Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Lindsey Messinger

Phone: (402) 472 - 7074

Research Publications Publication Date
Wszola, L.S., L.N. Messinger, L.F. Gruber, E.F. Stuber, C.J. Chizinski, and J.J. Fontaine. 2020. Use and expenditures on public access hunting lands. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 29:100256. December 2020
Messinger, L.N., E.F. Stuber, C.J. Chizinski and J.J. Fontaine. 2019. Mortality, perception, and scale: Understanding how predation shapes space use in a wild prey population. Plos One 14:e0222272.
December 2019
Fontaine, J.J., A.D. Fedele, L.S. Wszola, L.N. Messinger, C.J. Chizinski, J.L. Lusk, K.L. Decker, J.S. Taylor, and E.F. Stuber. 2019. Hunters and their perceptions of public access: a view from afield. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10:589-601. December 2019
Presentations Presentation Date
Winkler, M.T., L.N. Messinger, and J.J. Fontaine. 2016. Effects of sportspersons on local rural economies. Annual meeting of the Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Steamboat Springs, CO. August 2016
Simonsen, V., J. Laskowski , L.N. Messinger, and J.J. Fontaine. 2015. Examining the influence of landscape context on nest survival. Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Ogallala, NE. February 2015
Messinger, L.N., A. Engel and J.J. Fontaine. 2014. Public access in the Southwest Focus on Pheasants Area. Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Kearney, NE. February 2014
Messinger, L.N. and J.J. Fontaine. 2016. Factors driving hunter site selection between and within regions of concentrated hunting opportunities. Annual meeting of the Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Steamboat Springs, CO. August 2016
Messinger, L.N. and J.J. Fontaine. 2015. Should we care about fear in wildlife populations? Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Ogallala, NE. February 2015
Messinger, L.N. and J.J. Fontaine. 2015. HUNTING IN A MODERN LANDSCAPE: A LARGE-SCALE ASSESSMENT OF HUNTER USE OF PUBLICALLY ACCESSIBLE HUNTING LANDS. Annual meeting of the Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Aug. 10-12, 2015, Manhattan, KS August 2015
Messinger, L.N. and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Pheasant Behavioral Responses to Hunting Pressure and Management Actions. Wildlife Society Annual Meeting Milwaukee, WI. October 2013
Messinger, L.N. and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Pheasant Behavioral Responses to Hunting Pressure and Management Actions. Nebraska Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Chadron, NE. March 2013
Messinger, L.N. and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Pheasant Behavioral Responses to Hunting Pressure and Management Actions. Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting. Boulder, CO. July 2013
Messinger, L.N. and J.J. Fontaine 2015. Should we care about fear in wildlife populations? The Wildlife Society. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada October 2015
Messinger, L. and J.J. Fontaine. Hunter use of public lands in the Rainwater Basin. RWB Information Meeting. March 2016
Messinger, L. and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Pheasant Behavioral Responses to Hunting Pressure and Current Management Actions. Pheasants Forever State Habitat Meeting. Kearney, NE. February 2013
Martin, D.R., L.N. Messinger, K.L. Pope and J.J. Fontaine. 2014. Temporal trends in hunting and angling participation in the United States. Research Seminar, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, NE. February 2014
Martin, D. R., L. N. Messinger, K. L. Pope, and J. J. Fontaine. 2012. Temporal trends in hunting and angling participation in the United States. 73rd Annual Meeting, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Wichita, Kansas. December 2012
Martin, D. R., L. N. Messinger, J. J. Fontaine, and K. L. Pope. 2013. Temporal trends in hunting and angling participation in the United States. Nebraska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Gretna, Nebraska. February 2013
Fontaine, J.J., C. Chizinski, N. Cole, C. Gillespie, A. Lipinski, J. Lusk, L. Messinger, K. Pope, and L. Wszola. Climate change: challenges for wildlife, outdoor enthusiasts, and the future of wildlife management. Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society March 2015
Fontaine, J.J. and L.N. Messinger. 2015. A brief history of pheasant ecology in Nebraska. Nebraska Game and Parks State Habitat Meeting, Kearney, NE. February 2015