Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Nathan Crum

Nathan Crum



Nathan is from Westfield, Indiana, just outside Indianapolis. He earned his B.S. in Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology from Purdue University in 2013. While there he was involved in projects studying sexual selection in Brown-headed Cowbirds, yellow perch dietary ontogeny and the breeding bird community in the Hoosier National Forest. Currently he is a M.S. student in applied ecology at Cornell University.

Presentations Presentation Date
Crum, N.J. and A.K. Fuller. Estimating the distribution of moose across New York using hunter observations. New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Coordinating Committee Meeting. September 16, 2014. September 2014
Crum, N., A.K. Fuller, and C. Sutherland. Estimating the occurrence of moose in New York using hunter survey data. 71st Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference. 21 April, 2015. April 2015
Crum, N. J., A. K. Fuller, C.S. Sutherland, H. Kretser, M. Glennon, M. Schwartz, and K. Pilgrim. 2015. Population Structure and Recolonization Dynamics of Moose in Northeastern North America. The Wildlife Society Conference, Winnipeg, MB. October 19, 2015. October 2015