Wood, J.M., A.K. Tegeler, and B.E. Ross. July 2018. The effects of US Farm Bill cost-share conservation practices and private lands management on avian communities in South Carolina, USA. North American Congress for Conservation Biology. Toronto, Ontario, CA.
July 2018
Wood, J.M., A.K. Tegeler, B.E. Ross. September 2017. Quantifying the effects of Farm Bill cost-share conservation practices on avian species on private lands in South Carolina. 24th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Albuquerque, New Mexico.
September 2017
Thistle, M.R., Dozier, J., McAlister, M.A., and B.E. Ross. 2020. Habitat selection and breeding ecology of Bachman’s Sparrow in a wiregrass-free ecosystem. The Wildlife Society Conference, Louisville, Kentucky. <i>Poster</i>
September 2020
Thistle, M.R., Dozier, J., McAlister, M.A., and B.E. Ross. 2020. Habitat selection and breeding ecology of Bachman’s Sparrow in a wiregrass-free ecosystem. North American Ornithological Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
August 2020
Sullins, D.S., B.E. Ross, and D.A. Haukos. 2018. Influence of individual heterogeneity on lesser prairie-chicken population persistence. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Cleveland, Ohio.
October 2018
Shurba, JA, EM Miller, J Merendino, BA Bauer, RM Kaminski, BE Ross, and EP Wiggers. Southeastern regional examination of box-nesting wood ducks: a 2019 pilot study at Lake Moultrie, South Carolina. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Hilton Head, SC.
October 2019
Schindler, A., B.E. Ross, and D.A. Haukos. 2018. A multi-species approach to managing the effects of weather and land cover on upland game birds.
February 2018
Schindler, A and B.E. Ross. 2019. The use of decision-support software to select candidate areas for lesser prairie-chicken conservation. US-IALE. Fort Collins, Colorado.
April 2019
Ross, B.E., N. Masto, R. Kaminski, J. Dozier, M. McAlister, and J. Woods. 2019. Integrating counts from aerial and ground surveys to estimate densities of waterfowl. SEAFWA, Hilton Head, SC.
October 2019
Ross, B.E., N. Masto, R. Kaminski, J. Dozier, M. McAlister, and J. Woods. 2019. Integrating counts from aerial and ground surveys to estimate densities of waterfowl. North American Duck Symposium. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
August 2019
Ross, B.E., N. Masto, C. Roy, R. Kaminski, J. Dozier, M. McAlister, and J. Woods. 2019. Integrating counts from aerial and ground surveys to estimate densities of waterfowl. The Wildlife Society, Louisville, KY
September 2020
Ross, B.E., M.B. Hooten, and D.N. Koons. 2017. Evaluating the inference from dynamic occupancy models relative to population abundance. American Ornithology 2017, Michigan.
July 2017
Ross, B.E., M. Schaub, T.W. Arnold, M.D. Weegman, J.M. Warren, C.A. Nicolai, R.G. Clark, D.N. Koons. 2016. Using integrated population models to examine drivers of avian population dynamics in changing environments. 6th North American Ornithological Conference, Washington, D.C., 16-20 August 2016.
August 2016
Ross, B.E., D.S. Sullins, and D.A. Haukos. 2018. Using an individual-based model to assess monitoring for lesser prairie-chicken population growth rates. International Grouse Symposium, Logan, Utah.
September 2018
Ross, B.E., D.S. Sullins, and D.A. Haukos. 2018. Using an individual-based model to assess monitoring for lesser prairie-chicken population growth rates.
February 2018
Ross, B.E., D.A. Haukos, and P. Walther. 2017. Quantifying changes and drivers of mottled duck density in Texas. 24th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society
September 2017
Ross, B.E., D. Haukos, C. Hagen, and J. Pitman. 2016. Combining multiple data sources to determine drought and land-use impacts on Lesser Prairie-Chickens. 6th North American Ornithological Conference, Washington, D.C. 16-20 August 2016.
August 2016
Ross, B.E., C. Brady, S. Felege, and A. Mini. 2019. Effective networking strategies for hunter and non-hunters. North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
August 2019
Ross, B.E. and M. Weegman. 2018. Quantifying the power to detect trends in vital rates using integrated population models. International Statistical Ecology Conference, St. Andrews, Scotland.
July 2018
Ross, B.E. and J.M. Wood. 2020. Data integration for autonomous recording units and traditional point-count sampling. NAOC, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
August 2020
Ross, B.E. and J.M. Wood. 2018. Optimal sampling designs for autonomous recording units and traditional point-count sampling. The Wildlife Society, Cleveland, Ohio.
October 2018
Plumpton, H.M., E. Silverman, B.E. Ross. 2017. Annual factors affecting the distribution for wintering Black Scoters. 6th International Sea Duck Conference
February 2017
Plumpton, H., S.G. Gililand, and B.E. Ross. 2019. Geographic differences in the wintering sites of the Atlantic population of black scoters. The North American Duck Symposium. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
August 2019
Plumpton, H. M., E. D. Silverman, B. E. Ross. August 26-30, 2019. Black Scoter Habitat Use along the Southeastern Coast of the United States. The North American Duck Symposium. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
August 2019
Plumpton, H. M., E. D. Silverman, B. E. Ross. 2017. Annual Factors Influencing the Wintering Distribution of Black Scoters in the South Atlantic. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, New Mexico.
September 2017
Ostroski, J., J. Cantrell, C. Ruth, and B.E. Ross. 2020. Assessing wild turkey occupancy using autonomous recording units and package monitoR. The Wildlife Society, Louisville, Kentucky.
September 2020
Ostroski, J., Cantrell, J., Charles, R., & B.E. Ross. (2020, August). Assessing wild turkey occupancy using autonomous recording units and the package monitoR. North American Ornithological Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
August 2020
Masto, NM, RM Kaminski, MR Kneece, P Gerard, K Barrett, and BE Ross. 2019. Evaluation of aerial surveys to monitor waterbird population in South Carolina. SEAFWA.
October 2019
Masto, N.M., R.M. Kaminski, B.E. Ross, M.R. Kneece, P. Gerard, and K. Barrett. 2019. Modeling double-observer aerial count data to estimate detection, abundance, and habitat relationships of waterfowl wintering in South Carolina. North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, CA
August 2019
Masto, N.M., R.M. Kaminski, B.E. Ross, M.R. Kneece, P. Gerard, and K. Barrett. 2019. Aerial strip-transect surveys for monitoring fall-winter waterfowl abundance and distribution in South Carolina. North American Duck Symposium. Winnipeg, Manitoba, CA.
August 2019
Masto, N.M., M.R. Kneece, R.M. Kaminski, B.E. Ross, A.T. Pearse, P. Gerard, K. Barrett. 2017. Aerial strip-transect surveys of waterfowl and waterbirds in South Carolina: summary and revisions of the 2016-2017 surveys
October 2017
M. Kneece, R. M. Kaminski, B. E. Ross, A. T. Pearse, and N. M. Masto. 2017. Aerial Line-Transect Surveys for South Carolina Waterbirds Take Flight. Annual Report for James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center.
May 2017
Lawson, A. J., C. T. Moore, B. E. Ross, and P. G. R. Jodice. 2018. Synthesizing multiple data streams to estimate abundance and detection probability in a highly wary, long-lived apex predator: an integrated modeling approach. The Wildlife Society 25th Annual Conference, 7-11 October 2018, Cleveland, OH.
October 2018
Kemink, K., L. Webb and B. Ross. Why we need more women in STEM leadership roles: innovations to overcome obstacles and identify solutions. North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, MB, August 26-30, 2019.
August 2019
J. A. Shurba, E. M. Miller, R. M. Kaminski, B. A. Bauer, E. P. Wiggers, P. Schmidt, G. R. Hepp, B. E. Ross, and K. J. Whitehead. 2020. Regional examination of the contribution of nest boxes to wood duck recruitment in the Southeastern United States. South Carolina TWS.
October 2020
Godar, A.J., C.P. Griffin, B.A. Grisham, D.A. Haukos, S.R. Fritts, B.E. Ross, C.W. Boal, C.A. Hagen, M.A. Patten, and J.C. Pitman. 2017. Combining weather data and climate projections: a case study with Lesser Prairie-Chickens. Annual meeting of the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Lincoln, NE.
February 2017
Godar, A.J., B.A. Grisham, B.E. Ross, C.W. Boal, S.R. Fritts, C.P. Griffin, C.A. Hagen, D.A. Haukos, M.A. Patten, and J.C. Pitman. 2016. Rangewide assessment of the influence of climate change on lesser prairie-chicken population persistence. North American Ornithological Congress, Washington, D.C.
August 2016
Froehly, J.L., A. Tegeler, B. Ross, C. Jachowski, P. Jodice, and D.S. Jachowski. 2017. Loggerhead shrike occupancy in South Carolina. American Ornithology Society, Lansing, Michigan.
August 2017
Dolan, S., R. Reid, B. E. Ross, and A. Woodward. 2020. Establishing a photographic monitoring protocol for the endangered Rock Gnome Lichen to assess population stability. Botany 2020: Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America in Anchorage, AK, USA. <i>Poster</i>.
July 2020
Adams, M., Tegeler, A., Hook, M., Small, M., & Ross, B.E. (2020). <i>Effects of forest management on early-successional avian species in South Carolina</i>. The Wildlife Society.
September 2020
A.J. Godar, B.A. Grisham, B.E. Ross, C.W. Boal, D. Greene, C.P. Griffin, C.A. Hagen, D.A. Haukos, M.A. Patten, and J.C. Pitman. 2018. Rangewide lesser prairie-chicken population persistence with climate change. International Grouse Symposium, Logan, Utah.
September 2018