Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Carl G. Lundblad

Carl Lundblad

Post Doc


  • MS University of Arizona 2014
  • BS University of New Mexico 2003


A native of New Mexico and Arizona, I've spent most of my life in the desert southwest exploring its wild lands as an enthusiastic traveler, hiker, birdwatcher, naturalist, and student of ecology.. I am primarily interested in avian ecology, life history evolution, and the management and conservation of non-game wildlife. Most of my research is focused on avian migration dynamics including such questions as how migratory behavior evolved and is maintained, what ultimate factors and proximate cues drive migratory movements, and which factors mediate different migratory decisions among individuals within a population. Because migration is driven by seasonal processes, an improved understanding of its causes will be critical to managing migratory populations on a rapidly-changing planet.

Research Publications Publication Date
Lundblad, C.G., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Nest microclimate and limits to egg viability explain avian life-history variation across latitudinal gradients. Ecology 102:e03338. doi: 10.1002/ecy.3338. June 2021
Lundblad, C.G., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Intraspecific variation in incubation behaviours along a latitudinal gradient is driven by nest microclimate and selection on neonate quality. Functional Ecology 35:1028-1040. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13772 July 2021
Lundblad, C.G., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Ashmole’s hypothesis and the latitudinal gradient in clutch size. Biological Reviews 96:1349-1366. doi: 10.1111/brv.12705 July 2021
Lundblad, C.G., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Variation in selective regimes drives intraspecific variation in life history traits and migratory behavior along an elevation gradient. Journal of Animal Ecology 89:397-411. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.13134 February 2020
Lundblad, C.G., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Testing four hypotheses to explain partial migration: balancing reproductive benefits with limits to fasting endurance. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74(2):26. doi: 10.1007/s00265-019-2796-3 January 2020
Lundblad, C.G., C. J. Conway, K. Cruz-McDonnell, D. Doublet, M. J. Desmond, C J. Navis, and K. Ongman. 2021. Long-term population fluctuations of a Burrowing Owl Population on Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. Journal of Raptor Research 55:241-254. doi: 10.3356/JRR-20-08 June 2021
Lundblad, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2023. Investing in a nest egg: Intraspecific variation in the timing of egg-laying across a latitudinal gradient. Oecologia 202:83-96. May 2023
Lundblad, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2023. Delayed incubation leads to hatching failure of a Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) nest. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 135:400-405. doi: 10.1676/22-00089 January 2024
Conway, C. J., T. I. Wellicome, D. H. Johnson, C. Lundblad, and J. L. Conley. 2017. Identifying migratory routes and wintering grounds of Burrowing Owls that breed on DoD installations in the western U.S. Final Report to U.S. Department of Defense Legacy Program. December 2017
Presentations Presentation Date
Wellicome, T. I., C. J. Conway, D. H. Johnson, J. L. Conley, D. R. Bruinsma, C. G. Lundblad, and R. J. Fisher. 2019. Long-distance Migration of Burrowing Owls Across Western North America. Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. 20 Feb 2019. February 2019
Wellicome, T. I., C. J. Conway, D. H. Johnson, J. L. Conley, D. R. Bruinsma, C. G. Lundblad, and R. J. Fisher. 2018. Long-distance migration of Burrowing Owls across western North America. International Ornithological Congress, Vancouver, British Columbia. 22 Aug 2018. August 2018
Orabona, A.C., C.J. Conway, T.I. Wellicome, and C.G. Lundblad. 2020. Migration of western burrowing owls in Wyoming and throughout North America. Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Laramie Regional Office, Laramie, WY. 5 Jun 2020. June 2020
Orabona, A.C., C.J. Conway, T.I. Wellicome, and C.G. Lundblad. 2020. Migration of western burrowing owls in Wyoming and throughout North America. Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Casper Regional Office, Casper, WY. 20 Jun 2020. June 2020
Orabona, A.C., C.J. Conway, T.I. Wellicome, and C.G. Lundblad. 2020. Migration of western burrowing owls in Wyoming and throughout North America. Red Desert Audubon Society. Lander, WY. 11 Feb 2020. February 2020
Orabona, A.C., C.J. Conway, T.I. Wellicome, and C.G. Lundblad. 2020. Migration of western burrowing owls in Wyoming and throughout North America. Laramie Audubon Society, Laramie, WY. 25 Feb 2020. February 2020
Orabona, A.C., C.J. Conway, T.I. Wellicome, and C.G. Lundblad. 2020. Migration of western burrowing owls in Wyoming and throughout North America. Cheyenne High Plains Audubon Society, Cheyenne, WY. 18 Feb 2020. February 2020
Orabona, A.C., C.J. Conway, T.I. Wellicome, and C.G. Lundblad. 2019. Transcontinental travel: Migration of western burrowing owls throughout North America. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Sheridan, WY. 20 Nov 2019. November 2019
Orabona, A.C., C.J. Conway, T.I. Wellicome, and C.G. Lundblad. 2019. Migration of western burrowing owls in Wyoming and throughout North America. Rawlins BLM Field Office. Rawlins, WY. 19 Dec 2019. December 2019
Lundblad, C.G., and C.J. Conway. 2017. Effects of nest microclimate on reproductive success of burrowing owls along a latitudinal gradient. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Albuquerque, NM. 25 Sep 2017. September 2017
Lundblad, C.G., and C. J. Conway. 2017. Thermal ecology, reproductive success, and climate adaptability of Burrowing Owls. Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Bryce Canyon, UT. 23 March 2017. March 2017
Lundblad, C.G, and C.J. Conway. 2018. Research goes underground: secrets of the Burrowing Owl. Environmental and Resource Science Colloquium. Nevada State College. Henderson, NV. 5 Apr 2018. INVITED. April 2018
Lundblad, C., and C. J. Conway. 2018. Latitudinal variation in nest microclimate explains variation in hatching success, nestling growth, and nestling survival in burrowing owls. Special Symposium: Avian Reproduction and the Thermal Environment. American Ornithological Society. Tucson, AZ. 13 Apr 2018. INVITED. April 2018
Lundblad, C., and C. J. Conway. 2016. Is hatching asynchrony adaptive? Latitudinal gradients in breeding behavior of Burrowing Owls. North American Ornithological Conference VI. Washington, DC. 18 Aug 2016. August 2016
Lundblad, C. G., and C.J. Conway. 2014. Why do Life Histories Vary Geographically? Novel Approaches to Unresolved Questions. Fish and Wildlife Sciences Departmental seminar, University of Idaho. 12 Nov 2014. November 2014
Lundblad, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Intraspecific variation and adaptive significance of a little-known life-history trait, laying interval length, along a latitudinal gradient. American Ornithological Society. Anchorage, AK. 26 Jun 2019. June 2019
Lundblad, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2017. Thermal constraints affect reproductive success of burrowing owls breeding along a latitudinal gradient. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Boise, ID. 2 Mar 2017. March 2017
Lundblad, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2014. Why do some but not all birds migrate? Tests of mechanistic hypotheses in yellow-eyed juncos. AOU/COS/SCO-SOC Joint Annual Meeting, Estes Park, CO. 24 September 2014. September 2014
Lundblad, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2013. Access to food and not intolerance of cold drives altitudinal migration of Yellow-eyed Juncos. Joint Meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union and Cooper Ornithological Society, Chicago, IL. 16 Aug 2013. August 2013
Lundblad, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2012. What Makes a Migrant: Migratory Patterns and Their Causes within a Sky Island. Western Field Ornithologists. Petaluma, CA. 29 Sep 2012. September 2012
Lundblad, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2012. Migration dynamics and wintering strategies of Yellow-eyed Juncos in southeastern Arizona. Arizona Field Ornithologists. Lake Havasu City, AZ. 27 Oct 2012. October 2012
Lundblad, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2012. Differential migration of yellow-eyed juncos along an elevational gradient. North American Ornithological Conference. Vancouver, BC, Canada. 17 Aug 2012. August 2012
Lundblad, C. G., C. J. Conway, T.I. Wellicome, A. Orabona. 2022. Identifying Wintering Sites, Migratory Routes, and Stopover Hotspots of North American Burrowing Owls. Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society. 23 Feb 2022. February 2022
Conway, C.J., T.I. Wellicome, and C.G. Lundblad. 2020. Migration behavior of western burrowing owls throughout North America. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Moscow, ID. 11 March 2020. March 2020
Conway, C.J., D.H. Johnson, C.G. Lundblad, and J.L. Conley. 2017. Migratory behavior and dispersal of burrowing owls throughout North America. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Albuquerque, NM. 25 Sep 2017. September 2017
Conway, C.J., D.H. Johnson, C.G. Lundblad, and J.L. Conley. 2017. Migratory Behavior and Breeding Dispersal of Burrowing Owls in the western United States. World Owl Conference. Evora, Portugal. 30 Sep 2017. September 2017
Conway, C.J., C.G. Lundblad, and A.J. Locatelli. 2023. Latitudinal Patterns in Survival, Fecundity, Migration, Dispersal, and Fidelity of Burrowing Owls in North America. Raptor Research Foundation. Albuquerque, NM. 20 Oct 2023. October 2023
Technical Publications Publication Date
Conway, C.J., T.I. Wellicome, D.H. Johnson, C. Lundblad, and J.L. Conley. 2017. Identifying Migratory Routes and Wintering Grounds of Burrowing Owls that Breed on DoD Installations in the Western U.S. Final Report for DoD Legacy Project #13-604. Idaho Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, Moscow, ID. December 2017