Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Dr. Garth Lindner

Post Doc
Phone: (573) 882 - 0752


  • Ph D University of Maryland, Baltimore County 2014
  • MS Indiana University 2009
  • BA Indiana University 2006
Research Publications Publication Date
Rosenberger, A.E. and G.A. Lindner. 2022. Use of a riverscape-scale model of fundamental physical habitat requirements for freshwater mussels to quantify mussel declines in a mining-contaminated stream: the Big River, Old Lead Belt, Southeast Missouri. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-147-2022, Washington, D. C. | Abstract | Download November 2022
Roberts, A., J. Hundley, A. Rosenberger, K. Bouska, D. Mosby, B. Simmons, and G. Lindner. 2016. Quantitative survey of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) and assessment of sediment contamination in the Big River, Missouri. Fish and Wildlife Service Report (Available Online, January 2016
Lindner, G., K. Bouska. E. Bulliner, R. Jacobson, and C. Paukert. 2017. Science to Inform Management of Floodplain Conservation Lands under Non-Stationary Conditions. Final Report to the US Geological Survey, Northeast Climate Science Center. December 2017
Key, K.N., A.E. Rosenberger, G.A. Lindner, K. Bouska, and S.E. McMurray. 2021. Riverscape-Scale Modeling of Fundamentally Suitable Habitat for Mussel Assemblages in an Ozark River System, Missouri. Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation 24: 43-58. | Abstract October 2021
Hartman, J.N., A.E. Rosenberger, K. Key, and G. Lindner. 2023. Assessing potential habitat for freshwater mussels by transferring a habitat suitability model within the Ozark Ecoregion, Missouri. Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation 26:32-44. | Abstract | Download March 2023
Bouska, K., G. Lindner, C. Paukert, and R. Jacobson. 2016. Stakeholder-led science: engaging resource managers to identify science needs for long-term management of floodplain conservation lands. Ecology and Society 21(3):12 August 2016
Bouska, K., A.E. Rosenberger, S.E. McMurray, G. Lindner, and K. Key. 2018. State-level freshwater mussel programs: current status and a research framework to aid in mussel management and conservation. Fisheries DOI:10.1002/fsh.10106. (IP-076251) May 2018
Presentations Presentation Date
​​​​Lindner, G., J. Remo, E. Bulliner, R. Jacobson, and C. Paukert. 2020. Spatiotemporal inundation modeling of the middle Mississippi River Floodplain: insights into nutrient processing and other ecosystem services. 5th Annual West Tennessee Water Resources Symposium. 26-28 February 2020. Jackson, TN February 2020
Rosenberger, A.E., S. McMurray, K. Bouska, G. Lindner, K.Key, M. Schrum, and L. Lueckenhoff. 2018. Towards a Statewide, Strategic, and Spatially-Explicit Mussel Conservation Assessment and Monitoring Program – our vision. Oral Presentation to Tennessee Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN. January 2018
Rosenberger, A.E., S. McMurray, K. Bouska, G. Lindner, K. Key, J. Holtswarth, K. Womble, M. Schrum, and L. Lueckenhoff. 2020. Towards a statewide, strategic, and spatially-explicit mussel conservation assessment and monitoring program - our vision. Virtual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, September, 2020. September 2020
Rosenberger, A.E., K. Bouska, S. McMurray, G. Lindner, K. Key, M. Schrum, and L. Lueckenhoff. 2016. Towards a strategic and spatially-explicit mussel conservation assessment and monitoring program in Missouri - our vision. Invited Presentation for the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri. August, 2016. August 2016
Roberts, A., J. Hundley, A. Rosenberger, K.L. Bouska, D. Mosby, B. Simmons, and G. Lindner. 2017. Quantitative Survey of Freshwater Mussels (Unionoidea) and Assessment of Sediment Contamination in the Big River, Missouri. Poster Presentation for the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting, November, 2017. November 2017
Lindner, G., K. Key, and A. Rosenberger. 2017. Using hydrogeomorphic variables for habitat modeling of unionid mussel concentrations in Missouri Ozark rivers. The Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Annual Meeting, Clevland, OH, March 2017. March 2017
Lindner, G., K. Key, K. Bouska, and A.E. Rosenberger. Derivation of hydrogeomorphic variables for fundamental niche modeling of unionid mussel concentrations in Missouri Ozark Rivers. Oral Presentation for the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, 2016. August 2016
Lindner, G., K. Bouska, K. Key, and A. Rosenberger. 2016. Maxent modeling for Missouri Ozark unionids with macroscale hydro-geomorphic variables. Seminar, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI, January 2016. January 2016
Lindner, G., E. Bulliner, K. Bouska, C. Paukert, and R. Jacobson. 2017. Floodplain inundation mapping under nonstationary hydro-climatic conditions on the lower Missouri River to support multi-objective management of conservation lands Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. February 2017
Lindner, G., E. Bulliner, K. Bouska, C. Paukert, and R. Jacobson. 2019. Mapping flood patterns to address current and future management needs on the Lower Missouri River. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. February 2019
Lindner, G., E. Bulliner, K. Bouska, C. Paukert, and R. Jacobson. 2017. Floodplain inundation mapping on the lower Missouri River to support current and future management decisions. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE. March 2017
Lindner, G., C. Paukert, A. Rosenberger, R. Jacobson, K. Bouska, and E. Bulliner. 2016. An examination of costs and benefits for capturing meaningful hydro-geomorphic criteria for aquatic biota in rivers. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO. August 2016
Key, K., G. Lindner, K. Bouska, and A. Rosenberger. 2017. Generation of a fundamental niche model for diverse mussel assemblages within the northeastern Ozark region of Missouri. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO, February 2017. February 2017
Key, K., G. Lindner, K. Bouska, and A. Rosenberger. 2016. Using maxent to generate a fundamental niche model for diverse mussel assemblages within the northeastern Ozark region of Missouri. Missouri Natural Resource Conference, Osage Beach, MO. February, 2016. February 2016
Key, K., G. Lindner, A. Rosenberger, and K. Bouska. 2017. A hierarchical approach to mussel conservation: from niche modeling to field monitoring. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Annual Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, March 2017. March 2017
Key, K., G. Linder, and A.E. Rosenberger. 2016. A tool for identifying potential threats to species on a landscape level: An example geared towards endangered freshwater mussels in Missouri. Organization of Fish and Wildlife Information Managers Annual Meeting. Ponca State Park, NE. October, 2016. October 2016
Key, K., A. Rosenberger, G. Lindner, and K. Bouska. 2017. Using maxent to generate a fundamental niche model for diverse mussel assemblages within the northeastern Ozark region of Missouri. Poster Presentation, School of Natural Resources Research Day, May 2017. May 2017
Key, K., A. Rosenberger, G. Lindner, and K. Bouska. 2017. Hierarchical approach to mussel conservation: from niche modeling to field monitoring. Oral presentation, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August 2017. August 2017
Holtswarth, J.N., A.E. Rosenberger, K.N. Key, and G. Lindner. 2019. Assessing the transferability of a freshwater mussel fundamental niche model within the Ozark Ecoregion, Missouri. Oral presentation (invited), Organization of Fisheries and Wildlife Information Managers Annual Meeting, West Virginia. October, 2019. October 2019
Holtswarth, J.N., A.E. Rosenberger, K.N. Key, and G. Lindner. 2018. Do freshwater mussel beds associate with lateral channel stability and channel controls? Oral presentation (invited). Organization of Fish and Wildlife Information Managers Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon. October, 2018. October 2018
Holtswarth, J.N., A.E. Rosenberger, G. Lindner, and K. Key. 2019. Assessing the transferability of a freshwater mussel fundamental niche model within the Ozark Ecoregion, Missouri. Tennessee American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN. March 2019
Holtswarth, J.N., A.E. Rosenberger, K.N. Key, G. Lindner. 2019. Assessing the transferability of a freshwater mussel fundamental niche model within the Ozark Ecoregion, Missouri. Master’s Seminar to the Deparment of Biology, Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville, TN. July, 2019 July 2019
Holtswarth, J.N., A.E. Rosenberger, K.N. Key, G. Lindner. 2019. Assessing the transferability of a freshwater mussel fundamental niche model within the Ozark Ecoregion, Missouri. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, April, 2019. April 2019
Bouska, K., G. Lindner, R. Jacobson, and C. Paukert.Identifying floodplain conservation land management priorities and science needs for the Lower Missouri River. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE March 2015
Bouska, K., G. Lindner, R. Jacobson, and C. Paukert. Stakeholder-led Science: Engaging floodplain conservation land managers to identify and meet science needs. International Society for River Science Biennial Meeting, LaCrosse, WI August 2015
Bouska, K., A.E. Rosenberger, K. Key, J. Holtswarth, G. Lindner, and S. McMurray. 2020. Development and implementation of a strategic mussel conservation assessment in Missouri. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Resources Conference, Springfield Illinois. January, 2020. January 2020
Lindner, G. K. Bouska, C. Paukert, R. Jacobson. Floodplain inundation mapping to support multi-objective restoration and management of conservation lands on the lower Missouri River. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI January 2016