Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Jason Carmignani




  • MA Clark University 2012
  • BA Clark University 2010


I completed a B.A./M.A. in 2010/2012 conducting research with Dr. John A. Baker on physical habitat associations of Bridle Shiner in Massachusetts. From there I joined the Connecticut DEEP Inland Fisheries 2012 as a seasonal fisheries technician and in 2013, I joined the Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit under Dr. Allison Roy at UMass, Amherst. . My general research interest is understanding relationships between anthropogenic stressors and freshwater abiotic and biotic patterns and processes. My current research aims to characterize littoral zone physical habitat for macroinvertebrates and fish, macroinvertebrate assemblage structure, and food webs in winter water level drawdown lakes in Massachusetts.

Research Publications Publication Date
Sterrett, S., A. Roy, P. Hazelton, B. Swartz, E. Nedeau, J. Carmignani, and A. Skorupa. 2022. Standard Operating Protocol for Mark and Recapture Monitoring of Brook Floater in Streams. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-142-2022, Washington, D. C. | Publisher Website July 2022
Carmignani, J.R., A.H. Roy, P.D. Hazelton, and H. Giard. 2019. Annual winter water level drawdowns limit shallow-water mussel densities in small lakes. Freshwater Biology 64:1519-1533. DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13324 | Publisher Website June 2019
Carmignani, J.R., A.H. Roy, J. Stolarski, and T. Richards. 2021. Hydrology of annual winter water level drawdown regimes in recreational lakes of Massachusetts, U.S.A. Lake and Reservoir Management. | Publisher Website June 2021
Carmignani, J.R. and A.H. Roy. 2021. Annual winter water level drawdowns influence littoral zone physical habitat structure and macrophytes in Massachusetts lakes. Ecosphere: eo3442. | Publisher Website April 2021
Carmignani, J.R. and A.H. Roy. 2017. Ecological impacts of winter lake drawdowns on lake littoral zones: A review. Aquatic Sciences 79:803-824. DOI 10.1007/s00027-017-0549-9 | Download July 2017
Presentations Presentation Date
Stankiewicz, K., J. Carmignani, and A.H. Roy. 2016. Hydrologic characteristics of annual winter water-level drawdowns in Massachusetts lakes. New England Association of Environmental Biologists. 23-25 March 2016, Rockland, ME. March 2016
Roy, A.H., J.R. Carmignani, J.T. Stolarski, and T. Richards. 2021. Hydrology of annual winter water level drawdowns in recreational lakes of Massachusetts, USA. National Monitoring Conference, 19-23 April 2021, virtual. April 2021
Roy, A.H., J.R. Carmignani, J.T. Stolarski, and T. Richards. 2020. Hydrology of annual winter water level drawdowns in recreational lakes of Massachusetts, USA. North American Lake Management Society Meeting, 16-20 November 2020, virtual. November 2020
Roy, A.H. and J. R. Carmignani. 2020. Ecological responses of shallow littoral zones to annual wintertime water level drawdowns in reservoirs. ALSO-SFS 2020 Joint Summer Meeting, 7-11 June 2020, Madison, WI. June 2020
Roy, A. and J. Carmignani. 2016. Impacts of winter drawdowns on lake ecosystems. The Lakes and Ponds Association of Western Massachusetts Conference, 22 October 2016, Pittsfield, MA. October 2016
Remiszewski, T.T., J. Carmignani, and A.H. Roy. 2018. Impacts of winter water-level lake drawdowns on fish growth. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 19-23 August 2018, Atlantic City, NJ. August 2018
Remiszewski, T.T., A.H. Roy, and J. Carmignani. 2018. Impacts of winter water-level lake drawdowns on fish growth. Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 10 January 2018, New Bedford, MA. January 2018
Giard, H., J. Carmigani, and A.H. Roy. 2018. Investigating the effects of winter lake drawdowns on freshwater mussels and consequences for water quality. New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 13-15 March 2018, Devens, MA. March 2018
Carmignani, J.R., A.H. Roy, P.D. Hazelton, and H. Giard. 2019. Annual winter water level drawdowns limit mussel densities in small lakes. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium, 14-18 April 2019, San Antonio, TX. April 2019
Carmignani, J.R., A.H. Roy, J.T. Stolarski, and T. Richards. 2020. Synthesis of empirical research investigating the effects of annual wintertime water level drawdowns on littoral zones in Massachusetts lakes. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 4-6 March 2020, Newport, RI. March 2020
Carmignani, J.R. and A.H. Roy. 2020. Ecological patterns of shallow littoral zones in reservoirs undergoing annual wintertime water level drawdowns. North American Lake Management Society, 16-20 November 2020, virtual. November 2020
Carmignani, J.R. and A.H. Roy. 2014. Examining effects of winter water level drawdowns on fish populations in New England lakes. Annual Meeting of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 26-28 March 2014, Burlington, VT. March 2014
Carmignani, J.R. and A.H. Roy. 2014. Ecological impacts of winter water level drawdowns on lake littoral zone communities: a review. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, 18-22 May 2014, Portland, OR. May 2014
Carmignani, J., P. Hazelton, S. Sterrett, and A. Roy. 2020. Assessing detection, occupancy, and habitat correlates for a rare mussel based on standardized rapid survey protocol. Northeast Natural History Conference, 17-19 April 2020, Stamford, CT. April 2020
Carmignani, J., A.H. Roy, and K. Stankiewicz. 2016. Freshwater mussel distribution in shallow depths of winter drawdown lakes. New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 23-25 March 2016, Rockland, ME. March 2016
Carmignani, J., A.H. Roy, and J. Stolarski. 2018. Do annual winter water level drawdowns alter trophic pathways for common lake fish species? Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, 15-17 April 2018, Burlington, VT. April 2018
Carmignani, J., A.H. Roy, and J. Stolarski. 2018. Do annual winter water level drawdowns alter trophic pathways for common lake fish species? New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 13-15 March 2018, Devens, MA. March 2018
Carmignani, J., A.H. Roy, and J. Stolarski. 2018. Do annual winter water level drawdowns alter trophic pathways for common lake fish species? Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 19-23 August 2018, Atlantic City, NJ. August 2018
Carmignani, J. and A.H. Roy. 2019. Littoral macroinvertebrate assemblage responses to annual winter lake drawdowns. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 27 February - 1 March, Saratoga Springs, NY. February 2019
Carmignani, J. and A.H. Roy. 2016. Impact of winter drawdowns on mussel distributions in Massachusetts (USA) lakes. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 21-25 May 2016, Sacramento, CA. May 2016
Carmignani, J. and A.H. Roy. 2015. Do annual winter lake drawdowns alter the physical habitat structure and complexity of shallow littoral zones? Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 17-21 May 2015, Milwaukee, WI. May 2015
Carmignani, J. and A.H. Roy. 2015. Do annual winter drawdowns alter the physical habitat structure and complexity of the littoral zone? New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 18-20 March 2015, Bartlett, NH. March 2015