Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Zachary Snobl

Zach Snobl

Phone: (715) 346 - 4781


  • BS University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire 2013


I'm a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point in the Wisconsin Cooperative Fisheries Research Unit. I am researching sub-adult lake sturgeon habitat use in the lower wolf river.

Research Publications Publication Date
Snobl, Z.R., D.A. Isermann, R.P. Koenigs, J.K. Raabe. 2017. Relative sampling efficiency and movements of subadult lake sturgeon in the Lower Wolf River, Wisconsin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 146:5, 1070-1080, DOI: 10.1080/00028487.2017.1334703. July 2017
Presentations Presentation Date
Snobl, Z., R. Koenigs, D. Isermann, R. Bruch, B. Sloss, and J. Raabe. Using side-scan sonar to assess habitat use of sub-adult lake sturgeon in the Wolf River, Wisconsin. Wisconsin American Fisheries Society. Eau Claire, Wisconsin. February 2015
Snobl, Z., R. Koenigs, D. Isermann, R. Bruch, B. Sloss, and J. Raabe. August 2014. Using side-scan sonar to assess habitat use of sub-adult lake sturgeon in the Wolf River, Wisconsin. National American Fisheries Society. Québec City, Québec Canada. August 2014
Snobl, Z., R. Koenigs, D. Isermann, B. Sloss, and J. Raabe. Habitat use and movement of sub-adult lake sturgeon in the Lower Wolf River, Wisconsin. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society. Oshkosh, Wisconsin. October 2015