Staff Member
Allyson Yarra
- MS University of Arkansas 2017
- BS University of Massachusetts Amherst 2015
(showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries)
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Yarra, A.N. and D.D. Magoulick. 2020. Effect of stream permanence on predation risk of lotic crayfish by riparian predators. Southeastern Naturalist 19:673-691. | November 2020 |
Yarra, A.N. and D.D. Magoulick. 2019. Modeling effects of invasive species and drought on crayfish extinction risk and population dynamics. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29:1-11. DOI:10.1002/aqc.2982 | January 2019 |
Yarra, A.N. and D.D. Magoulick. 2018. Stream permanence is related to crayfish occupancy and abundance in the Ozark Highlands, USA. Freshwater Science 37:54–63. DOI:10.1086/696020 | March 2018 |
(showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries)
(showing 1 to 9 of 9 entries)
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Magoulick, D.D., J.T. Fox, A. Yarra, R. Fournier, L. Bayer. 2024. Environmental thresholds and other approaches for aquatic conservation. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Geological Survey Coop Unit Liaisons meeting. | June 2024 |
Magoulick, D.D. and A.N. Yarra. 2017. Effect of stream permanence on predation risk of lotic crayfish by riparian and aquatic predators. Symposium on Challenges, insights and opportunities in crayfish conservation and ecology, Society for Freshwater Science, Raleigh, North Carolina. | June 2017 |
Yarra, A.N., L.A. Bruckerhoff and D.D. Magoulick. 2016. Influence of flow regime, geomorphology and habitat on crayfish assemblages of the Ozark Highlands. Society for Freshwater Science, Sacramento, California. | May 2016 |
Stein, B., A.N. Yarra and D.D. Magoulick. 2015. The importance of substrate size for crayfish in intermittent and groundwater streams. Arkansas Water Resources Center conference, Fayetteville, Arkansas. | June 2015 |
Yarra, A.N., T.A. Richards, and A.H. Roy. 2015. Impacts of thermal and flow alteration on benthic stream macroinvertebrates downstream of water supply reservoirs. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 17-21 May 2015, Milwaukee, WI. | May 2015 |
Roy, A.H., T.A. Richards, C.R. Smith, and A.N. Yarra. 2015. Investigating impacts of impoundments on the hydrology, temperature, and fish assemblages in Massachusetts streams. New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 18-20 March 2015, Bartlett, NH. | March 2015 |
Yarra, A.N., T.A. Richards, and A.H. Roy. 2015. Impacts of thermal and flow alteration on benthic stream macroinvertebrates downstream of surface water reservoirs in Massachusetts. New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 18-20 March 2015, Bartlett, NH. | March 2015 |
Yarra, A.N., L.A. Bruckerhoff and D.D. Magoulick. 2015. Crayfish occupancy in response to hydrologic regime and geomorphology in Ozark streams. Symposium on Conservation, Ecology, and Taxonomy of Southeastern Crayfish, Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Savannah, Georgia. | January 2015 |
Yarra, A.N., T.A. Richards, and A.H. Roy. 2014. Assessing effects of surface water supply reservoirs on stream hydrologic and thermal regimes in Massachusetts. Annual Meeting of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 26-28 March 2014, Burlington, VT. | March 2014 |