Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Dr. Raymond B. Iglay

Native of Delaware, Ray Iglay is part of a modeling team developing an agent-based model for the interior populations of the Least Tern.

Post Doc


  • Ph D Mississippi State University 2010
  • MS Mississippi State University 2007
  • BS University of Delaware 2003


Native of Wilmington, Delaware, Dr. Iglay received a B.S. in Entomology and Wildlife Biology form the University of Delaware, M.Sc in Wildlife Science and Ph.D. in Forest Resources (Wildlife Ecology) from Mississippi State University. Dr. Iglay is developing an agent-based metapopulation model for the interior populations of the Least Tern.. Species-habitat relationships, population dynamics. Dr. Iglay postdoctoral research is developing an individual-based model for the endangered interior least tern across its geographic range.. . Population dynamics