Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

John Clare




  • MS University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point 2013
  • BA Bates College 2004


I joined the Maine CFWRU in September 2013. Prior to this, I assisted a variety of wildlife survey and spatial ecology studies and performed contract work for state agencies. My M.S. research at UW-Stevens Point focused on generating predictive models of bobcat occurrence and density using non-invasive survey techniques. My free-time is spent wisely.. My interests are generally applied, with a particular emphasis on improving population inference via survey techniques, design, and analysis. My current research focuses on determining the population status and trend of American marten: understanding how marten population parameters respond to the surrounding environment and both habitat and harvest management, and determining the most efficient means for monitoring purposes.

Research Publications Publication Date
Clare, J., S.T. McKinney, C.S. Loftin, and J.E. DePue. 2017. Multiple methods improve inferences and evaluate method-specific biases, with extensions for observation dependence. Ecological Applications. DOI: 10.1002/eap.1587 September 2017
Clare, J., S.T. McKinney, C.S. Loftin, E.M. Simons-Legaard, and J.E. DePue. 2019. Satellite-detected forest disturbance forecasts American marten population decline: the case for supportive space-based monitoring. Biological Conservation 233:336-345. March 2019