Staff Member
Dan Dembkowski
Research Scientist
Phone: (715) 346 - 4350
I am a Research Scientist with the Wisconsin Cooperative Fishery Research Unit and serve as co-director of the Fisheries Analysis Center. I've earned degrees from Carthage College (B.A., 2009), Mississippi State University (M.S., 2011) studying factors that structure fish assemblages in floodplain lakes, and South Dakota State University (Ph.D., 2014) studying yellow perch recruitment and interactions between yellow perch and smallmouth bass.. I am primarily interested in aspects of fisheries management and applied fisheries ecology including recruitment processes, population dynamics, predator-prey interactions, and factors influencing fish assemblage structure. Within these broader topics, I have worked on specific research projects to estimate and model biotic and abiotic influences on yellow perch and walleye recruitment dynamics, evaluate impacts of smallmouth bass and northern pike predation on survival and recruitment of yellow perch and rainbow trout, evaluate the influence of variable prey abundance on walleye energetics, growth, and recruitment, assess habitat associations of and sampling protocols for yellow perch, quantify post-stocking survival and contributions of stocked walleye and muskellunge to year-class strength, identify spatiotemporal trends in fish assemblage structure and function, evaluate age estimation techniques for yellow perch, smallmouth bass, and walleye, and estimate angler motivations and perceptions of interactions between black basses an...
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Wegleitner, E., J. Raabe, D. Dembkowski, N. Legler, and D. Isermann. In Press. Wild juvenile salmonid abundance in Wisconsin tributaries indicates limited contributions to Lake Michigan fisheries. Journal of Great Lakes Research. | December 2021 |
Reed, K., L. Izzo, T. Binder, T. Hayden, D. Dembkowski, S. Hansen, D. Caroffino, C. Vandergoot, C. Krueger, and D. Isermann. 2023. Initial insights on the thermal ecology of Lake Whitefish in northwestern Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research. | June 2023 |
Miranda, L.E., and D.J. Dembkowski. 2024. Fish size structures in lakes of the Mississippi River floodplain. Freshwater Biology 69:1390-1398. | Abstract | August 2024 |
Madenjian, C.P., D. Dembkowski, D. Isermann, S. Batterman, S. Chernyak, S. Cogswell, M. Holey. 2019. Absence of PCB hot spot effect in walleye Sander vitreus from Lower Green Bay of Lake Michigan. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology | January 2019 |
Krebs, J.E., E.J. Brandt, D.J. Dembkowski, D.A. Isermann. 2021. Relative effectiveness of D-Frame dip nets, quatrefoil light traps, and towed ichthyoplankton nets for larval Muskellunge. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. | June 2021 |
Koenigs, R.P., D.J. Dembkowski, C.D. Lovell, D.A. Isermann, and A. Nickel. 2020. Diets of Double-crested Cormorants in the Winnebago System, Wisconsin. Fisheries Management and Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/fme.12466 | Download | August 2020 |
Koenig, L.D., D.J. Dembkowski, S.P. Hansen, I. Tsehave, T.J. Paoli, T.G. Zorn, and D.A. Isermann. 2022. Diet composition and overlap for walleye, lake whitefish, and yellow perch in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research. | December 2022 |
Isermann, D.A., J.K. Raabe, E.G. Easterly, J.C. Schulze, N.J. Porter, D.J. Dembkowski, M.C. Donofrio, D.R. Kramer, and R.F. Elliot. 2022. Lake Sturgeon movement after trap and transfer around two dams on the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. | August 2022 |
Gostiaux, J., H.I.A. Boehm, N.J. Jaksha, D.J. Dembkowski, J.M. Hennessy, D.A. Isermann. 2021. Recruitment Bottlenecks for Age-0 Walleye Sander vitreus in Northern Wisconsin Lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. | October 2021 |
Dembkowski, D.J., J.S. Shrovnal, T.P. Parks, G.G. Sass, J. Lyons, D.A. Isermann. Accepted. Cisco population characteristics in Wisconsin lakes in relation to lake- and landscape-level factors. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. | October 2023 |
Dembkowski, D.J., J.A. Kerns, E.G Easterly, D.A. Isermann. Submitted. Electrofishing encounter probability, survival, and dispersal of stocked age-0 Muskellunge in Wisconsin lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:383-393. | March 2020 |
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, and R.P. Koenigs. 2019. Potential for improving among‐reader precision and accuracy of walleye age estimates with minimal training. North American Journal of Fisheries Management DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10293. | April 2019 |
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, and R.P. Koenigs. 2017. Walleye age estimation using otoliths and dorsal spines: preparation techniques and sampling guidelines based on sex and total length. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 8:474-486. doi:10.3996/052017-JFWM-038 | December 2017 |
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, and G.G. Sass. 2018. Short-term mortality and retention associated with tagging age-0 Walleye using passive integrated transponders (PITs) in the absence of anesthesia. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. | December 2018 |
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, C.S. Vandergoot, S.P Hansen, and T.R. Binder. 2020. Short-term survival of lake whitefish following surgical implantation of acoustic transmitters using two forms of anesthesia. Advances in Limnology - Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on the Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes. | March 2020 |
Dembkowski, D.A., D.A. Isermann, S.R. Hogler, W.A. Larson, and K.N. Turnquist. 2018. Stock structure, dynamics, demographics, and movements of walleyes spawning in four tributaries to Green Bay. Journal of Great Lakes Research. | July 2018 |
Colborne, S.F., M.D. Faust, T.O. Brenden, T.A. Hayden, J.M. Robinson, T.M. MacDougall, H.A. Cook, D.A. Isermann, D.J. Dembkowski, M. Haffley, C.S. Vandergoot. Submitted. Estimating internal transmitter and external tag retention by Walleye (Sander vitreus) in the Laurentian Great Lakes over multiple years. | October 2023 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Wilkinson, M. V., S. Shaw, J. Mrnak, G. Sass, D. Dembkowski, and D. Isermann. January 2025.<b> </b>Evaluating the distribution of fish community production in northern Wisconsin lakes with different walleye recruitment histories. 85<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, January 19-22, 2025. | January 2025 |
Wilkinson, M. V., D. Dembkowski, S. Shaw, G. Sass, J. Mrnak, and D. Isermann. January 2024. Evaluation of fish community production and variable predator abundance effects on prey species in northern Wisconsin lakes. 84<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, January 28-31, 2024. | January 2024 |
Wilkinson, M. V., D. Dembkowski, S. Shaw, G. Sass, J. Mrnak, and D. Isermann. January 2024. Evaluating shifts in fish community production and predator abundance in northern Wisconsin lakes with different walleye recruitment histories. 53<sup>rd</sup> Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Conference, Green Bay, Wisconsin, January 23-25, 2024 | January 2024 |
Wilkinson, M. V., D. Dembkowski, S. Shaw, G. Sass, J. Mrnak, and D. Isermann. 2025. Evaluating the distribution of fish community production in northern Wisconsin lakes with different walleye recruitment histories. 2025 Wisconsin Lakes and Rivers Convention. Stevens Point, WI. | March 2025 |
Vasquez, B. R., D. J. Dembkowski, O. P. Jensen, S. L. Shaw, G. G. Sass, Q. Smith, H. S. Embke, M. J. V. Zanden, Z. S. Feiner, J. T. Mrnak, G. J.A. Hansen, D. A. Isermann. August 2023. Empirical evaluation of walleye thermal-optical habitat in northern Wisconsin lakes. 153<sup>rd </sup>Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Grand Rapids, Michigan | August 2023 |
Stankowski, D. S., D. A. Isermann, D. J. Dembkowski, Z. S. Feiner, and O. P. Jensen. January 2024. Spatial Variation in Time to Reach Preferred Length and Within-Lake Variation in PSD for Bluegill Populations in the Midwestern USA<b>. </b>84<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. | January 2024 |
Stankowski, D. S., D. A. Isermann, D. J. Dembkowski, Z. S. Feiner, and O. P. Jensen. January 2022. Bluegill growth and size structure in the midwestern USA: Predictive models and benchmarks for fisheries management. 82<sup>nd</sup> Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa. | February 2022 |
Stankowski, D. S., D. A. Isermann, D. J. Dembkowski, Z. S. Feiner, and O. P. Jensen. February 2022. Bluegill Growth and Size Structure in the Midwestern USA: Predictive Models and Benchmarks for Fisheries Management. Wisconsin Chapter—American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Virtual. | February 2022 |
Shrovnal, J., D. Dembkowski, R. Koenigs, J. Raabe, and D. Isermann. February 2021. Estimating Mortality of Lake Sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago System Using Traditional Age-Based Approaches and Capture-Recapture Models. 81<sup>st</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota. | February 2021 |
Shrovnal, J., D. Dembkowski, R. Koenigs, J. Raabe, and D. Isermann. February 2021. Estimating Mortality of Lake Sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago System Using Traditional Age-Based Approaches and Capture-Recapture Models. 50<sup>th</sup> Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Virtual.<b><i> </i></b> | February 2021 |
Shrovnal, J., D. Dembkowksi, R. Koenigs, J. Raabe, and D. Isermann. January 2020. Estimating Mortality of Lake Sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago System Using Traditional Age-Based Approaches and Capture-Recapture Models. 80th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois. | January 2020 |
Sheffer, R., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, and S. Hogler. Movements and habitat use of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 2018 Annual Summer Meeting, Esocid Technical Committee of the North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society, Spirit Lake, Iowa. | August 2018 |
Sheffer, R., D. Dembkowski, S. Hogler, and D. Isermann. January 2018. Movements and habitat use of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. | January 2018 |
O'Connell, A.R., D.A. Isermann, and D.J. Dembkowski. May 2022. Evaluation of methods for estimating age and growth of lake sturgeon. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan. | May 2022 |
Naas, E. M., D. J. Dembkowski, S. P. Hansen, J. A. VanDeHey, and D. A. Isermann. January 2024. Understanding Smallmouth Bass Recruitment in Relation to Nest Fishing along Wisconsin’s Door Peninsula. Southern Division AFS Annual Meeting. Chattanooga, Tennessee. | February 2024 |
Naas, E. M., D. J. Dembkowski, S. P. Hansen, J. A. VanDeHey, and D. A. Isermann. January 2024. Understanding Smallmouth Bass Recruitment in Relation to Nest Fishing along Wisconsin’s Door Peninsula. 84th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. | January 2024 |
Lensing, B., L. Izzo, T. Binder, T. Hayden, D. Dembkowski, C. Phalen, and D. Isermann. January 2024. Tributary use of walleye in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 84<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. | January 2024 |
Krebs, J., R. Sheffer, D. Dembkowski, S. Hogler, J. Raabe and D. Isermann. January 2020. Movements and habitat use of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 80th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois. | January 2020 |
Krebs, J., R. Sheffer, D. Dembkowski, S. Hogler, J. Raabe and D. Isermann. August-September 2020. Movements and spawning habitat of Muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 2020 150<sup>th</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Columbus, Ohio. | August 2020 |
Kraus, R., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, and J. Breeggemann. 2024. Yearling Muskellunge Survival in Green Bay in Relation to Length at Stocking and Stocking Location<b>. </b>Wisconsin Chapter AFS Meeting. Green Bay, WI. | January 2024 |
Koenig, L., Isermann, D., Dembkowski, D., Tsehaye, I., Hogler, S., Paoli, T., Hansen, S., Zorn, T., Caroffino, D., and Larson, W. August 2018. Food web interactions among walleyes, lake whitefish, and yellow perch in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Annual Summer Meeting, Walleye Technical Committee of the North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society, Spirit Lake, Iowa. | August 2018 |
Koenig, L., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, W. Larson, K. I. Tsehaye, S. Hansen, S. Hogler, T. Paoli, and T. Zorn. January 2020. Food web interactions among walleyes, lake whitefish, and yellow perch in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, Illinois. | January 2020 |
Koenig, L., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, W. Larson, K. I. Tsehaye, S. Hansen, S. Hogler, T. Paoli, and T. Zorn. February 2019. Food web interactions among walleyes, lake whitefish, and yellow perch in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, Wisconsin. | February 2019 |
Kerns, J., D. Dembkowski, D. Isermann, M. Donofrio, and E. Baker. October 2015. Comparison of lake sturgeon growth rates estimated from fin rays and mark-recapture. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society. Oshkosh, Wisconsin. | October 2015 |
Keiler-Klein, A., D.A. Isermann, D.J. Dembkowski, and L.D. Koenig. 2019. Differential predation of round goby by walleye, yellow perch, and lake whitefish. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, Wisconsin. | February 2019 |
Keiler-Klein, A., D.A. Isermann, D.J. Dembkowski, and L.D. Koenig. 2019. Differential predation of round goby by walleye, yellow perch, and lake whitefish. Research in the Rotunda. Madison, Wisconsin. | April 2019 |
Johnson, J., D. Isermann, W. Larson, D. Dembkowski, and R. Koenigs. February 2019. Stock discrimination of lake sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago System using otolith and fin ray microchemistry. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, Wisconsin. | February 2019 |
Johnson, J., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, and R. Koenigs. September 2019. Stock discrimination of lake sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago system using otolith and fin ray microchemistry. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society. Manitoba, Canada. | September 2019 |
Johnson, J., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, and R. Koenigs. January 2020. Stock discrimination of lake sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago System using otolith and fin ray microchemistry. 80th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, Illinois. | January 2020 |
Jaksha, N., D. Dembkowski, J. Gostiaux, J. Raabe and D. Isermann. January 2020. Diets of Larval Walleye in Northern Wisconsin Lakes. 80th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois. | January 2020 |
Izzo, L., D.I. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, T. Hayden, T. Binder, C. Vandergoot, S. Hansen, T. Zorn, D. Caroffino, and C. Kruger. February 2022. Tributary use of walleye and lake whitefish in Green Bay. 51st Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual. | February 2022 |
Izzo, L., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, T. Binder, T. Hayden, J. Homola, C. Vandergoot, S. Hansen, D. Caroffino, and C. Krueger. May 2022. Telemetry, genomics, and conventional tagging inform lake whitefish management in northwestern Lake Michigan. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Grand Rapids, Michigan. | May 2022 |
Izzo, L., D. Dembkowski, D. Isermann, T. Binder, S. Hansen, and C. Vandergoot. Feb 28-Mar 2, 2023. Survival of lake whitefish in Green Bay following transmitter implantation using chemical anesthesia and electroimmobilization. GLATOS 2023 Coordination Meeting, Ypsilanti, MI. | March 2023 |
Isermann<sup>, </sup>D., D. Dembkowski, S. Carpenter, J. Vander Zanden, J. Hennessy, G. Hansen, J. Hansen, A. Latzka, H. Embke, G. Coppola, Z. Lawson, Z. Feiner, G. Sass, H. Boehm, J. Gostiaux, and E. Brandt. January-February 2021. Bucketmouths, Bottlenecks, and Busted Headlights: A Timeline of Field-Based Efforts to Understand Walleye and Yellow Perch Recruitment in Northern Wisconsin. 81st Annual Meeting of the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Virtual. | February 2021 |
Isermann, D.I., T. Binder, T. Hayden, S. Hansen, D. Caroffino, D. Dembkowski, W. Larson, C. Krueger, and C. Vandergoot. May 2021. Telemetry, Genomics, and Conventional Tagging Inform Lake Whitefish Management in Northwestern Lake Michigan. 2021 Virtual International Association of Great Lakes Research. | May 2021 |
Isermann, D., T. Binder, T. Hayden, S. Hansen, D. Caroffino, D. Dembkowski, W. Larson, C. Krueger, and C. Vandergoot. February 2021. Generalized Movements, Spawning Site Fidelity, and Thermal Ecology of Lake Whitefish in Northwestern Lake Michigan. 81st Annual Meeting of the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Virtual. | February 2021 |
Isermann, D., T. Binder, T. Hayden, S. Hansen, D. Caroffino, D. Dembkowski, W. Larson, C. Kreuger, and C. Vandergoot. February 2021. Generalized Movements, Spawning Site Fidelity, and Thermal Ecology of Lake Whitefish in Northwestern Lake Michigan. Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual. | February 2021 |
Isermann, D., D. Dembkowksi, M. Donofrio, J. Schulze, and J. Raabe. Maintaining Trophy Potential of Riverine Smallmouth Bass Populations in the Upper Midwest: An Assessment using the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan, as a Model. January 2020. 80th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois. | January 2020 |
Henningsen, R., H. Embke, G. Coppola, D. Dembkowski, Z. Lawson, J. Hennessy, S. Carpenter, J. Vander Zanden, and D. Isermann. May 2022. Using a large-scale removal to better understand density-dependent growth in centrarchids. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan. | May 2022 |
Gillem, A. K., D. A. Isermann, D. J. Dembkowski, J. M. Hennessy, and A. W. Latzka. January 2022. Walleye and yellow perch in northern Wisconsin lakes: recruitment trends and importance of perch as prey for larval and post-larval walleye. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Meeting. Charleston, South Carolina. | January 2022 |
Gillem, A. K., D. A. Isermann, D. J. Dembkowski, J. M. Hennessy, and A. W. Latzka. February 2022. Walleye and yellow perch in Northern Wisconsin Lakes: Recruitment trends and importance of perch as prey for larval and post-larval walleye. 82nd Annual Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa. | February 2022 |
Gillem, A. K., D. A. Isermann, D. J. Dembkowski, J. M. Hennessy, and A. W. Latzka. February 2022. Walleye and Yellow Perch in Northern Wisconsin Lakes: Recruitment Trends and Importance of Perch as Prey for Larval and Post-Larval Walleye. Wisconsin American Fisheries Society Meeting. Virtual. | February 2022 |
Everson, J.M., D.A. Isermann, D.J. Dembkowski, S. Hansen, J. Smith, D. Caroffino, and T. Zorn. February 2022. Spatial variation in Lake Whitefish recruitment in Lake Michigan: the potential roles of zooplankton prey and the relative fitness of age-0 fish. 82nd Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, IA. | February 2022 |
Everson, J.M., D.A. Isermann, D.J. Dembkowski, S. Hansen, J. Smith, D. Caroffino, and T. Zorn. February 2022. Spatial variation in Lake Whitefish recruitment in Lake Michigan: the potential roles of zooplankton prey and the relative fitness of age-0 fish. 51st Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual. | February 2022 |
Eastman, R., J. Breeggemann, R. Davis, D. Dembkowski, and D. Isermann. Identifying potential sources of natural recruitment of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 85<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. St. Louis, MO. | January 2025 |
Eastman, R., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, R. Davis, and J. Breeggemann. January 2024. Identifying potential sources of natural recruitment of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 84<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. | January 2024 |
Eastman, R., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, R. Davis, and J. Breeggemann. January 2024. Identifying potential sources of natural recruitment of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 53<sup>rd</sup> Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, WI. | January 2024 |
Easterly, E., D. Isermann, M. Donofrio, and D. Dembkowski. Comparison of Lake Sturgeon Growth and Survival Using Fin Rays and Capture-Recapture Data. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Green Bay, Wisconsin. | February 2019 |
Dembkowski, D.J., R.P. Koenigs, and D.A. Isermann. January 2018. Microelemental signatures of tributaries to the Lake Winnebago system. 78th Annual Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. | January 2018 |
Dembkowski, D.J., R.J. Eastman, and D.A. Isermann. 2020. Yellow perch recruitment synchrony in six northern Wisconsin lakes. 80th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, IL. | January 2020 |
Dembkowski, D.J., J. Miazga, and D.A. Isermann. 2020. Replicating Northern Pike cleithra ages using otoliths, pelvic fin rays, and scales: precision and sampling guidelines based on sex and total length. 80th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, IL. | January 2020 |
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, and T. Parks. 2021. Cisco population characteristics in Wisconsin lakes. 81<sup>st</sup> Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference; St. Paul, MN. | February 2021 |
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, and R.P. Koenigs. January 2018. Walleye age estimation using otoliths and dorsal spines: insights on precision at a statewide level. 78th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. | January 2018 |
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, and L.D. Eslinger. 2019. Temporal stability of adult muskellunge abundance in northern Wisconsin lakes. Joint Technical Committee Meetings. Webster, South Dakota. | July 2019 |
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, and C.S. Vandergoot. 2017. Short-term survival of lake whitefish following surgical implantation of acoustic transmitters using two forms of anesthesia. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. | February 2017 |
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, T. Hayden, C. Vandergoot, S. Hogler, T. Zorn, and C. Krueger. 2020. Fishery contributions, seasonal movements, and spawning site fidelity of Green Bay Walleyes. 80th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, IL. | January 2020 |
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, S.R. Hogler, K.N. Turnquist, and W.A. Larson. January 2018. Walleye movements in Green Bay: testing assumptions of the current conceptual model for management. 78th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. | January 2018 |
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, C.S. Vandergoot, S.P. Hansen, and T.R. Binder. 2017. Short-term survival of lake whitefish following surgical implantation of acoustic transmitters using two forms of anesthesia. 13th International Coregonid Symposium. Bayfield, Wisconsin. | September 2017 |
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, A.W. Latzka, and Z.S. Feiner. 2022. Potential shifts in angler effort in response to implementation of more restrictive panfish regulations 51st Wisconsin Chapter AFS Meeting. Virtual. | February 2022 |
Dembkowski, D., and J. Raabe. 2025. Fish sampling: goals, design, and methods. 2025 Wisconsin Lakes and Rivers Convention. Stevens Point, WI. | March 2025 |
Dembkowski, D., T. Binder, T. Hayden, B. Buechel, D. Isermann, D. Hanson, K. Keretz, R. Kraus, and R. Oldham. 2024. Effects of mussel biofouling on receiver detection range. GLATOS Annual Meeting, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. | February 2024 |
Dembkowski, D., L. Allex, S. Baeckman, D. Gillman, K. Reed, R. Zwiers, M. Wilkinson, and D. Isermann. 2025. Diet composition and overlap of walleye and largemouth bass in northern Wisconsin lakes: implications for walleye recruitment and size structure of prey fish. 85<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. St. Louis, MO. | January 2025 |
Dembkowski, D., J. Everson, D. Isermann, S. Hansen, J. Smith, S. Pothoven, T. Zorn, and D. Caroffino. 2023. Spatial variation in lake whitefish recruitment in Lake Michigan: potential roles of zooplankton prey and the relative fitness of age-0 fish. 153<sup>rd</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Grand Rapids, Michigan. | August 2023 |
Dembkowski, D., D. Isermann, S. Hansen, T. Zorn, Z. Slagle, P. Euclide, and J. Homola. 2024. Defining connectivity of Great Lakes smallmouth bass populations using genomics and telemetry. GLATOS Annual Meeting. Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. | February 2024 |
Dembkowski, D., D. Isermann, S. Hansen, T. Zorn, Z. Slagle, P. Euclide, and J. Homola. 2024. Defining connectivity of Great Lakes smallmouth bass populations using genomics and telemetry. 84<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. | January 2024 |
Dembkowski, D., D. Isermann, S. Hansen, T. Zorn, Z. Slagle, P. Euclide, and J. Homola. 2024. Defining connectivity of Great Lakes smallmouth bass populations using genomics and telemetry. 53<sup>rd</sup> Wisconsin Chapter AFS Meeting. Green Bay, WI. | January 2024 |
Dembkowski, D., D. Isermann, L. Izzo, S. Hansen, B. Eggold, and C. Vandergoot. 2023. Using acoustic telemetry to assess potential latent mortality of walleye and sublegal lake whitefish in the southern Green Bay trap net fishery. 2023 GLATOS Coordination Meeting. Ypsilanti, Michigan. | February 2023 |
Dembkowski, D., D. Isermann, L. Eslinger, T. Cichosz, J. Hennessy, and J. Kubisiak. 2023. Temporal stability of adult muskellunge populations in northern Wisconsin lakes. 153<sup>rd</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Grand Rapids, Michigan. | August 2023 |
Dembkowski, D., D. Isermann, L. Eslinger, T. Cichosz, J. Hennessy, and J. Kubisiak. 2021. Using the past to inform the present: temporal stability of adult muskellunge populations in northern Wisconsin lakes. Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual. | February 2021 |
Dembkowski, D., D, Isermann, J. Breeggemann, and T. Zorn. 2025. Understanding and building resilience in Green Bay walleye populations. 85<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. St. Louis, MO | January 2025 |
Dembkowski, D., B. Davis, R. Eastman, and D. Isermann. 2024. Yellow perch population characteristics in Wisconsin inland lakes. 84<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. | January 2024 |
Dembkowkski, D., and D.A. Isermann. July 2017. Wisconsin walleye research. 2017 Joint Meeting of the Centrarchid, Esocid, and Walleye Technical Committees-North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society. | July 2017 |
Davis, B., D. Dembkowski, R. Eastman, and D. Isermann. 2024. Population demographics and factors influencing abundance of yellow perch in inland Wisconsin lakes. 53<sup>rd</sup> Wisconsin Chapter AFS Meeting. Green Bay, WI. | January 2024 |
Coppola, G., C. J. Kelling, D. Dembkowski and D. A. Isermann. February 2021. Effects of climate-induced shifts in hatch timing on early life history of largemouth bass in Wisconsin. 81<sup>st</sup> Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, virtual. | February 2021 |
Coppola, G., C. J. Kelling, D. Dembkowski and D. A. Isermann. February 2021. Effects of climate-induced shifts in hatch timing on early life history of largemouth bass in Wisconsin. 50<sup>th</sup> Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, virtual. | February 2021 |
Carpenter, K., T. Zorn, D. Isermann, C. Isermann, and D. Dembkowski. March 2017. Precision of Otolith and Dorsal Spine Age Estimates for Walleye Sander vitreus in Northern Lake Michigan. 46th Annual Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. | February 2017 |
Brandt., E.J., Z.S. Feiner, A.W. Latzka, and D.A. Isermann. January–February 2021. Evidence for synchrony between Yellow Perch and Walleye recruitment dynamics and temporal trends in northern Wisconsin lakes. 81st Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. St. Paul, Minnesota. | February 2021 |
Brandt., E.J., D.J. Dembkowski, A.W. Latzka, J.M. Hennessy, and D.A. Isermann. January–February 2020. Assessing abundance of centrarchids in northern Wisconsin lakes with different Walleye recruitment histories. 81st Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. St. Paul, Minnesota. | February 2021 |
Brandt., E.J., D.J. Dembkowski, A.W. Latzka, J.M. Hennessy, and D.A. Isermann. February 2021. Assessing abundance of centrarchids in northern Wisconsin lakes with different Walleye recruitment histories. 50th Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual. | February 2021 |
Brandt., E. J., D.A. Isermann, and D.J. Dembkowski. July 2019. Assessing abundance of centrarchids and juvenile Yellow Perch in northern Wisconsin lakes with different Walleye recruitment histories. 2019 Joint Meeting of the Centrarchid, Esocid, and Walleye Technical Committees – North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society. Webster, South Dakota. | July 2019 |
Bohen, R. M., D. J. Dembkowski, A. W. Latzka, J. M. Hennessy, and D. A. Isermann. Population Characteristics of Buffalo in Wisconsin: Contribution and Resiliency to Bowfishing Harvest. 154<sup>th</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Honolulu, HI. | September 2024 |
Bohen, R. M., D. J. Dembkowski, A. W. Latzka, J. M. Hennessy, J. J. Homola and D. A. Isermann. Population Characteristics of Buffalo in Wisconsin: Contribution and Resiliency to Bowfishing Harvest. 85<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. St. Louis, MO. | January 2025 |
Bohen, R. M., D. J. Dembkowski, A. W. Latzka, J. M. Hennessy, J. J. Homola and D. A. Isermann. Bigmouth and Smallmouth Buffalo in Wisconsin: Population Characteristics and Contribution and Resiliency to Bowfishing Harvest. 84<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota | January 2024 |
<i>Lensing, B., D. Dembkowski, J. Raabe, J. Breeggemann and D. Isermann. Identifying Walleye and Lake Whitefish Spawning Habitat to Inform Habitat Improvements for Lake Sturgeon in the Lower Fox River below De Pere Dam. 85<sup>th</sup> Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. St. Louis, MO. </i> | January 2025 |