Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Jacob H Kay

Jacob Kay



I am originally from Northern California and earned a B.S. in Wildlife Biology from Colorado State University. I have worked on many carnivore projects and now my research at NMSU focuses on mountain lion-mule deer interactions in central New Mexico. My other hobbies include climbing, snowboarding, hunting, cooking and banjo.

Research Publications Publication Date
Cain, J.W., III, J.H. Kay, S.G. Liley, and J.V. Gedir. 2024. Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) resource selection: trade-offs between forage and predation risk. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 12:1121439 | Download
April 2024
Presentations Presentation Date
Kay, J.H., and J.W. Cain III. 2017. New insight into utilizing bone marrow to assess ungulate health. 50th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Farmington, New Mexico, USA. February 2017
Kay, J.H., and J.W. Cain III. 2017. New insight into utilizing bone marrow to assess ungulate health. 12th Western States and Provinces Deer and Elk Workshop, Sun Valley, Idaho, USA. May 2017
Kay, J.H., and J.W. Cain III. 2017. New insight into utilizing bone marrow to assess the health of mountain lion prey . 12th Mountain Lion Workshop, Estes Park, Colorado, USA. May 2017
Kay, J.H., and J.W. Cain III. 2017. Effects of sampling time on bone marrow fat estimates. 24th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. September 2017
Kay, J.H., J.W. Cain III, and S.G. Liley. 2018. Tradeoffs between forage and predation risk in central New Mexico. International Deer Biology Congress, Estes Park, Colorado, USA. August 2018
Kay, J. H., and J. W. Cain III. 2016. Top-Down and bottom-up forces on central New Mexico mule deer. 49th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. February 2016