Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Hunter Prude

Hunter Prude



I was raised on a ranch in the Davis Mountains of west Texas. I received a B.S. in Natural Resource Management from Sul Ross State University in 2011. I began working for the Armendaris Ranch, Turner Enterprises Inc. managing the desert bighorn sheep and puma populations in the Fra Christobal Mountains in 2012. I am interested in the development of non-lethal methods to prevent or reduce puma predation on desert bighorn sheep. The coalition research project that I am working on is studying the effects of anthropogenic water sources on predators and prey in desert environments.

Research Publications Publication Date
Prude, C.H. and J.W. Cain III. 2021. Habitat diversity influences puma Puma concolor diet in the Chihuahuan Desert. Wildlife Biology wlb.00875. | Download October 2021
Presentations Presentation Date
Prude, C.H., J.W. Cain III, and G. Harris. 2022. Habitat heterogeneity in the Chihuahuan Desert and puma diet diversity. 29th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Spokane, Washington. November 2022
Prude, C.H., J.W. Cain III, and G. Harris. 2022. Habitat heterogeneity in the Chihuahuan Desert and puma diet diversity. 13th Mountain Lion Workshop, Virtual Online April 2022
Prude, C.H., J.W. Cain III, and G. Harris. 2020. Habitat heterogeneity in the Chihuahuan Desert and puma diet diversity. 53rd Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Prescott, Arizona, USA. February 2020
Prude, C.H., J.W. Cain III, and G. Harris. 2017. The influence of anthropogenic water on puma habitat use and prey selection in arid ecosystems. 24th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. (POSTER) September 2017
Prude, C.H., J.W. Cain III, and G. Harris. 2017. The influence of anthropogenic water on puma habitat use and prey selection in arid ecosystems. 12th Mountain Lion Workshop, Estes Park, Colorado, USA. May 2017
Prude, C.H., J.W. Cain III, G. Harris, and B. Jansen. 2022. Do water developments influence the distribution of puma kills? 29th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Spokane, Washington. November 2022
Prude, C.H., J.W. Cain III, G. Harris, and B. Jansen. 2022. Do water developments influence the distribution of puma kills? 13th Mountain Lion Workshop, Virtual Online. April 2022
Prude, C.H., J.W. Cain III, G. Harris, and B. Jansen. 2021. The influence of man-made water sources on puma kill site locations and prey composition. 54th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Virtual Online. February 2021
Prude, C.H., J.W. Cain III, G. Harris, and B. Jansen. 2021. Do water developments influence the distribution of puma kills? 56th Meeting of the Desert Bighorn Council, Virtual Online. April 2021