Staff Member
Chris Coxen
Chris is interested in avian ecology, restoration ecology, and outreach that can help create a better informed, conservation minded public. After graduating from NC State, he worked as a technician for the NC State Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research unit on the North Carolina outer banks. He has spent the last four years as the field ecologist for a land trust in the Southern Appalachians, executing habitat management and wildlife monitoring projects around the Highlands of Roan. Chris joined the Carleton lab in 2014 and studies Band-tailed Pigeon migration and recruitment at NMSU.
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Collins, D. P., G. S. Zimmerman, S. A. Carleton, W. L. Kendall, and C. L. Coxen. 2023. Survival rates of band-tailed pigeon in New Mexico estimated using passive integrated transponder tags. Journal of Wildlife Management 87:e22385, | February 2023 |
Project | Completion Date |
Demography and seasonal movement patterns of band-tailed pigeons in New Mexico. | December 2016 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Coxen, CL, SA Carleton, and D Collins. 2016. Evaluating the use of PIT tags and Satellite PTTs to model the survival and movements of Band-tailed Pigeons in New Mexico. Arizona/New Mexico Joint Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Flagstaff, AZ | February 2016 |
Coxen, CL, SA Carleton, and D Collins. 2015. Evaluating the use of PIT tags and Satellite PTTs to model the survival and movements of Band-tailed Pigeons in New Mexico. Arizona/New Mexico Joint Annual Meeting of The Wildlife | February 2015 |
Coxen, CL, SA Carleton, and D Collins. 2015. Evaluating the use of PIT tags and Satellite PTTs to model the survival and movements of Band-tailed Pigeons in New Mexico. Annual meeting of the New Mexico Ornithological Society. Roswell, New Mexico | April 2015 |