Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Eric Wegleitner

Eric Wegleitner

Phone: (715) 346 - 2178


  • BS University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point 2012


I am a Minnesota native and proud graduate of UWSP. Between my undergraduate and graduate studies I spent time working with the WDNR in Peshtigo and Wisconsin Rapids. I am excited and thankful to continue my studies with the fisheries cooperative research unit at UWSP. My graduate work will help determine abundance and outmigration of age-0 steelhead in Lake Michigan tributaries.

Research Publications Publication Date
Wegleitner, E.W, and D.A. Isermann. 2017. Comparison of two viewing methods for estimating largemouth bass and walleye ages from sectioned otoliths and dorsal spines. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37:1304-1310. DOI October 2017
Wegleitner, E., J. Raabe, D. Dembkowski, N. Legler, and D. Isermann. In Press. Wild juvenile salmonid abundance in Wisconsin tributaries indicates limited contributions to Lake Michigan fisheries. Journal of Great Lakes Research. December 2021
Presentations Presentation Date
Wegleitner, E., D. Isermann, and J. Kerns. August 2016. Wild Age-0 salmonid abundance and outmigration in Wisconsin tributaries to Lake Michigan. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries. Kansas City, Missouri. August 2016
Wegleitner, E., D. Isermann, N. Legler, and P. Hirethota. February 2017. Wild Age-0 Salmonid Abundance and Outmigration in Wisconsin Tributaries to Lake Michigan. 46th Annual Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. February 2017
Wegleitner, E. and D. Isermann. February 2016. On the screen or through the scope: is there a difference when estimating ages of largemouth bass and walleyes from sectioned otoliths and dorsal spines? Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. LaCrosse, Wisconsin. February 2016