Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Alex Poole


Research Publications Publication Date
Poole, A. S., T. M. Koel, N. A. Thomas, and A. V. Zale. 2020. Benthic suffocation of invasive Lake Trout embryos by fish carcasses and sedimentation in Yellowstone Lake. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. | Abstract July 2020
Poole, A. S., T. M. Koel, A. V. Zale, and M. A. H. Webb. 2023. Rotenone induces mortality of invasive Lake Trout and Rainbow Trout embryos. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 152:3-14. January 2023
Koel, T. M., N. A. Thomas, C. S. Guy, P. D. Doepke, D. J. MacDonald, A. S. Poole, W. M. Sealey, and A. V. Zale. 2020. Organic pellet decomposition induces mortality of lake trout embryos in Yellowstone Lake. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 149:57-70. January 2020
Presentations Presentation Date
Thomas, N. A., T. M. Koel, C. S. Guy, P. D. Doepke, D. J. MacDonald, A. S. Poole, W. M. Sealey, and A. V. Zale. 2020. Integrated pest management: from experimental evaluation to implementation of Lake Trout embryo suppression in Yellowstone Lake. Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Kalispell, Montana, 25-28 February 2020. February 2020
Poole, A., A. Zale, M. Webb, and T. Koel. 2018. Laboratory Evaluations of Lake Trout Embryo Suppression Methods for use in Yellowstone Lake. Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Butte, Montana, 29 January to 2 February 2018. February 2018
Poole, A. S., A. V. Zale, M. A. Webb, and T. M. Koel. 2017. Laboratory evaluations of embryo suppression techniques. Conservation Actions to Restore Yellowstone Lake—An Interim Scientific Assessment. Bozeman, Montana, 18-19 April 2017. April 2017
Poole, A. S., A. V. Zale, M. A. Webb, and T. M. Koel. 2016. Ova suppression lab studies. Yellowstone Lake Working Group Meeting. Bozeman, Montana, 7 December 2016. December 2016
Technical Publications Publication Date
Doepke, P. D., T. M. Koel, C. S. Guy, A. S. Poole, N. A. Thomas, and A. V. Zale. 2017. Lake Trout suppression alternatives to gillnetting. Yellowstone Science 25(1):70-73. January 2017