Elodea may mediate juvenile salmon growth by altering physical structure,” M. Carey et al. (<b>SA Sethi</b> 3<sup>rd</sup>), Alaska Invasive Species Partnership Workshop, online conference, 2022. | October 2022 |
“Cisco restoration in Keuka lake,” A Koeberle et al. (<b>SA Sethi</b> 2<sup>nd</sup>), Cornell Limnology Lab, invited presentation, 2022. | September 2022 |
“Genetic variation in environmental samples as a metric of species’ abundance,” K Andres et al. (<b>SA Sethi</b> 2<sup>nd</sup>), Second National Workshop on Marine eDNA, Costa Mesa, CA, 2022. | September 2022 |
“Saildrone acoustics surveys to provide insight into vessel avoidance by fishes,” T Evans et al. (<b>SA Sethi</b> 3<sup>rd</sup>), Cornell Biological Field Station, Invited seminar, 2022. | September 2022 |
“Estimating Pacific walrus abundance and survival with multievent mark-recapture models,” W Beatty et al. (<b>SA Sethi</b> 7<sup>th</sup>), Society for Marine Mammal Science annual meeting, Palm Beach, FL, 2022. | August 2022 |
“Optimal dynamic spatial closures can improve fishery yield and reduce fishing-induced habitat damage,” A Poulton et al. (<b>SA Sethi</b> 2<sup>nd</sup>), Ecological Society of America annual meeting, Montreal, 2022. | August 2022 |
“Working at the margin of social, ecological, and quantitative sciences to advance fisheries management,” SA Sethi, Invited seminar, University of Alaska-Anchorage, 2022. | June 2022 |
“Acoustic telemetry and edna to evaluate a native Cisco (Coregonus artedi) reintroduction in the Finger Lakes,” A. Koeberle et al. (<b>SA Sethi</b> 8<sup>th</sup>), Joint Aquatic Science Meeting (Am. Fish. Soc. and 8 other organizations) annual meeting, Grand Rapids, MI, 2022. | May 2022 |
“Distributions of sympatric Cisco and Lake Whitefish larvae in Lake Ontario embayments,” T. Brown et al. (<b>SA Sethi</b> 2<sup>nd</sup>), Joint Aquatic Science Meeting (Am. Fish. Soc. and 8 other organizations) annual meeting, Grand Rapids, MI, 2022. | May 2022 |
“Early successes of a multi-agency study to quantify and correct for biases in acoustic fish abundance estimates in the Great Lakes,” P. Esselman et al. (<b>SA Sethi</b> 8<sup>th</sup>), Joint Aquatic Science Meeting (Am. Fish. Soc. and 8 other organizations) annual meeting, Grand Rapids, MI, 2022. | May 2022 |
“Exploring the ecological and evolutionary impacts of sustained invasive species suppression,” L. Zarri et al. (<b>SA Sethi</b> 5<sup>th</sup>), Joint Aquatic Science Meeting (Am. Fish. Soc. and 8 other organizations) annual meeting, Grand Rapids, MI, 2022. | May 2022 |
“Parentage-Based Tagging to support the conservation and management of inland fish populations,” K. Fitzpatrick et al. (<b>SA Sethi</b> 5<sup>th</sup>), Joint Aquatic Science Meeting (Am. Fish. Soc. and 8 other organizations) annual meeting, Grand Rapids, MI, 2022. | May 2022 |
“Saildrone acoustics surveys provide insight into vessel avoidance by fishes,” T.M. Evans et al. (<b>SA Sethi</b> 4<sup>th</sup>), Joint Aquatic Science Meeting (Am. Fish. Soc. and 8 other organizations) annual meeting, Grand Rapids, MI, 2022. | May 2022 |
“Marine fisheries management: goals, strategies, and case studies,” <b>SA Sethi</b>, Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, NTRES 3110 Fish Ecology, Conservation, and Management Cornell University, invited seminar, 2022. | April 2022 |
“Acoustic telemetry to evaluate survival of post-stocked juvenile Cisco to Keuka Lake, New York,”,” A. Koeberle et al. (<b>SA Sethi</b> 2<sup>nd</sup>), Great Lakes Acoustic Telemetry Observing System annual meeting, invited seminar, 2022 | March 2022 |
“Evaluating survival of juvenile Cisco (<i>Coregonus artedi</i>) re-introduced to Keuka Lake through acoustic telemetry,” A. Koeberle et al. (<b>SA Sethi</b> 2<sup>nd</sup>), American Fisheries Society NY Chapter annual meeting, 2022 | March 2022 |
“Status of round goby in the Mohawk and Hudson Rivers,”,” S. George et al. (<b>SA Sethi</b> 6<sup>th</sup>), American Fisheries Society NY Chapter annual meeting, 2022. | March 2022 |
“Acoustic telemetry to evaluate native Cisco reintroductions to Keuka Lake,” A. Koeberle et al. (<b>SA Sethi</b> 2<sup>nd</sup>), Cornell Biological Field Station, invited seminar, 2022. | February 2022 |
“Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) adaptive management,” A. Lynch et al. (<b>SA Sethi</b> 14<sup>th</sup>), Invited seminar, National Conservation Training Center, U.S. Department of Interior, 2022. | January 2022 |
“Launch of the first CPIC Conservation Finance report” J Baralon, J Tobin, SA Sethi, Coalition for Private Investment in Conservation Members Meeting, invited presentation, September 2021. | September 2021 |
“MSCAA model for Lake Ontario: predator prey dynamics update,” K Fitzpatrick et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), Lake Ontario Technical Committee Predator-Prey Science workshop, invited seminar, September 2021. | September 2021 |
“Multispecies statistical catch at age stock assessment model for Lake Ontario fisheries: indicators of predator prey balance” K Fitzpatrick et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), Lake Ontario Technical Committee, invited seminar, July 2021. | July 2021 |
“Minimizing cost and uncertainty: assessing marking techniques to distinguish stocked and wild fish” K Fitzpatrick et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), International Association for Great Lakes Research, online conference, May 2021. | May 2021 |
“Life history consequences of connectivity loss for salmon bearing watersheds: juvenile coho salmon growth” SA Sethi et al., Cornell Biological Field Station, invited seminar, April 2021. | April 2021 |
“Contemporary spatial extent and environmental drivers of larval coregonine distributions across Lake Ontario” T Brown et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), State of Lake Ontario Conference, International Association for Great Lakes Research, online conference, March 2021. | March 2021 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
Other - Ulster University, Honorary Fellow | Sethi | July 2017 | July 2022 |
Other - Affiliate Assistant Professor | Sethi | January 2012 | January 2022 |
The Wildlife Society - Member | Sethi | April 2017 | Present |
Other - Member of the Fish Technology and Fish Behavior Working Group of the International Council for Exploration of the Sea. | Sethi | March 2016 | Present |
Other - Faculty Fellow, Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future | Sethi | 2016 | 2021 |
International Association for Great Lakes Research - Member | Sethi | January 2017 | Present |
American Statistical Association - Member | Sethi | January 2012 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Working group member of the Joint Synthesis Team on Ecosystem Transformation (AFS-TWS joint working group). | Sethi | November 2018 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Member New York and Alaska Chapters | Sethi | August 2005 | Present |