Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Trevor Starks

Razorback Sucker collected in the San Juan River, New Mexico.

Phone: (785) 477 - 5329


I received my undergraduate degree in Fisheries Biology from Kansas State University. Currently, I am pursuing a master's degree at Oklahoma State University. My research investigates larval fish prey selection and habitat use in created chutes in the Missouri River.

Research Publications Publication Date
Starks, T.A., M.L. Miller, and J.M. Long. 2016. Early Life History of Three Pelagic-Spawning Minnows (Macrhybopsis Spp.) in the Lower Missouri River. Journal of Fish Biology 88:1335-1349. doi:10.1111/jfb.12892 February 2016
Starks, T.A., J.M. Long, and A.R. Dzialowski. 2016. Community structure of age-0 fishes in paired mainstem and created shallow-water habitats in the lower Missouri River. River Research and Applications 32:753-762. doi:10.1002/rra.2891 January 2015
Starks, T.A. and J.M. Long. 2017. Trophic responses of age-0 fishes in created habitats of the lower Missouri River. American Midland Naturalist 178:112-122. July 2017
Long, J.M., T.A. Starks, T. Farling, and R. Bastarache. 2016. Assessing the potential for Rainbow Trout reproduction in tributaries of the Mountain Fork River below Broken Bow Dam, southeastern Oklahoma. e-Research Paper SRS-58, U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 15 p. | Abstract | Publisher Website September 2016
Gosch, N.J.C., M.L. Miller, T.R. Gemeinhardt, T.A. Starks, A.P. Civiello, J.M. Long, and J.L. Bonneau. 2016. Prey consumption and preference of age-0 sturgeon in the lower Missouri River. River Research and Applications 32:1819-1823. DOI: 10.1002/rra.3003USERDEF_rfCreateCorres> February 2016
Presentations Presentation Date
Starks, TA and JM Long. 2015. Early life history of three pelagic-spawning minnows (Macrhybopsis spp.) in the Lower Missouri River. Oklahoma Natural Resources Convention,Tulsa, Oklahoma. February 2015
Starks, TA and JM Long. 2015. Community responses of larval and juvenile fishes to created shallow-water habitats in the Missouri River. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Savannah, Georgia. February 2015
Starks, TA and JM Long. 2014. Community responses of larval and juvenile fishes to created shallow-water habitats in the Missouri River. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. August 2014
Starks, T.A., and J.M. Long. 2014. Community responses of larval fishes to created shallow-water habitats in the Missouri River. 3rd annual student water conference Stillwater, OK. April 2014