Staff Member
Heather Craig
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Will, A., H. McFarland, C. Latty, and A. Powell. 2024. Geolocators, stable isotopes, and citizen science identify migratory timing, route, and spring molt of Smith’s Longspurs. Avian Conservation and Ecology 19(1):13. [online] URL: | Abstract | April 2024 |
McFarland, H. R., S. Kendall, and A. N. Powell. Nest-site selection and nest success of an arctic-breeding passerine, Smith's Longspurs, in a changing climate. The Condor: Ecological Applications 119:85-97. DOI: 10.1650/CONDOR-16-87.1 | February 2017 |
Craig, H.R., S. Kendall, T. Wild, and A. N. Powell. 2015. Dispersal and survival of a polygynandrous passerine. The Auk: Ornithological Advances 132:916-925, DOI: 10.1642/AUK-15-41.1 | Download | October 2015 |
Project | Completion Date |
Ecology of Smith's Longspurs in Northern Alaska | December 2015 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
McFarland, H., A. Will, and A. Powell. 2019. Geolocators and stable isotopes reveal the migratory route and overwintering locations of an arctic-breeding passerine. American Ornithological Society, Anchorage, Alaska. | June 2019 |
Craig, H., S. Kendall, and A. Powell. 2014. Reproductive success of Smith's Longspurs in Alaska's Brooks Range. 16th Alaska Bird Conference, Juneau, AK. | December 2014 |