Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Brendan C McClure

Conor McClure



  • BS BYU-Idaho 2015
  • Other St. Charles County Community College 2014


A native to Missouri, I have lived in Idaho for 4 years now and claim it as home. I received my undergraduate degree in Ecology, Range, Wildlife, and Fisheries from BYU-Idaho. I have spent the last 3 summers working for IDF&G and have enjoyed every minute of it. I am currently working toward a master's of science degree in Fisheries Resources. My research at the U of I focuses on the population dynamics and demographics of Smallmouth bass in the lower Snake River between Brownlee Reservoir and Swan Falls Dam. In my spare time I enjoy exploring the outdoors with my wife and little girl and am looking forward to a career in Fisheries Management.. My research interests broadly pertain to the management, conservation and perpetuation of sustainable fisheries for the purposes of sport and harvest.