Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Dr. Janice Kerns

Janice Kerns

Phone: (715) 346 - 2502


I am a Research Scientist within the Fisheries Analysis Center. I've received degrees from the University of Tampa (BS) in Marine Science and Biology, Tennessee Technological University (MS) studying the impacts of bycatch on a commercial paddlefish fishery, and the University of Florida (PhD) studying mortality components within a recreational fishery.. Population Dynamics, Fisheries Ecology and Management

Research Publications Publication Date
Kerns, J.A., D.A. Isermann, T.D. Simonson, J.M. Hennessy, G. Hansen, and T.A. Cichosz. 2017. Pages 489-502 in K.L. Kapuscinski, T.D. Simonson, D.P. Crane, S.J. Kerr, J.S. Diana, and J.M. Ferrell, editors. Muskellunge management: fifty years of cooperation among anglers, scientists, and fisheries biologists. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 85, Bethesda Maryland. October 2017
Presentations Presentation Date
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, and T. Simonson. February 2016. Electrofishing catchability of juvenile muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of American Fisheries Society. LaCrosse, Wisconsin. February 2016
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, and T. Simonson. August 2016. Electrofishing catchability of juvenile muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, Missouri. August 2016
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, and T. Simonson. 2016. Electrofishing catchability of juvenile muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. Joint Meeting of the Centrarchid, Esocid, and Walleye Technical Committees; North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society. Gretna, Nebraska. July 2016
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, and T. Simonson. 2016. Electrofishing catchability of juvenile muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. Hugh C. Becker Symposium - Muskies, Inc., Minnetonka, Minnesota. March 2016
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, and J. Hansen. February 2016. Evaluation of vehicle counters for monitoring angler effort on small freshwater lakes. Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of American Fisheries Society. LaCrosse, Wisconsin. February 2016
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, T. Simonson, J. Hennessy, and T. Cichosz. March 2016. Predicting abundance of adult muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. Hugh C. Becker Symposium, Muskies, Inc. Minnetonka, Minnesota. March 2016
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, T. Simonson, J. Hennessy, and T. Cichosz. July 2015. Evaluation of methods used to estimate population metrics for adult muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society – Walleye Technical Committee Meeting, Brookings, South Dakota. July 2015
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, T. Simonson, J. Hennessy, and T. Cichosz. February 2015. Evaluation of methods used to estimate population metrics for adult muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana. February 2015
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, T. Simonson, J. Hennessy, and T. Cichosz. 2015. Evaluation of methods used to estimate population metrics for adult muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Eau Claire, Wisconsin. February 2015
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, J. Hansen, and J. Hennessy. August 2016. Evaluation of vehicle counters for monitoring angler effort on small inland lakes. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, Missouri. August 2016
Kerns, J., D. Dembkowski, D. Isermann, M. Donofrio, and E. Baker. October 2015. Comparison of lake sturgeon growth rates estimated from fin rays and mark-recapture. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society. Oshkosh, Wisconsin. October 2015
Technical Publications Publication Date
Rogers, M.W., J.A. Kerns, D.B. Bunnell, R.M. Claramunt, P.D. Collingsworth. 2013. Exploring Life History Characteristics of Naturalized Versus Stocked Chinook Salmon. A Final Report submitted to the Great Lakes Fishery Trust. IP-061637. December 2013