Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Kristin Cheney

Humarock Beach, MA



I am a senior at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. I joined Allison Roy's lab during my sophomore year and will complete my honors thesis in the lab. Major: Biology Minor: Natural Resource Conservation . Thesis Title: Spatial and Temporal Variation of Stream Insect Emergence in Headwater Streams I am interested in studying anthropogenic impacts, such as climate change and pollution, on aquatic organisms. My current project focuses on emergence timing and headwater stream habitat use of aquatic insects within the Quabbin Reservoir.

Research Publications Publication Date
Cheney, K.N., A.H. Roy, R.F. Smith, and R.E. DeWalt. 2019. Effects of stream temperature and substrate type on emergence patterns of Plecoptera and Trichoptera from Northeastern United States headwater streams. Environmental Entomology 48:1349-1359. DOI: 10.1093/ee/nvz106 | Publisher Website September 2019
Presentations Presentation Date
Cheney, K.N., A.H. Roy, and R.F. Smith. 2014. Spatial and temporal variation in aquatic insect emergence from headwater streams in New England. Annual Meeting of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 26-28 March 2014, Burlington, VT. March 2014
Cheney, K.N., A.H. Roy, and R.F. Smith. 2014. Spatial and temporal variation in Plecoptera and Trichoptera emergence from headwater streams. Jount Aquatic Sciences Meeting, 18-22 May 2014, Portland, OR May 2014