Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Corinne Diggins

Checking Carolina Northern Flying Squirrel nest boxes on a balmy winter day at Mt. Mitchell, NC.

Post Doc


B.S. Wildlife Conservation (University of Delaware, 2006) M.S. Forestry (Northern Arizona University, 2010) My wildlife field experience includes work with bats, bog turtles, passerine birds, Carolina Northern Flying Squirrels, American Woodcocks, Green Salamanders, riverine turtles, and white-tailed deer. My forestry field experience includes work in spruce-fir forests in Maine, ecologically restored ponderosa pine forests in Arizona, oak forests in Kentucky, and upland hardwood forests in North Carolina. From 2010-2012, I developed and ran the NC Bat Acoustic Monitoring Program (a citizen science program to monitor bat populations using acoustic driving transects) for the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. . I am interested in habitat ecology and management of non-game species (especially small mammals), restoration of forested ecosystems, bioacoustics, and high-elevation ecosystems of the Central and Southern Appalachian Mountains. My PhD research will focus on linking foraging microhabitats of the Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus fuscus) and the Carolina Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus coloratus) to hypogeous fungi and folistic epipedons with potential implications for high-elevation spruce restoration. I will also be conducting ultrasonic acoustic surveys of Appalachian Northern Flying Squirrels (NFS) and Southern Flying Squirrels (SFS) in the field: 1) developing survey techniques and protocol, 2) looking at detectio...

Research Publications Publication Date
W. Mark Ford , Andrew M. Evans, Richard H. Odom, Jane L. Rodrigue, Christine A. Kelly, Nicole Abaid, Corinne A. Diggins and Douglas Newcomb. 2015. Predictive Habitat Models Derived from Nest-box Occupancy for the Endangered Carolina Northern Flying Squirrel in the Southern Appalachians. Endangered Species Research 27:131-140 March 2015
Rentch, J.A., W.M. Ford, T.S. Schuler, J. Palmer and C.A. Diggins. 2014. Release of suppressed red spruce using canopy gap creation – testing applicability for ecological restoration in the Central Appalachians. Natural Areas Journal 36:29-37. January 2016
Moser, A., C.A. Diggins, and W.M. Ford. 2017. High-elevation Observations of Long-tailed Weasel and Eastern Chipmunk in North Carolina. Southeastern Naturalist 16(2):N40-N42 October 2017
Higdon, S.D., C.A. Diggins, M.J. Cherry and W.M. Ford. 2019. Proactive anti-predator behavior of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) during fawning season in the Southern Appalachians. Journal of Ethology May 2019
Diggins. C.A. and W.M. Ford. 2021. Spatial Behavior of Northern Flying Squirrels in the Same Social Network. Ethology DOI: 10.1111/eth.13130 18 p. April 2021
Diggins, C.A., M.A. Castellano and W.M. Ford. 2020. Hypogeous, sequestrate Fungi (Genus Elaphomyces) found at small-mammal foraging sites in High-elevation conifer forests of West Virginia. Northeastern Naturalist 27:N40-N47 July 2020
Diggins, C.A., L.M. Gilley, C. Kelly and W.M. Ford. 2016. Comparison of survey techniques on detection of northern flying squirrels. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40:654-662 August 2016
Diggins, C.A., G.G. Turner, L.M. Gilley, and W.M. Ford. 2020. Ultrasonic acoustic surveys of state endangered northern flying squirrels in the Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 11(2):644-653.

November 2020
Diggins, C.A., D. Jachowski, J. Martin and W.M. Ford. 2015. Incidental captures of Eastern Spotted Skunk in a high-elevation spruce forest in Virginia. Northeastern Naturalist 22:N6-N10. April 2015
Diggins, C.A., A. Silvis, C.A. Kelly and W.M. Ford. 2016. Home range, den selection, and habitat use of Carolina northern flying squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus coloratus). Wildlife Research 44:427-437 October 2017
Diggins, C.A. and W.M. Ford. 2022. Seasonal bat activity patterns in high-elevation conifer sky islands Acta Chiropterlogica 24(1): 91–101. June 2022
Diggins, C.A. and W.M. Ford. 2021. Effects of surveying for the federally endangered Spruce-fir Moss Spider (Microhexura montivaga Crosby & Bishop) on its bryophyte habitat. Southeastern Naturalist 20(1):77-91 January 2021
Diggins, C.A. and W.M. Ford. 2016. Microhabitat selection of the Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus fuscus Miller) Northeastern Naturalist 24(2):173-190 June 2017
Diggins, C.A. L.M. Gilley, C.A. Kelly and W.M. Ford. 2020. Using Ultrasonic Acoustics to Detect Cryptic Flying Squirrels: Seasonality and Survey Length. Wildlife Society Bulletin 44:300-308. June 2020
C.A. Diggins, C.A. Kelly and W.M. Ford. 2016. Aberrant den use of Carolina Northern Flying Squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus coloratus) in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Southeastern Naturalist 14:44-49 January 2016
Ford, W.M., C.A. Diggins, J. De La Cruz and A. Silvis. 2022. Distribution Probability of the Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel in the High Allegheny Mountains. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 9:168-175 March 2022
Presentations Presentation Date
Lipford, K.A., C.A. Diggins and W.M. Ford. 2016. SUMMER OCCUPANCY RATES OF SCIURID POPULATIONS USING CAMERA TRAPS. 26th Annual Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States. Guntersville, AL. February 18-19. February 2016
Lipford, K.A., C.A. Diggins and W.M. Ford. 2016. Summer habitat occupancy of sciurid populations using camera traps. 23rd Annual Wildlife Society Conference, Raleigh NC. Oct 15-19. October 2016
Higdon, S.D., C.A. Diggins. and W.M. Ford. 2016. Summer occupancy of white-tailed deer on southern Appalachian grassy balds. 23rd Annual Wildlife Society Conference, Raleigh, NC. October 15-19. October 2016
Gorman, K.G., C.A. Diggins, C.A. Kelly, R.H. Odom, L.M. Gilley and W.M. Ford. 2023. Endangered Carolina northern flying squirrel (<i>Glaucomys sabrinus coloratus</i>) resource selection in high elevation red spruce (<i>Picea rubens</i>) forests. <b>102nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists. July 14-20, Anchorage, AK.</b> July 2023
Ford, W.M., A. Evans, R.H. Odom, J.L. Rodrigue, C.A. Kelly, N. Abaid and C. Diggins. 2014. MODELING ENDANGERED CAROLINA NORTHERN FLYING SQUIRREL OCCUPANCY. 2014 Colloquium on fhe Conservation of Mammals in the South, Nacogdoches, TX. February 2014
Ford, W.M. and C.A. Diggins. 2017. Seasonal Occupancy and Activity Patterns of Appalachian Spruce-Fir Forests by Tree Bats. 2017 Southern and Central Appalachian High Elevation Restoration Workshop, Gatlinburg, TN. November 14-16. November 2017
Diggins, C.A., W.M. Ford, J.M. Menzel, C. Stihler, C.A. Kelly and A. Evans. 2015. Distribution and Habitat Use of Appalachian Flying Squirrels. International Colloquium on Arboreal Squirrels. Helskink, Finland June1-5. June 2015
Diggins, C.A., W.M. Ford and C.A. Kelly. 2015. Nest box occupancy of the endangered Carolina northern flying squirrel in high-elevation habitats in the southern Appalachian Mountains. 2015 North American Joint Bat Working Group. St. Louis, MO. March 3-7. March 2015
Diggins, C.A., M. Gilley, C. Kelly and W.M. Ford. 2015. Use of Ultrasonic Acoustics as a Monitoring Technique for Endangered Carolina Northern Flying Squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus coloratus) in the Appalachian Mountains. International Colloquium on Arboreal Squirrels. Helsinki Finland. June 1-5. June 2015
Diggins, C.A., L.M. Gilley, C.A. Kelly, and W.M. Ford. 2019. Ultrasonic Acoustic Survey Seasonality and Survey Length to Detect Cryptic Flying Squirrels. 2019 Wildlife Society, Reno, Nevada. Sept 29-Oct. 3. October 2019
Diggins, C.A., L.M. Gilley, C.A. Kelly and W.M. Ford. 2016. USE OF ULTRASONIC ACOUSTICS AS A MONITORING TECHNIQUE FOR ENDANGERED FLYING SQUIRRELS IN THE APPALACHIAN MOUNTIANS. 26th Annual Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States. Guntersville, AL. February 18-19. February 2016
Diggins, C.A., L.M. Gilley and W.M. Ford. 2018. Can Automated Software Tell Bats from Flying Squirrels? 28th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern U.S. Roanoke, VA, March 27-29. March 2018
Diggins, C.A., D.M. Jachhowski, J. Martin and W.M. Ford. 2015. Incidental captures of eastern spotted skunks in a high-elevation red spruce forest in the southern Appalachians. 2015 North American Joint Bat Working Group. St. Louis, MO. March 3-7 March 2015
Diggins, C.A., C.A. Kelly, L.M. Gilley and W.M. Ford. 2016. Comparison of survey techniques on detection of Northern Flying Squirrels: Live traps, camera traps, and ultrasonic acoustics. 23rd Annual Wildlife Society Conference, Raleigh, NC. October 15-19. October 2016
Diggins, C.A., A. Silvis, A. Kniowski, W.M. Ford, G. J. Graete and L.S. Coleman. 2014. ASSESSING WINTER ACTIVITY OF HIBERNATING BATS: LESSONS LEARNED. 2014 Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the South. Nacogdoches, TX . February 2014
Diggins, C.A. and W.M. Ford. 2017. Rare and Endangered Wildlife of Appalachian Spruce-fir Forests: Considerations for Ecological Restoration. 2017 Southern and Central Appalachian High Elevation Restoration Workshop, Gatlinburg, TN. November 14-16. November 2017
Diggins, C.A. and W.M. Ford. 2015. Microhabitat Selection of Virginia Northern Flying Squirrels in West Virginia. Virginia Wildlife Society, Natural Bridge, VA February 2015
Diggins, C,A,, A. Silvis, A. Kniowski, W.M. Ford, G.J. Graeter, and L. Coleman. 2016. ASSESSING WINTER ACTIVITY OF HIBERNATING BATS USING ULTRASONIC ACOUSTICS: LESSONS LEARNED. 26th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States. Guntersville, AL. February 18-19 February 2016
<b>Diggins, C.A. and W.M. Ford. 2020. Seasonal bat activity in high elevation montane conifer sky-islands. Abstracts of the 30th Annual Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States. Athens, GA. February 15</b> February 2020