Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Eric Torvinen


Research Publications Publication Date
Torvinen, E.S., Falke, J.A., Arp, C.D., Jones, B.M., Whitman, M.S., and C.E. Zimmerman. Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) otoliths indicate effects of climate and lake morphology on growth patterns in Arctic lakes. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. September 2022
Presentations Presentation Date
Torvinen, E., Falke, J., Arp, C., Sutton, T., and C. Zimmerman. 2017. Using Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) otoliths to recreate past patterns of recent climate and growth in Arctic lakes. Alaska Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Fairbanks, Alaska, 19-23 March, 2017. March 2017
Falke, J., Sparks, M., Torvinen, E., and P. Westley. 2017. Climate vulnerability and salmonids in Alaska: hind- and forecasting freshwater growth and phenology across species and habitats. Western Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Missoula, Montana, 23-25 May, 2017. May 2017