Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Jonathan Watson

Jonathan Watson

Phone: (207) 581 - 1340


  • Other University of Maine 2017
  • BS College of Charleston 2010


The focus of my career has followed a trajectory that is similar to an anadromous fish, moving from the marine environment to freshwater. I first became interested in aquatic ecology and conservation at the College of Charleston in South Carolina where I received a B.S. in Marine Biology. Next, I worked for a stent in the Bering Sea as an Alaskan fisheries observer and then worked two years as a technician with the SC Marine Resources Division. I have recently gravitated towards diadromous fish after working for the Diadromous Fishes section at SCDNR. My current research fits well with my evolving interest in these fishes. When I can find some free time I like to try my hand at outdoor sports, fishing, hunting, and hiking, although my interest in many things prohibits my excellence in any of them.. Current Research: I am studying the response of Penobscot River fish communities to the removal of the Great Works and Veazie dams in 2012 and 2013, respectively. Prior to my arrival, a baseline electrofishing community survey was established to allow for comparison after the dams were removed. Currently, I am replicating this electrofishing survey in the main-stem Penobscot River and several of its tributaries. My research will hopefully elucidate the short-term impacts of dam removal on fish communities and illustrate the benefits that it can have on the entire river ecosystem.