Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Chris Coxen

Chris Coxen



Chris is interested in avian ecology, restoration ecology, and outreach that can help create a better informed, conservation minded public. After graduating from NC State, he worked as a technician for the NC State Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research unit on the North Carolina outer banks. He has spent the last four years as the field ecologist for a land trust in the Southern Appalachians, executing habitat management and wildlife monitoring projects around the Highlands of Roan. Chris joined the Carleton lab in 2014 and studies Band-tailed Pigeon migration and recruitment at NMSU. 

Research Publications Publication Date
Collins, D. P., G. S. Zimmerman, S. A. Carleton, W. L. Kendall, and C. L. Coxen. 2023. Survival rates of band-tailed pigeon in New Mexico estimated using passive integrated transponder tags. Journal of Wildlife Management 87:e22385, February 2023
Presentations Presentation Date
Coxen, CL, SA Carleton, and D Collins. 2016. Evaluating the use of PIT tags and Satellite PTTs to model the survival and movements of Band-tailed Pigeons in New Mexico. Arizona/New Mexico Joint Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Flagstaff, AZ February 2016
Coxen, CL, SA Carleton, and D Collins. 2015. Evaluating the use of PIT tags and Satellite PTTs to model the survival and movements of Band-tailed Pigeons in New Mexico. Arizona/New Mexico Joint Annual Meeting of The Wildlife February 2015
Coxen, CL, SA Carleton, and D Collins. 2015. Evaluating the use of PIT tags and Satellite PTTs to model the survival and movements of Band-tailed Pigeons in New Mexico. Annual meeting of the New Mexico Ornithological Society. Roswell, New Mexico April 2015