W. Larson. Novemeber 2018. Sturgeon genetics in Wisconsin. WDNR Fisheries Biologist and Supervisor Meeting, Green Bay, WI.
November 2018
Turnquist, K., W. Larson, and J. Gerbyshak. March 2017. Genetic Contribution of Leech Lake Muskellunge in Lake Wissota, WI. 46th Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
February 2017
Turnquist, K., W. Larson, C.R. Bronte, S.D. Hanson, W. Stott, and B.L. Sloss. May 2017. Genetic Heritage of Naturally Produced Lake Trout in Lake Michigan. International Association for Great Lakes Research. Detroit, Michigan.
May 2017
Turnquist K., W. Larson, D. Simpkins, B. Sloss. January 2018. Development of eDNA techniques for endangered mussels. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
Schleppenbach, B., Turnquist, K., and Larson, W. November 2017. Genetic Origin of Walleye Stocked in the Manitowish Chain of Lakes, Vilas County, WI. 2017 Riveredge Nature Center's Student Research Symposium. Awarded best poster.
November 2017
Schleppenbach, B., Turnquist, K., and Larson, W. March 2017. Genetic Origin of Walleye Stocked in the Manitowish Chain of Lakes, Vilas County, WI. 46th Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
February 2017
Schleppenbach B., K. Turnquist, and W. Larson. January 2018. Genetic Analysis of Sauger in the Mississippi River and Lake Michigan Drainages, WI. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
Ruzich, J., W. Larson, K. Turnquist, N. Nye, and D. Rowe. May 2017. Genetic assessment of seven species above and below the Prairie du Sac dam. International Association for Great Lakes Research. Detroit, Michigan.
May 2017
Ruzich, J., W. Larson, K. Turnquist, N. Nye, and D. Rowe. March 2017. Genetic assessment of seven species above and below the Prairie du Sac dam. 46th Annual Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
February 2017
Ruzich, J., W. Larson, K. Turnquist, N. Nye, and D. Rowe. January 2018. Genetic connectivity of seven fish species sampled above and below the prairie du sac dam on the lower wisconsin river. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
Ruzich, J., W. Larson, K. Turnquist, N. Nye, and D. Rowe. February 2017. Genetic assessment of seven species above and below the Prairie du Sac dam. Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Saint Cloud, Minnesota.
February 2017
Ruzich, J., S. Hansen, D. Rowe, W. Larson. January 2018. Spatial genetic structure of smallmouth bass across Wisconsin. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
Rosburg, A.J., B.G. Blackwell, S.R. Chipps, J.A. VanDeHey, and W.A. Larson. 2017. Growth and genetic diversity of yellow perch populations in the Prairie Pothole Region. 77th Annual Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE.
February 2017
Rosburg, A., Blackwell, B., Chipps, S., VanDeHey, J., Larson, W. February 2017. Growth potential and genetic diversity of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in South Dakota. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Lincoln, Nebraska.
February 2017
Rosburg, A., Blackwell, B., Chipps, S., VanDeHey, J., Larson, W. February 2017. Growth potential and genetic diversity of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in South Dakota. Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Jamestown, North Dakota.
February 2017
M. Bootsma and W. Larson. Novemeber 2018. Walleye genetics in Wisconsin. WDNR Fisheries Biologist and Supervisor Meeting, Green Bay, WI.
November 2018
Larson. W., M. Limborg, G. McKinney, T. Dann, J. Seeb, and L. Seeb. June 2018. Understanding the genetic basis of ecotypic variation in sockeye salmon from across Alaska. Coastwide Salmonid Genetics Meeting, Mukilteo, Washington.
June 2018
Larson. W., J. Olsen, G. McKinney, J. Seeb, and L. Seeb. May 2018. Effective population size of Chinook salmon in Yukon and Kuskokwim river tributaries. Anchorage, Alaska.
May 2018
Larson, WA. February 2016. The utility of genomics for fisheries management: lessons from Pacific salmon. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
February 2016
Larson, WA, Waples, RK, Waples, RW. Estimating effective size with genomic data: benefits and pitfalls. Annual meeting of the Canadian Society of Ecologists and Evolutionary Biologists. Guelph, ON, CA. July 2018.
July 2018
Larson, W.L., K. Turnquist, J. VanDeHey, B. Blackwell, S. Chipps, B. Sloss, and A. Rosburg. 2016. Genomic signatures of selection in yellow perch populations with variable growth trajectories and mortality rates. 147th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, MO.
August 2016
Larson, W.A., M. Limborg, G. McKinney, T. Dann, J. Seeb, and L. Seeb. 2018.
Understanding the genetic basis of ecotypic variation in sockeye salmon from across Alaska. Midwest Population Genetics Meeting.
August 2018
Larson, W., and M. Meek. June 2019. The future is now: amplicon sequencing and sequence capture usher in the conservation genomics era. Brockport, New York.
June 2019
Larson, W., W. Stott, K. Turnquist, and G. Sass. September 2017. Developing a Rapture panel to investigate genetic diversity in cisco across the Great Lakes region. 13th International Coregonid Symposium. Bayfield, Wisconsin.
September 2017
Larson, W., W. Stott, K. Turnquist, and G. Sass. May 2017. Developing a Rapture panel to investigate genetic diversity in cisco across the Great Lakes region. International Association for Great Lakes Research. Detroit, Michigan.
May 2017
Larson, W., M. Limborg, G. McKinney, T. Dann, J. Seeb, and L. Seeb. May 2018. Understanding the genetic basis of ecotypic variation in sockeye salmon from across Alaska. Anchorage, Alaska.
May 2018
Larson, W., K. Turnquist, and G. Sass. March 2017. Using parentage analysis to investigate the spawning and recruitment dynamics of walleye in a small northern lake. 46th Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
February 2017
Larson, W., K. Turnquist, J. VanDeHey, B. Blackwell, S. Chipps, B. Sloss, and A. Rosburg. August 2016. Genomic signatures of selection in yellow perch populations with variable growth trajectories and mortality rates. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, Missouri.
August 2016
Larson, W., K. Turnquist, B. Erdman, M. Mitro, and J. Griffin. January 2018. Using genetic tools to inform conservation of Wisconsin’s native brook trout. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
Koenig, L., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, W. Larson, K. I. Tsehaye, S. Hansen, S. Hogler, T. Paoli, and T. Zorn. January 2020. Food web interactions among walleyes, lake whitefish, and yellow perch in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, Illinois.
January 2020
Koenig, L., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, W. Larson, K. I. Tsehaye, S. Hansen, S. Hogler, T. Paoli, and T. Zorn. February 2019. Food web interactions among walleyes, lake whitefish, and yellow perch in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
February 2019
J. Griffin, M. Mitro, W. Larson, D. Rowe, D. Seibel, H. Benike, M. Aquino, J. Weeks, S. Hewett, D. Giehtbrock. September 2017. Using new brook trout genetics research to improve Wisconsin stocking program and protect wild brook trout populations. Wild Trout Symposium. West Yellowstone, MT.
September 2017
Isermann, D.I., T. Binder, T. Hayden, S. Hansen, D. Caroffino, D. Dembkowski, W. Larson, C. Krueger, and C. Vandergoot. May 2021. Telemetry, Genomics, and Conventional Tagging Inform Lake Whitefish Management in Northwestern Lake Michigan. 2021 Virtual International Association of Great Lakes Research.
May 2021
Isermann, D., T. Binder, S. Hansen, D. Caroffino, D. Dembkowski, C. Krueger, C. Vandergoot, and W. Larson. January 2018. Spawning site contribution and movements of lake whitefish in northwestern Lake Michigan. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
Isermann, D., S. Hogler, W. Larson, and K. Turnquist. August 2016. Stock structure, dynamics, and demographics of walleyes spawning in tributaries to Green Bay. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, Missouri.
August 2016
Erdman, B., W. Larson, K. Turnquist, M. Mitro, and J. Griffin. June 2018. Genetic population structure of Wisconsin brook trout: the ghosts of propagation past. 9th International Charr Symposium. Duluth, Minnesota.
June 2018
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, S.R. Hogler, K.N. Turnquist, and W.A. Larson. January 2018. Walleye movements in Green Bay: testing assumptions of the current conceptual model for management. 78th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
D. Blumstein, W. Stott, and W. Larson. January 2018. Development of a genetic linkage map for cisco (Coregonus artedi) to facilitate integrated studies of adaptive diversity. 47th Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, WI.
February 2019
Candy, J., W. Larson, R. Waples, I. Winther, K. Jonsen, and T. Beacham. June 2018. Monitoring genetic diversity from marine fisheries: using GSI assigned individuals to estimate effective population size. Coastwide Salmonid Genetics Meeting, Mukilteo, Washington.
June 2018
Brandt., E. J., D.A. Isermann, and D.J. Dembkowski. January 2020. Assessing abundance of centrarchids and juvenile Yellow Perch in northern Wisconsin lakes with different Walleye recruitment histories. 80th Annual Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. Springfield, Illinois.
January 2020
Bootsma, M., Turnquist, K., Sass, G., and Larson, W. January 2018. Developing a high-throughput SNP panel for walleye in Wisconsin and Minnesota. 78th Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
Bootsma, M., Turnquist, K., Sass, G., and Larson, W. February 2019. High throughput genetic stock identification and parentage assessment for Wisconsin and Minnesota walleye using single nucleotide polymorphisms. 47th American Fisheries Society Meeting (Wisconsin Chapter). Green Bay, Wisconsin.
February 2019
Blumstein. D. , W. Stott, and W. Larson. June 2018. Development of a genetic linkage map for cisco (Coregonus artedi) to facilitate integrated studies of adaptive diversity. Coastwide Salmonid Genetics Meeting 2018. Mukileto, Washington.
June 2018
Blumstein, D., W. Stott, and W. Larson. January 2018. Development of a genetic linkage map for cisco (Coregonus artedi) to facilitate integrated studies of adaptive diversity. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
Blumstein D., W. Stott, and W. Larson. April 2018. Development of a genetic linkage map for cisco (Coregonus artedi) to facilitate integrated studies of adaptive diversity. Great Lakes Science Center Seminar Series. Ann Arbor, Michigan.
April 2018
B. Schleppenbach, K. Turnquist, A. Nickel, and W. Larson. 2018. Genetic Analysis of Sauger (Sander canadensis) Populations in the Mississippi River and Lake Michigan Drainages, WI. College of Natural Resources, Undergraduate Research Symposium.
April 2018
Ackiss, A., Larson, W., Stott, W., Turnquist, K., and G. Sass. February 2018. Using a rapture panel to investigate genetic diversity in inland cisco across the Great Lakes region. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
February 2019
Ackiss, A., Donner, K., Jonas, J., Stott, W., Larson, W. June 2019. Using Genomics Tools to Investigate Adaptive Diversity in Great Lakes Cisco. International Association of Great Lakes Research. Brockport, New York.
June 2019