Whiteley, A.R., J. Rosset, B.I. Gahagan, A. Jordaan, and A.H. Roy. 2014. Reproductive success and juvenile growth following and experimental alewife translocation to a Massachusetts pond. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 17-21 August 2014, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
August 2014
Roy, A.H., J. Rosset, M. Marjadi, A. Whiteley, B. Gahagan, A. Jordaan. 2016. Insights in reproduction, growth, and survival of anadromous alewife in freshwater lakes. New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 23-25 March 2016, Rockland, ME.
March 2016
Roy, A., A Jordaan, A. Whiteley, M. Devine, M. Marjadi, J. Rosset, M. Armstrong, B. Gahagan. 2017. The lake story: insights in reproduction, growth, and survival of anadromous alewife in freshwater. Gaspereau/Alewife Symposium, 16-20 June 2017, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada.
June 2017
Rosset, J., B.I. Gahagan, P.A. Jordaan, A.H. Roy, and A.R. Whiteley. 2014. Life history characteristics of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in freshwater environments. Annual Meeting of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 26-28 March 2014, Burlington, VT.
March 2014
Rosset, J., A.H. Roy, B.I. Gahagan, A.R. Whiteley, and A.P. Jordaan. 2015. Life history characteristics of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in freshwater environments. American Fisheries Society Southern New England Chapter 2015 Winter Meeting, Narragansett, RI, 27 January 2015.
January 2015
Rosset, J., A.H. Roy, B.I. Gahagan, A.R. Whiteley, and A. Jordaan. 2015. Shedding light on past assumptions: a look at life history characteristics of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus). Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 16-20 August 2015, Portland, Oregon.
August 2015
Rosset, J., A.H. Roy, B.I. Gahagan, A.R. Whiteley, and A. Jordaan. 2015. Shedding light on past assumptions: a look at life history characteristics of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in coastal Massachusetts. Northeast Natural History Conference, 19-20 April 2015, Springfield, MA.
April 2015
Rosset, J. B.I. Gahagan, A.P. Jordaan, A.H. Roy, and A.R. Whiteley. 2014. Life history characteristics of juvenile alewife in freshwater ponds. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 17-21 August 2014, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
August 2014
Marjadi, M.N., A.H. Roy, M.T. Devine, B.I Gahagan, A. Jordaan, J. Rosset, and A.R. Whiteley. 2022. Longer adult freshwaer residence time related to higher reproductive output in an anadromous clupeid. Ecological Society of America Meeting, 14-19 August 2022, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
August 2022
Marjadi, M.N., A.H. Roy, M.T. Devine, B.I Gahagan, A. Jordaan, J. Rosset, and A.R. Whiteley. 2022. Alewife that stay longer mate longer: An investigation of adult freshwater residence time. Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Winter Meeting, 21 January 2022, Amherst, MA.
January 2022
Marjadi, M., J. Rosset, A. Jordaan, A.H. Roy, B.I. Gahagan, and A.R. Whiteley. 2016. Earlier arrival and larger body size increase reproductive success in alewife. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 21-25 May 2016, Sacramento, CA.
May 2016